Fieri di aver preso parte a questa iniziativa finanziata nell’ambito delle attività del programma GOL, ringraziamo tutti i partners per la preziosa collaborazione e l’impegno profuso per la riuscita del progetto! Poltrona Frau Confindustria Macerata Assindustria Servizi srl Regione Marche
Poltrona Frau introduces "Atelier dei Saperi", a unique project dedicated to preserving and passing on artisanal excellence. A training course that blends tradition and innovation, designed to shape the next generation of Leather Goods Model Makers. Supported by the GOL program and in collaboration with IAL Marche, Confindustria Macerata, Regione Marche and Assindustria Servizi srl, this initiative provides a tangible opportunity to develop specialized skills and strengthen our bond with the local community. The project, launched in October 2024 and ending in February 2025, includes 500 hours of training combining theory, hands-on practice, and internships, guided by our master craftsmen, ensuring the transmission of our company’s know-how. The future of craftsmanship begins today. Read the news: #PoltronaFrau #AtelierdeiSaperi #Craftsmanship
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