Cantieri navali

Trieste, TS 380.854 follower

We bring on board of our ships a green and digital future. #FutureOnBoard

Chi siamo

Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups and number one by diversification and innovation. And we bring future on board. We are the change we want to bring to the global Industry. We are leader in the realization and life cycle management of all high value-added sectors: cruise ship, naval and offshore vessels and a reference player in all high-tech shipbuilding industry’s sectors, ship repairs and conversions, systems and components production and after-sales services. Headquartered in Trieste (Italy), our Group has built more than 7,000 vessels in over 230 years of maritime history. With almost 20,000 employees, of whom more than 7,800 in Italy, 90.000 job roles, 18 shipyards in 4 continents, today Fincantieri is the leading Western shipbuilder. We have among our clients the major cruise operators, the Italian and the U.S. Navy, in addition to several foreign navies, and we are partner of some of the main European defense companies within supranational programmes.

Cantieri navali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Trieste, TS
Società quotata
Settori di competenza
Ship design, Ship repair and conversion, Shipbuilding, Marine systems production, System integrator, Naval architecture, R&D and innovation, Renewable energies e Project management


Dipendenti presso FINCANTIERI


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    380.854 follower

    The future takes shape at our booth at IDEX & NAVDEX in Abu Dhabi, where our latest innovations for the defense and security industry await you. Flexibility, modifiability, efficiency: the main features of the #FCX30 light frigate come to life at our interactive booth, where you can immerse yourself in our vision of high-tech defense, cross-fertilization between civilian and military, union of tradition and innovation, expertise at the service of the safety of people and the sea. In other words: to discover how we bring the Future on board. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Innovation #Defense #IDEX2025 IDEX_UAE

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    On the occasion of the first day of the IDEX/NAVDEX exhibition in Abu Dhabi, one of the most important events in the shipping industry, we are pleased to announce that #MAESTRAL, our joint venture with EDGE, has been awarded a €500 million contract for a major ‘In-Service Support Strategic Partnership Project’ for the entire UAE Navy fleet by Tawazun Council. The agreement oversees comprehensive maintenance management of the UAE Navy to meet key operational and logistic needs and supports its transformation journey to new levels of performance over the next five years.   The contract award announcement was attended by Hamad #AlMarar, Managing Director & CEO of EDGE Group, Rodrigo Torres, CFO of Edge Group, our Chairman Biagio #Mazzotta, our CEO Pierroberto Folgiero and Dario Deste, our General Manager of the Naval Vessels Division.   Thanks to this important agreement, MAESTRAL will serve as the Industrial Strategic Partner, leveraging the combined capabilities of UAE national and international advanced shipyards and deploying a full range of technical, engineering and management expertise to enhance the quality and performance of the UAE Navy.   #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Innovation

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    We are entering a new geopolitical era, where defence industry is increasingly linked to high technology. In this context, our dual approach that combines civil and military innovation and know how will play a fundamental role. During the Munich Security Conference we had the pleasure to organize the side event “The Era of Defence”, attended, among others, by the Chair of the #NATO Military Committee, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, and the co-founder and co-CEO of Helsing, Dr. Gundbert Scherf, where our CEO Pierroberto Folgiero delivered a speech outlining Fincantieri's strategic vision for the future of the defence industry, underscoring the importance of Security as "the second S" of ESG, and highlighting how Fincantieri is an example of how dual business can represent a significant cultural shift. We confirm our commitment and vision for a defence industry that is founded on the principles of innovation and sustainability, distinctive elements of our Group and of the safer future that we aim to build together. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Defence Marina Militare

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    Oggi, a Roma, a margine del Consiglio Generale di Assonave, si è tenuta una sessione formativa sull’importanza della Cybersecurity nel settore della navalmeccanica rivolta ai soci di Assonave e ai fornitori della nostra supply chain. Alla presenza del Presidente Biagio #Mazzotta, del Direttore di Assonave, Annamaria La Civita, e grazie al contributo di diversi relatori, tra cui quello del CEO di e-phors, Daniele Francesco Ali, si è discusso su come la sicurezza informatica sia diventata una disciplina cruciale per la salvaguardia del nostro Paese e la protezione del nostro business.   La sicurezza è un tema centrale, sia nell’ambito civile che militare, e la crescente minaccia di attacchi informatici richiede una gestione efficace dei rischi che coinvolge tanto le grandi imprese quanto le PMI. In questo, la protezione della supply chain è determinante e richiede competenze ingegneristiche avanzate, sviluppando soluzioni su misura che possano rendere le nostre unità sempre più sicure e funzionali.   Rinnoviamo il nostro impegno nel portare a bordo una nuova dimensione logica delle nostre navi, dove sistemi complessi scambiano in sicurezza informazioni industriali protette per garantire l’incolumità e lo sviluppo costante del nostro settore.   #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Cybersecurity

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    📍 #CoordinatesOnBoard Today we are voyaging to the #Marghera shipyard A cornerstone of Italian shipbuilding for over a century. Established in 1922, today, the #Marghera shipyard is today a symbol of technological excellence and innovation in shipbuilding operations. It has been at the forefront of adopting advanced technologies, which have improved the comfort and safety of the ships built. In recent years, the shipyard has consolidated its role in the construction of high gross tonnage cruise ships, demonstrating #Fincantieri’s ongoing commitment to innovation and craftsmanship. #FutureOnBoard

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    Modernity and sustainability are the key features that make the #MeinSchiffRelax unique. This new unit, delivered at our Monfalcone shipyard, is equipped with cutting-edge technologies, enabling it to minimize emissions, significantly increasing energy efficiency. The ability to utilize #LNG and the presence of an advanced electrical shore-power connection system, ensuring almost emission-free operation even while in port, are just some examples of the strong ecological spirit that makes this vessel outstanding. We are proud to boast, together with TUI, a state-of-the-art ship that represents a significant step towards climate-neutral cruising and that stems from the commitment and passion of our people, for a more sustainable and innovative future. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Innovation #Sustainability TUI Cruises

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    There is no greater satisfaction than sharing the fruits of your labour with those you love. #KidsOnBoard is always a special moment for us, a unique event full of entertainment and colors to celebrate the great achievement of delivering a ship, together with the children of our people. These beautiful images from Mein Schiff Relax remind us that even though we create masterpieces of sustainable innovation at sea every day, happiness lies in the smallest things. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #People

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    Una giornata emozionante presso il Centro Alti Studi Difesa (CASD) a Roma, dove è stato sottoscritto l’accordo attuativo per l’istituzione del Premio di dottorato alla memoria del “Generale Claudio Graziano”, un riconoscimento finanziato dalla Fondazione Fincantieri e destinato alla miglior tesi del XXXVII ciclo di dottorato nelle aree di Scienze strategiche, Studi giuridici per l’innovazione, Leadership e sviluppo organizzativo, oltre che Trasformazione digitale e cyber security. L’accordo è stato siglato dal Generale di Corpo d’Armata Stefano #Mannino, Presidente del CASD, e dal Presidente della Fondazione Fincantieri Fausto Recchia, alla presenza del nostro Presidente Biagio #Mazzotta e del CEO Pierroberto Folgiero. Siamo profondamente orgogliosi di essere parte di questa iniziativa, che non solo onora la memoria del Generale #ClaudioGraziano ricordandone la dedizione, la competenza, lo spessore umano e la professionalità al servizio della Nazione e delle Istituzioni, ma rafforza anche il nostro impegno nel promuovere cultura, innovazione e inclusione attraverso la Fondazione Fincantieri. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #FondazioneFincantieri

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    La consegna a Monfalcone della #MeinSchiffRelax, nuova nave da crociera realizzata per TUI Cruises, ha rappresentato una tappa importante per il nostro gruppo. Questa unità, che vanta soluzioni all'avanguardia come la doppia propulsione a #LNG e gasolio e la shore connection, è un simbolo di innovazione, eccellenza e sostenibilità, in grado di ridurre in modo significativo le emissioni e massimizzare l'efficientamento energetico. Nel servizio realizzato dal TGR Friuli-Venezia Giulia, il nostro CEO Pierroberto Folgiero e il Direttore Generale della Divisione Navi Mercantili Luigi Matarazzo sottolineano l’importanza di questo grande evento, mettendo in luce le straordinarie qualità che rendono unica questa nave. Guarda alcuni estratti del servizio👇 #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Innovazione #Sostenibilità

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FINCANTIERI 1 round in totale

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Debito post-IPO

845.531.892,00 USD

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