Inaugurato il 22 febbraio 2025 a Tokyo il nuovo showroom Topso, uno spazio ricavato da un ex edificio industriale concepito come una galleria d’arte per esporre e far conoscere al mercato Giapponese pezzi d’arredo vintage e moderni di particolare pregio. Una porzione importante dello showroom e dedicata al vetro di Glas Italia con pezzi storici -come il tavolino Glass Table disegnato da Shiro Kuramata nel 1976 – e altri più recenti, come il tavolo Compression disegnato da Philippe Starck e l’armadio Prism Glass Wardrobe disegnato da Tokujin Yoshioka ----------------------- The new Topso showroom was inaugurated on 22 February 2025 in Tokyo, a space carved out of a former industrial building conceived as an art gallery to display and introduce vintage and modern furniture pieces of particular value to the Japanese market. An important portion of the showroom is dedicated to Glas Italia glass with historical pieces - such as the Glass Table designed by Shiro Kuramata in 1976 - and more recent ones, such as the Compression table designed by Philippe Starck and the Prism Glass Wardrobe designed by Tokujin Yoshioka. Topso location : 1F 1-2-3 Ogibashi, Koto-ku, Tokyo Ph Motofumii Sannomiya
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