EFI’s new Biocities Facility in Rome, Italy, is a global reference in generating and communicating relevant scientific knowledge on the potential of the circular bioeconomy concept to rethink urban areas, particularly based on forest-based solutions.
The Facility is a leader in developing a new and holistic conceptual framework for the use of green infrastructures and biobased solutions in urban environments, to tackle climate change and other global challenges.
Increasingly relevant “urban” sectors and challenges such as building construction (e.g., the New European Bauhaus initiative), fashion, transport, packaging, waste and human health and wellbeing directly benefit from the knowledge and activities generated.
Our work:
The Biocities Facility addresses the following priority topic:
-Circular Biocities: from a concept to the new urban reality
The Facility implements the following key activities:
- Science-policy-business reports to connect the dots between disciplines and sectors that can catalyse transformational change in urban environments.
- Science-policy-business events and to raise awareness and create a new and informed debate on Circular Biocities around key sectors.
- A range of raising awareness communication activities engaging journalists, using different communication platforms and tools: from blogs, exhibitions, awards, etc.
Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rome, Latium
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
forestry, circular bioeconomy, urban forests, green architecture, green transports, global health, agroforestry, sustainable fashion, wood, nature-based-solutions, climate change adaptation, biocities, sustainable cities, trees e forests