Gruppo Lunelli​

Gruppo Lunelli

Produzione di bevande

Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige 2.417 follower

Italian excellence in the glass.

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The Gruppo Lunelli was inspired by the Lunelli family’s vision to create a remarkable collection of Italian drinks brands that each represent both the standard of excellence in its category and a deep respect for its native territory. The family’s enterprise began in 1952, when Bruno Lunelli purchased a small winery founded by Giulio Ferrari in 1902. Today, Ferrari Trento is Italy’s leading traditional method sparkling winery and the toast of Italy par excellence. Starting in the 1980s the Lunelli family has endeavored to align Ferrari with products that share its vision for quality. Segnana, a historic distillery in Trento, crafts a modern grappa with unique charm, through the combination of time, tradition and innovation. Surgiva is an extraordinarily light mineral water from a high-altitude source in the heart of the Adamello-Brenta Natural Park, in the Italian Alps. Sold exclusively in its distinctive clear glass bottle, Surgiva is offered in the finest dining establishments and hotels. The group’s still wines, under the Tenute Lunelli umbrella, are produced from organic vineyards. • The Margon Estate in Trentino capitalizes on its expertise with Chardonnay and Pinot Noir acquired over generations. • Podernovo, on the Tuscan Coast, specializes in Sangiovese. • Castelbuono, in Umbria, is dedicated to the powerful Montefalco Sagrantino wine and is unforgettable thanks to the “Carapace,” which is both a working winery and a work of sculpture created by Arnaldo Pomodoro. Bisol1542 is a historic benchmark brand for Prosecco Superiore in Valdobbiadene and reaffirms the leadership of the Gruppo Lunelli in the world of Italian sparkling wines. Cedral Tassoni is an integral part of Italy’s cultural heritage, well-known for its iconic citron soda, its two hundred years of history and a tradition of craftmanship in soft drinks using natural ingredients.

Sito Web
Produzione di bevande
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige
Società privata non quotata


Dipendenti presso Gruppo Lunelli​


  • Gruppo Lunelli​ ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Patrick Simoni, immagine

    Global Marketing Director and Innovation at FERRARI Trento - Gruppo Lunelli | ex Coca Cola | ex Heineken

    Tassoni ha una storia incredibile. Una storia da vero mito, tutto italiano. Dall'acquisizione del Gruppo Lunelli nel 2021 è iniziata una NUOVA ERA. Orgoglioso di poterne scrivere un pezzo.

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Tassoni, immagine

    2.731 follower

    Un viaggio nella storia di Tassoni. Sinonimo di qualità da oltre 200 anni, Cedral Tassoni nasce come Spezieria nel 1793 a Salò, sulle rive del Garda. Scopri tutte le tappe che ci hanno portato a diventare un'icona del beverage italiano.

  • Gruppo Lunelli: Presentato per la prima volta il Report di Sostenibilità relativo a tutte le aziende del Gruppo. Il Gruppo Lunelli presenta per la prima volta il suo Report di Sostenibilità, un documento redatto secondo gli standard internazionali GRI, che raccoglie le numerose iniziative messe in atto dalle aziende che lo compongono, con l’obiettivo di conciliare crescita economica e responsabilità sociale e ambientale.

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  • Il Gruppo Lunelli è orgoglioso di annunciare che Matteo Bruno Lunelli, AD Gruppo Lunelli, Presidente e Ceo Ferrari Trento è stato insignito dal Presidente della Repubblica della prestigiosa onorificenza di Cavaliere del Lavoro, il più alto riconoscimento del nostro Paese per un imprenditore.   Il titolo viene conferito ogni anno a sole venticinque persone che si siano distinte per il significativo contributo alla promozione dell’economia nazionale e per il loro elevato impegno etico e sociale, mirato al miglioramento delle condizioni di vita e di lavoro del Paese.   La passione con cui Matteo guida la nostra squadra del Gruppo Lunelli e i brand @Ferrari Trento @BISOL1542 e Jeio @Tassoni @Surgiva @Grappa Segnana @Tenute Lunelli e @Locanda Margon, che portano nel mondo l’eccellenza del Made in Italy, lo ha portato a questo importante riconoscimento.   Complimenti vivissimi a Matteo, per questo splendido traguardo. 

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  • Ferrari Trento, Surgiva and Locanda Margon alongside Action Against Hunger Gruppo Lunelli commits to Action Against Hunger by joining ‘Restaurants Against Hunger’, the largest solidarity campaign in the restaurant industry in Italy, which kicks off with World Food Day on October 16th. Ferrari Trento, Surgiva and Locanda Margon become part of the initiative, now in its tenth edition, which involves over 200 restaurants. With the ‘Bollicine Solidali’ (Solidarity Sparkling Wine) project, the Trentino winery is donating up to 2,000 bottles of Ferrari Maximum Blanc de Blancs to Action Against Hunger, which will be offered to guests in participating restaurants at 50 euro each. All proceeds will be destined to support the organisation's activities aimed at strengthening food security both in Italy (Naples and Milan) and in some foreign countries including Lebanon, India and the Central African Republic. Surgiva, Gruppo Lunelli’s natural mineral water, joins this cause and accompanies the super solidarity events scheduled for October from the north to the south of the country. Among the restaurants supporting the initiative there is also Locanda Margon, Gruppo Lunelli's starred restaurant in Trento. Chef Edoardo Fumagalli will promote, on October 28th, a solidarity dinner with Chef Domenico Candela of the 2 starred George Restaurant in Naples (for info and reservations: | +39 345 6165893). Throughout the entire campaign, Locanda Margon guests will be able to taste ‘Margon farm goat's milk risotto, roasted pumpkin sauce, Garda lemon peel and toasted pumpkin seeds’ as a solidarity dish that will uphold Action Against Hunger’s projects.  ‘We are very pleased to support an initiative that sees the protagonists of the restaurant industry teaming up for such an important cause that is close to their own world,’ commented Camilla Lunelli, Vice President of Ferrari Trento and Gruppo Lunelli’s Director of Communications. ‘I have had the opportunity to personally get to know and appreciate the activities of Action Against Hunger in the countries where it operates and I am therefore particularly pleased that Ferrari Trento, Surgiva and Locanda Margon are helping to sustain them.’

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  • Surgiva becomes Carbon Neutral   Surgiva, which has always been attentive to sustainability,  has obtained Carbon Neutrality Scope 1, 2 and partial 3 certification. This result is the fruit of a process of reduction and offsetting of the company's carbon footprint; the Trento-based company has improved energy efficiency through investments and optimisation of production processes and now uses energy from exclusively renewable sources, including from the photovoltaic park installed on the plant. #Surgiva #CarbonNeutral #sustainability

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  • Matteo Bruno Lunelli, CEO of Gruppo Lunelli, has been awarded with the prestigious honour of Cavaliere del Lavoro (Knight of Labour) by the President of the Italian Republic, a recognition conferred every year on just twenty-five entrepreneurs who have distinguished themselves for their significant contribution to the promotion of the national economy and for their high ethical and social commitment, aimed at improving the country's living and working conditions. Discover More:

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