Ospedali e strutture sanitarie

Pisa, Tuscany 687 follower

It is one of the 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) focused on rare Connective Tissue and Muscoskeletal Diseases.

Chi siamo

ERN ReCONNET is the European Reference Network on Connective Tissue and Musculoskeletal Diseases. The main aim is to improve the management of rare connective tissue and musculo-skeletal diseases (rCTDs) across the EU. The main objectives of ERN ReCONNET are: - Realisation of the potential of European cooperation among rCTDs stakeholders, by providing a stable and fully functioning European infrastructure on rCTDs - Provision of highly-specialised care for rCTDs patients and promotion of improvements in the cost-effective delivery of diagnosis, management and monitoring of rCTDs patients - Pooling, advancing and exchanging of knowledge and information on rCTDs by providing training and education for rCTDs stakeholders and by facilitating the mobility of expertise - Stimulating and encouraging collaborative patient-centered research in rCTDs - Promoting the empowerment and the involvement of rCTDs patients in the rCTDs community. ERN ReCONNET currently covers the following rCTDs: - Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) - Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) - Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) - IgG4-related diseases (IgG4) - Mixed connective tissue diseases (MCTD) - Relapsing polychondritis (RP) - Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) - Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) - Systemic sclerosis (SSc) - Undifferentiated connective tissue diseases (UCTD) The ERN ReCONNET is a multi-stakeholder infrastructure which serves as a meeting point of needs, feedbacks and expertise for HCPs, patients, families and for other stakeholders involved in rCTDs. Currently, it involves 64 Healthcare Providers: 55 Full Members and 9 Affiliated Partners (APs) over 23 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and The Netherlands. ERN ReCONNET established active partnerships with patients’ representatives (ePAG Advocates).

Ospedali e strutture sanitarie
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Pisa, Tuscany
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso ERN ReCONNET


  • ERN ReCONNET will organize its 2nd International Congress that will be held on April 9th - 11th, 2025 in the stunning Prague (Czech Republic). Save the date and join us for this unique event where knowledge, awareness and a patient-centred approach will be at the cornerstones of our event as it has been been since the beginning of the ERN ReCONNET activity more than five years ago. The program reflects the ERN mission as it covers important topics in the diagnosis and management of rare and complex diseases such epidemiology, diagnosis and clinical management, biobanking and registries, quality. The program has been developed to integrate the perspective of different stakeholders involved in rare diseases management. For this reason we expect that the congress will be of interest not only for specialists but also for people living with a rare disease, caregivers, clinicians, policy makers, industry, and will represent an opportunity for rare and complex connective tissue diseases community to meet, work together and find new inspirations for research, diagnosis and therapy. Registration is OPEN and special fees are available. Abstract submission is also open, the deadline is Nov. 25th! We look forward to welcoming you all in Prague! Check the link for all info and details:

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di ERN ReCONNET, immagine

    687 follower

    The latest ERN RECONNET Newsletter n. 27 – December Edition is out! Take a look at our latest news, actions, and initiatives. Here’s a list of 12 interesting topics you’ll find in the Newsletter: 1. Season's Greetings from the Network Coordinator of ERN ReCONNET 2. 2nd ERN ReCONNET International Congress on rare and low-prevalence connective tissue diseases is coming up! 3. CPMS 2.0 Launch and Training Opportunity 4. Meet our new ePAG Representative for UCTD: Ramona Luciu 5. New member of the Coordination Team 6. ERN ReCONNET @ACR 2024 7. Updates from the ERN ReCONNET Working Groups · Working Group Education and Training · Working Group Young · Working Group on Patient Partnership · Working Group on Registries and eHealth · Working Group on Research and Quality of Care 8. Updates from the ERN ReCONNET Disease Groups · Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) Disease Group · Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) Disease Group · IgG4-related disease (IgG4) Disease Group · Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) Disease Group · Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) Disease Group · Relapsing Polychondritis (RP) Disease Group · Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Disease Group · Sjögren’s (SS) Disease Group · Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) Disease Group · Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD) Disease Group 9. ERN ReCONNET @ERICA 10. 5-years ERN Evaluation: report available 11. ERDERA: new funding opportunities 12. Jardin Joint Action You’re not subscribed to our Newsletter? Subscribe now at this link: #rarediseases #ERNs #europeanreferencenetwork #rarediseasecommunity #scicomm #health #healthcareprofessionals #science #knowledge #experts #healthcare #epag #rheumatology #ERNReCONNETWebinar #educationandtraining #webinar #YouTubeChannel

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  • ERN ReCONNET ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di ERN ReCONNET, immagine

    687 follower

    Season's Greetings from the whole ERN ReCONNET! With the year 2024 ending soon, we would like to thank you all for the amazing contributions that you all are bringing to ERN ReCONNET and to the whole rCTDs community. Over this year, many results were achieved by ERN ReCONNET: we have published the Red Flags on IgG4, the RarERN Path organisational model for systemic sclerosis, we have worked very hard on developing webinars, courses, data sets for our TogethERN ReCONNET registry, as well as new studies and even new methodologies to be used in our ERN, among many other numerous and high-quality activities being implemented in our Network. The year 2025 will bring new exciting initiatives, such as the 2nd ERN ReCONNET Scientific Congress in Prague, the launch of the new CPMS 2.0, of the new National Hubs and of the implementation of the TogethERN ReCONNET registry in our centres as well as a new opportunity for you all to contribute to the new ERN ReCONNET Strategic Board, that will replace the current Steering Committee. Stay tuned! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from ERN ReCONNET #ERNs #rarediseases #europeanreferencenetworks #ERNReCONNET

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di ERN ReCONNET, immagine

    687 follower

    Season's Greetings from the whole ERN ReCONNET! With the year 2024 ending soon, we would like to thank you all for the amazing contributions that you all are bringing to ERN ReCONNET and to the whole rCTDs community. Over this year, many results were achieved by ERN ReCONNET: we have published the Red Flags on IgG4, the RarERN Path organisational model for systemic sclerosis, we have worked very hard on developing webinars, courses, data sets for our TogethERN ReCONNET registry, as well as new studies and even new methodologies to be used in our ERN, among many other numerous and high-quality activities being implemented in our Network. The year 2025 will bring new exciting initiatives, such as the 2nd ERN ReCONNET Scientific Congress in Prague, the launch of the new CPMS 2.0, of the new National Hubs and of the implementation of the TogethERN ReCONNET registry in our centres as well as a new opportunity for you all to contribute to the new ERN ReCONNET Strategic Board, that will replace the current Steering Committee. Stay tuned! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from ERN ReCONNET #ERNs #rarediseases #europeanreferencenetworks #ERNReCONNET

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  • Submit your abstract now for the 2nd ERN ReCONNET Scientific Congress! Today is the last date available to submit your abstract, don't waste this great opportunity, click here to submit your abstract: The 2⃣nd International Congress will take place on April 9th - 11th, 2025 in Prague (Czech Republic). 💡 Knowledge, awareness, and a patient-centred approach have been cornerstones of the activity of #ERNReCONNET in its first five years of activity and the program reflects the ERN mission, covering important topics in the diagnosis and management of rare and complex diseases such as epidemiology, diagnosis and clinical management, biobanking and registries, quality. ⚙️ The program has been developed to integrate the perspective of the different stakeholders involved in #rarediseases management. For this reason, we expect that the congress will be of interest not only to specialists but also to people living with a rare disease, caregivers, clinicians, policymakers, industry, and will represent an opportunity for rare and complex connective tissue diseases community to meet, work together and find new inspirations for research, diagnosis and therapy. ⭐ Registration is OPEN and special fees are available, check if you can apply to those. 🫶 Don't miss it, check the link for all info and details. Join us in Prague! 🔗 #europeanreferencenetwork #diagnosis #guidelines #goodsharingpractice #SystemicSclerosis #Lupus #RelapsingPolychondritis #EhlersDanlosSyndromes #health #experts #scicomm #SystemicLupusErythematous #patient #erns #Antiphospholipidsyndrome #rarediseasecommunity #SjogrenSyndrome #IdiopathicInflammatoryMyopathies #idiopathicinflammatorymyopathies #IgG4RelatedDiseases #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseases #SystemicSclerosis #UndifferentiatedConnectiveTissueDiseases

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