Infra Journal

Infra Journal

Editoria: quotidiani

Infra Journal is the new way of reading the future of mobility and of the infrastructure sector.

Chi siamo

Infra Journal talks about the world of infrastructure and mobility and its target ranges from specialized operators and professionals to teachers, researchers, analysts and investors. It proposes international themes, with the objective of stimulating debate and discussion on a sector that is undergoing major economic, technological, social and environmental changes. The widespread editorial staff of Infra Journal is made up of qualified journalists, academics and experts in the sector. It aims to regularly provide data, information, trends and analysis for those who strive to put in motion the community to which they belong.

Editoria: quotidiani
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1 dipendente
Sede principale
Rome, Milan
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione



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