Foto di copertina di Essequadro Eyewear Handmade in Italy
Essequadro Eyewear Handmade in Italy

Essequadro Eyewear Handmade in Italy

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda

Frigento, Frigento 927 follower

Manufacturing company and eyewear distributor. Owner of brands and licenses: Essedue, JPLUS, KYME, Bzp, Silvian Heach.

Chi siamo

ESSEQUADRO is an Italian company which produces certified eyewear (certified by Istituto per la Tutela dei Produttori Italiani n. IT01.It/968.034.V). It is also effective members of the ANFAO, which annually organizes the international optic exhibition of Milan, also known as Mido. It was born from an over 50 years of family experience in this sector, with the purpose of integrate the tradition with the innovation, research and technology, offering a product of the finest quality, by the Italian craft standards. Every pair of glasses goes trough 72 working phases and approximately 50 days of work before being ready in which we use latest machinery. In the detail: a milling machine of acetato with cut a 5 axes; a machine cuts lenses fully automated. While, the cleaning work is completed with “burattatura”; polishing; brushing and the finishings are completely handmade as the tradition teaches. Thanks to techniques and equipment borrowed from other handicraft fields (i.e. jewelry, joinery, goldsmith's art), we can realize every kind of manufacturing, and also peculiar design, always meeting the craftsmanlike features of the optics manufacture. ESSEQUADRO has a warehouse of over 2000 colors of acetate material, already in stock, selected for Essequadro by Italian suppliers. It has also materials with which we can construct exclusive gluing and patterns. Concerning the commercial plans, ESSEQUADRO can offer to the client a complete assistance, and in every moment the customer can assist to the working procedure. ESSEQUADRO commercial offers, make the quality a must, the prices correspond to very competitive for worldwide marketing standards. Every year it'll be participating MIDO in Milan, SILMO in Paris, OPTI Munich, VISION EXPO EAST.

Vendita al dettaglio di abbigliamento e moda
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Frigento, Frigento
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Eyewear, Acetate frames, Sunglasses, Metal Frames, Glasses, Handcraft, Design e Optical frame,


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