Fagoterapia LAB S.r.l. ha diffuso questo post
[#I4ID2024] – 📢 The track on #alternatives to current #antibiotics has started at the 8th edition of the I4ID Congress chaired by Francesca Bernardini from Evotec and Sebastien Coyne from AUROBAC THERAPEUTICS ! 👉With Giuseppe Maccari from Fagoterapia LAB S.r.l. in Italy talking about the application of phage therapy in infectious diseases 👉With Urs Jenal from Biozentrum, University of Basel presenting on a new human Lung Tissue model to study Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and treatment 👉With Yves Briers from Obulytix in Belgium that talked about the use of #PhageLysins for transformatve innovation of the #antibioticmarket co-organized by Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and MabDesign Network With the support of Métropole de Lyon and Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes #infectiousdiseases #immunotherapy #innovation #biotech #antimicrobialResistance #AMR
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