Sharing a commitment to preserving nature, we are excited to announce the partnership between Ecoluxury Retreats of the World and Green Future Project! Bringing nature and technology together, we’ve developed a customised tool that tracks and monitors, in real time, key indicators of the environmental impact of Ecoluxury Retreats’ projects around the globe. Dive into the video and discover how this platform works.
Green Future Project
Sviluppo di software
Milan, Lombardy 7.530 follower
Supportiamo le aziende a raggiungere il Net Zero, con soluzioni per la decarbonizzazione. Misura, Riduci e Compensa.
Chi siamo
Green Future Project (GFP), climate tech, società Benefit, B Corp e digital partner certificato RINA, nasce con l’obiettivo di supportare le aziende in un percorso di decarbonizzazione completo attraverso un’unica piattaforma. Le imprese possono monitorare i consumi energetici e misurare l’impronta carbonica aziendale e degli eventi, compensare le emissioni residuali attraverso l’acquisto di crediti di carbonio, investire in progetti ambientali attraverso il proprio e-commerce e abbonamenti che coinvolgono i propri dipendenti. Grazie alla tecnologia avanzata di Green Future Project, le aziende possono monitorare in tempo reale il proprio impatto ambientale, tracciare il progresso del progetto supportato tramite dati geospaziali e immagini satellitari oltre che rendicontare i risultati ottenuti. Inoltre, la piattaforma consente alle aziende di comunicare le proprie iniziative di sostenibilità ambientale con massima trasparenza al fine di coinvolgere attivamente la propria community e gli stakeholder.
- Settore
- Sviluppo di software
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Milan, Lombardy
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2020
- Settori di competenza
- SaaS Solutions, ESG Services, Climate Tech Company, Climate Projects, Calculate Carbon Footprint , Utilities Monitoring, Sustainability Reporting, Social Impact, Environmental Strategy, Decarbonisation Strategy e ESG Training
Dipendenti presso Green Future Project
Four years ago, our CEO, Pietro Pasolini dall'Onda, set out with a clear mission: to develop software that enables companies to take the necessary steps to reach Net Zero. A couple of years later, we are not only helping businesses to understand and reduce their impact on the Planet, but also supporting them in scaling their climate action strategy. In 2024, we elevated our efforts, and today, we can proudly say that thanks to our clients and the entire GFP team, it was an incredible year! Scroll through our carousel to discover our journey. Don’t miss a bit of our latest Climate Report:
🇮🇹 Siamo entusiasti di annunciare l’acquisizione del software di Pilio, spin-off dell’Environmental Change Institute dell’University of Oxford. Questa integrazione potenzia il nostro software, offrendo alle aziende strumenti ancora più precisi per monitorare i consumi energetici e calcolare le emissioni lungo il loro percorso di #decarbonizzazione. Con questo nuovo capitolo, potete trovare i nostri nuovi uffici anche a Londra, presso Sustainable Ventures. Un ringraziamento speciale a Catherine Bottrill, CEO di Pilio, e a tutto il team per il loro incredibile supporto. Scopri di più nell’articolo di - 🇬🇧 We are excited to announce the acquisition of the software from Pilio, a spin-off of the Environmental Change Institute at University of Oxford. This integration enhances our software, providing companies with even more accurate tools to monitor energy consumption and calculate emissions along their #decarbonisation journey. With this new chapter, you can also find our new offices in London, at Sustainable Ventures. A special acknowledgment to Catherine Bottrill, CEO of Pilio, and her team for your incredible support. Learn more in the article:
Mercoledì scorso siamo stati a Padova, presso la sede di Intesa Sanpaolo, per il Demo Day “Open Innovation for Tourism” del programma Artes 5.0 - Transformative technologies at your fingertips. Il nostro Partnership Manager, Jonathan Pugerup, ha avuto l’opportunità di presentare come la tecnologia stia rivoluzionando il settore alberghiero e come il nostro software aiuterà il Bianca Maria Palace Hotel nel loro percorso di decarbonizzazione come Proof of Concept del programma. Un ringraziamento a Artes 5.0 - Transformative technologies at your fingertips, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, ARTES 4.0 - Centro di Competenza, cicero dih lazio e EDI Confcommercio, per averci invitato e per aver organizzato questa preziosa occasione di confronto.
Joining forces to make travel a force for good! Our partnership with Flooglebinder | Certified B Corp is an example of how, by coming together, we can create a greater impact for our Planet and biodiversity, turning travel into a powerful ally in this mission.
Travelling responsibly and having the environment at the forefront of our operations means EVERYTHING to us. Our ongoing commitment to net-zero travel is our top priority, so we’re excited to share that our commitment to one of our preservation and restoration efforts just got bigger! Our partnership with the Green Future Project protects some of the world’s most biodiverse areas. Their reserves in the Andean cloud forest safeguard endangered species while preserving essential water sources for nearby communities. This ecosystem faces threats like deforestation from agriculture, mining, and illegal hunting. By protecting 2.13 hectares of land—about 34 tennis courts—we’ve helped Fundación Jocotoco prevent deforestation and the release of 838 tonnes of CO2e into the atmosphere. This work keeps vital carbon stored in the forest and helps sustain a fragile yet crucial environment. This year, we are not just balancing our carbon impact—we’re going beyond it. Through forest protection and tree planting, we are storing and absorbing more carbon than we emit. Want to know more about our environmental commitments? Talk to us… #repsponsibletravel #carbonstorage #preservation #conservation #flooglebinder #studytrip #bcorp
We began collaborating with DELSEY PARIS with the idea of creating a positive environmental impact, and a few years later, here we are! Through our Sustainability Plugin, seamlessly integrated into their website, DELSEY PARIS has invested 1% of its online sales to support the preservation of the Rimba Raya Reserve and the restoration of Posidonia oceanica. Discover their 2024 Climate Impact Report, and contact us at if you’re ready to start investing in Natural Capital.
Last week was packed with incredible events! We were also in Switzerland for the Italian Tech Forum 2025, a key moment to promote tech innovation in Italy and explore new opportunities for collaboration between the Swiss and Italian innovation ecosystems. Our Co-Founder, Briano Martinoni Caleppio, took the stage to share how Green Future Project is growing and how our solutions support companies on their sustainability journey. A huge thank you to Intesa Sanpaolo, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, ITA - Italian Trade Agency and Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Svizzera for having us!
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La settimana scorsa siamo stati alla fiera HospitalityRiva, l’evento di riferimento in Italia per l’industria HoReCa, per parlare di innovazione e sostenibilità. Siamo stati invitati da Elettro-one Srl per raccontare come la tecnologia aiuta le aziende a misurare e ridurre l’impatto ambientale, in particolare grazie al Carbon Footprint e Utilities Optimisation Software è possibile rendicontare tutte le emissioni Scope 1, 2 e 3. Abbiamo poi partecipato a un confronto con FAITA Federcamping, l’associazione delle attività open-air e dei campeggi, per approfondire il ruolo sempre più strategico della sostenibilità aziendale nel settore turistico. Un grazie speciale a Elettro-one Srl, FAITA Federcamping e la Confcommercio Trentino per averci coinvolto in questi momenti di confronto.
Building a corporate culture where sustainability is at its core requires both awareness and action, and training plays a vital role in making that happen. SARA BATTISTELLA, our Sustainability Consultant, recently joined AD Tubi Inossidabili SpA to offer valuable insights on how integrating #sustainability into a company’s strategy can drive lasting impact!
Concrete commitment: our path to sustainability. We want to build a corporate culture where sustainability is part of every choice, and we know that training plays a key role in making that possible. That's why we organized a classroom meeting with SARA BATTISTELLA, Sustainability Consultant at Green Future Project, to talk about the three cross-cutting pillars of sustainability: - Environmental: Training raises employees' awareness of green practices, promoting the adoption of solutions that reduce environmental impact and promote the conservation of natural resources. - Social: Training promotes an inclusive and responsible culture, enhancing employee well-being and strengthening relationships with local communities through ethical and supportive practices. - Economic: Training leads to the adoption of efficient and innovative processes, improving company competitiveness and ensuring responsible management of economic resources. #ADTubiInossidabili #WeldedTubes #Sustainability #Training #SustainableFuture
La lunga attesa è finita! Il nostro nuovo documentario su Valle Bertuzzi, il primo progetto dedicato alle zone umide italiane, è finalmente disponibile! Questo progetto rappresenta un passo concreto per la tutela di questo importante ecosistema in Italia. È qui che l’incontro fra terra e acqua e fra ambiente e attività umane rende la Valle un esempio di conservazione e gestione sostenibile degli ambienti naturali. Guarda il documentario ora! 🔗
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