IEMEST Istituto Euro-Mediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia

IEMEST Istituto Euro-Mediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia

Servizi di ricerca

Palermo, Italia 998 follower

Working intelligence Spreading Knowledge

Chi siamo

The Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology (IEMEST) is a no-profit research organization, as defined at art. 30, paragraph 1, of the EC Regulation 800/2008, recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and registered at the National and European databases for the research associations. In 2012 he applied for and received the recognition of the legal personality. The Institute pursues as institutional purposes to generate, transfer, share and disseminate knowledge and technological innovation. It supports scientific and technological research of high quality, encouraging and supporting research and training of graduates and researchers in the Euro-Mediterranean Area and promoting the career of researchers. It has as main purpose to carry out basic and industrial research as well as experimental development, and to disseminate results through publications, technology transfer and / or teaching. All profits are reinvested in these activities. The research activities of the IEMEST are documented by numerous scientific articles published in international journals with bibliometric indicators and surveyed from databases recognized by the international scientific community. These publications contribute to the Institute a growing visibility on the international scene, encouraging the development of valuable partnerships and the creation of scientific networks of high level.

Sito Web
Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Palermo, Italia
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
research, Stress Biology and Medicine, Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Biomaterials, Communication, Interactive Graphics and Augmented Reality, Neuroscience, Advanced Molecular Research, Human Sciences e Environment, Land and Renewable Energies


Dipendenti presso IEMEST Istituto Euro-Mediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia


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