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As the gold standard in SLAM-based mobile mapping, Emesent is offering one lucky person the chance to win their own Hovermap ST-X. This is no ordinary LiDAR scanner. It’s also no ordinary Emesent Hovermap. It's the world’s first – and only – Golden Hovermap. To enter the draw, simply: 1. Follow Emesent on LinkedIn, and 2. Like, comment or share this LinkedIn post, and 3. Enter your details to go into the draw here: https://lnkd.in/dBxBAkFZ Terms and conditions apply. We'd also like to hear why you'd like to win The Golden Hovermap, so let us know in the comments below. - #Emesent #GoldenHovermap #AEC #Mining #SLAM #LiDAR #Pointclouds #Autonomy #Survey #Hovermap #Gold