Large Action Models (LAMs) is a new buzz word. The concept behind it and why it is also relevant in the Legal Domain (in particular for public sector administration) is the focus of this weeks edition of the Legal Informatics Newsletter. The concept enhances the idea of independent agents by more flexible legal workflow automation and will be also relevant for other areas of mass work in the legal sector. LAMs a typical representative of Compound AI as various AI technologies and concepts are put together for this model approach. #artificialintelligence #law #judiciary #publicadministration #innovation
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Innovation, Technologies, Digital Culture The project is aimed at analyzing all the aspects involving Innovation, nurturing the appropriate adoption of Technologies, by developing the necessary Digital Culture.
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AI RISK MANAGEMENT Governare i Rischi dell'Intelligenza Artificiale #ai #risk_management
AI RISK MANAGEMENT Governare i Rischi dell'Intelligenza Artificiale #ai #risk_management
C'è uno spettro che si aggira per i tribunali di tutto il mondo: è quello della cosiddetta #inGiustizia_algoritmica...
Le suggestioni resistibili della (in)Giustizia Algoritmica
Experienced Leader in Risk, Security, Resilience, Safety, and Management Sciences | PhD Candidate, Researcher and Scholar
#Cybersecurity "Systemic risk is the likelihood of the eventuality that we suffer a serious financial crisis that can culminate in an economic recession. Systemic crises are not frequent – a typical OECD country can be expected to suffer one in only one year out of 43. However, when they happen, the consequences are severe – witness 1929 and 2008. When we discuss the systemic consequences of outsourcing to the cloud, we are not talking about major IT systems failures. These can be costly, even in the range of tens or hundreds of billions of dollars, but systemic crises are much costlier still – in the trillions of dollars for the largest economies. In order for outsourcing to the cloud to impact systemic risk, we must focus on how the likelihood of these infrequent and costly events will be affected. " Read More -->> #travelsecurity #travelsafety #travel #businesstravel #tourism #travelrisks #travelriskmanagement #crisis #crisismanagement #complexity #chaos #crisisleadership #crisisplan #crisismanagementplan #stress #governance #decisionmaking #riskmanagement #riskinformed #securitymanagement #securityriskmanagement #resilience #humanfactors #emergency #disaster #emergencyresponse #risk #risks #enterpriserisk #enterprisesecurityriskmanagement #intelligence #threatlintelligence #riskmanagement #riskanalysis #riskassessment #riskmanagementframework #operationalriskmanagement #projectriskmanagement #projectrisk #operationalresilience #resilience #operationalrisk #riskintelligence #governance #safety #safetyfirst #safetymanagement #safetyassessment #safetyrisks #safetyculture #safetyanalysis #personalsafety #workplacesafety #healthandsafety #hazard #danger #peril #threat #PPE #protectivesafety #workplacesafety #security #securityriskmanagement #securitymanagement #securityrisks #enterprisesecurity #cybersecurity #physicalsecurity #informationsecurity #digitalsecurity #securityoperations #enterprisesecurityriskmanagement #securityassessment #intelligence #threatlintelligence #risk #riskmanagement
Systemic consequences of outsourcing to the cloud
AI & Coscienza – Dal “problema difficile” all’Epifenomeno Per molto tempo, parlare di #coscienza ha rappresentato un vero tabù, le cose poi sono rapidamente cambiate in tempi recenti con il ritorno di moda dell’#IntelligenzaArtificiale
AI & Coscienza – Dal “problema difficile” all’Epifenomeno
#FakeNews e Post Verità - Cosa sono le Fake News e Come Contrastarle - Paper Preview
Fake News & Post Verità
AI & Etica - La Tesla che sterza prova più del dovuto - Se la decisione di sterzare fosse realmente attribuibile alla macchina, ciò rischierebbe di rivelarsi un clamoroso autogoal dal punta di vista non solo etico, ma anche giuridico... #selfdrivingcars #AIEthics #generativeAI
AI & Etica – La Tesla che sterza prova più del dovuto
Il Deep Fake è nell'occhio di chi vede - Come orientarsi affidabilmente nella jungla informativa di "falsi autentici" in cui sembra essersi trasformata la rete? #deepfakes #disinformation #generativeAI #criticalthinking
Il Deep Fake è nell’occhio di chi vede
Le implicazioni metodologiche dell'assegnazione del Nobel per la fisica e la chimica per i meriti dell'Intelligenza Artificiale #artificialintelligence #nobel #metodoscientifico #conoscenza
Il Nobel per la Fisica assegnato alla AI perde di vista il metodo scientifico autentico