Foto di copertina di INNOVA HTS


Studi medici

Senna Comasco, Lombardia 2.808 follower

Chi siamo

INNOVA HTS mission will be to act as "Sales & Marketing Incubator" ideal for Start Up Companies with innovative products, but also as partners for commodities products companies which still want to benefit from the experience and expertise of its founders. INNOVA HTS wants to become a strategic partner able to work closely with various companies, thanks to the deep knowledge of the market and its main actors, like the physicians. INNOVA HTS is able to guarantee to its companies a prompt access to the different national Key Opinion Leaders. The over twenty years experience of the founders is a guarantee of quality, reliability and professionalism especially in the field of Cardio Vascular. Aldo Pagani has launched into the Italian market many products produced by Start Up Companies, then acquired by the biggest companies in the field,among which Acist (Bracco), Biocompatibles and Mednova (Abbot), IVT (Boston Scientific), Fox Hollow (EV3), FX Minirail (Guidant), Ymed and Loma Vista (Bard), Cryocath, CoreValve, Ardian, LifeTech (Medtronic), Light Lab (St. Jude), CardiAQ (Edwards). Stefano Rezzani in the position of Sales & Marketing Manager has successfully managed the launch of several products such as AGA (Leader in treatment of Congenital Heart Disease PFO — DIA now St.Jude) Balt and Numed (Leader in Aortic Valvuloplasty and Pediatric Cardiology). He has built up a deep experience with Peripheral Endovascular products as well.

Studi medici
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Senna Comasco, Lombardia
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Distribuzione prodotti Biomedicali e Settore: Cardio Vascolare


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