Debunking recurring myths: when the pain affects the leg, is it always sciatica? No. Sciatica is diagnosed only when the pain is directly caused by compression of one of the roots of the sciatic nerve (L3-L4-L5-S1) and consequently distributed in the relative innervation territory. Moreover, not all pain radiating to the lower limb shows this distribution and is directly caused by the lumbar nerve compression. In fact, the sciatic nerve can be compressed by structures further downstream towards the pelvis or lower limbs, in which case only some of the nerve branches will be involved. Alternatively, pain that starts in the hip can spread to the thigh. In these cases, we talk of "pseudo sciatica", which has nothing to do with true sciatica caused by radiculopathy. Trochanteritis, a form of bursitis with lateral hip tendinopathy, can also cause lateral pain throughout the thigh. And, finally, certain urogynecological problems can cause pain to radiate to the groin/thigh region. It is therefore important to assess the patient carefully and avoid simply dismissing pain radiating to the lower limb as "sciatica". #myths #sciatica #leg #legs #legpain #backpain #sciaticnerve #pelvis #lowerlimbs #lowbackpain #pseudosciatica #radiculopathy #backpathology #pain #trochanteritis #tendinopathy #spine #spinehealth #health #healthcare
Ospedali e strutture sanitarie
We promote and deliver an innovative approach in the rehabilitation treatment of vertebral/back pathologies.
Chi siamo
ISICO - "Italian Scientific Institute for the Spine" promotes and develops an innovative approach in the rehabilitation treatment of non-surgical diseases of the spine, from the child to the elderly. A common feature is the attention to the person: we take a special care of the psychological impact of the disease, without disregarding obviously the medical needs, but by enhancing the effectiveness of treatments through personalization, motivation and by sharing the goals and the individualized treatment programs . Clinical practise Each year more than 6700 patiens coming from all over Italy but also from several foreign countries look for consultation in one of our clinics: the headquarter in Milan is supported by other 27 clinics in Italy, where all diseases of the spine of nonsurgical interest are treated conservatively. scoliosis kyphosis neck pain osteoporosis Research & Education ISICO works closely with Italian and foreign research institutes and universities, is an active member of SOSORT (International Scientific Society for research on scoliosis and its non-surgical treatment) and translates its research efforts in a careful and continuous disclosure on one side through publications in journals of scientific literature at national and international level, but also through the organization of the National Congress "Spine & Rehabilitation". In addition ISICO organizes the annual Master's degree focused on the treatment of spinal pathologies, further to international courses which focus on the SEAS protocol aimed at professionals from all over the world. Thanks to the high number of scientific publications (over 180 publications of international importance, PubMed indexed) ISICO can be considered as a benchmark for authority and specialization, first in Italy for number of publications in the field of non-surgical treatment of scoliosis. Sito Web
- Sito Web
Link esterno per ISICO
- Settore
- Ospedali e strutture sanitarie
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Milano
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2002
- Settori di competenza
- Health e Research
Via Bellarmino 11
Milano, 20141, IT
Dipendenti presso ISICO
The assessment of global coronal alignment primarily relies on evaluating the C7 plumb line, the central sacral vertical line, pelvic tilt, and shoulder symmetry. Conducting an in-depth examination is crucial when addressing spinal deformities. This study aimed to establish a comprehensive array of coronal alignment metrics and to explore the distinctions between individuals without spinal abnormalities and those with mild scoliosis. It also examined the interplay between coronal and sagittal alignment and how age might affect these relationships. The results indicated that global coronal metrics were similar in both individuals without spinal issues and those with scoliosis less than 35 degrees. Coronal alignment indicators were not affected by age, whereas sagittal alignment metrics showed significant variation with age. There was no direct correlation between coronal and sagittal alignments. Read the full article 👉🏻 #age #coronalalignment #mildscoliosis #normativevalues #radiographicparameters #sagittalalignment #scoliosis #spinaldeformity #spinalpathology #idiopathicscoliosis #adolescentidiopathicscoliosis #spine #spinehealth #health #healthcare
We are often asked whether patients with scoliosis, particularly those undergoing bracing treatment, can work out in the gym. Although working out in the gym is possible for those with scoliosis and can indeed be beneficial if the necessary precautions are taken. Be sure to find a professional trainer, keep your doctor in the loop, and listen to your body because these are the keys to safe and effective training. Read the article on our blog 👉🏻 #brace #fitness #gym #physicalactivity #scoliosis #idiopathicscoliosis #adolescentidiopathicscoliosis #AIS #spinalpathology #curvedback #exercise #sport #bracing #backbrace #backpain #spine #spinehealth #health #healthcare
Manual Cobb angle measurement limitations underscore the need for automated tools. This study employed a vertebral landmark extraction method and Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) to predict scoliosis progression. The FNN demonstrated superior accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, aiding in tailored treatments for potential scoliosis progression. Addressing FNNs' over-fitting issue through strategies like "dropout" or regularization could further enhance their performance. This study presents a promising step towards automated scoliosis diagnosis and prognosis. Link to the article 👉🏻 #Cobbangles #Cobbangle #FeedforwardNeuralNetwork #FNN #adolescentidiopathicscoliosis #AIS #idiopathicscoliosis #scoliosis #spinaldeformity #spinalpathology #deeplearning #AI #landmark #scoliosisprogression #automation #diagnosis #prognosis #spine #spinehealth #health #healthcare
Michele Romano - Member of the Faculty of our Scoliosis Online Master Course 👨⚕️ Director of Physiotherapy and co-founder of ISICO. 🎧 Faculty member of the Scoliosis Online Master course since 2016 🧑🔬 Over 30 years of experience in the treatment of spinal pathologies, especially scoliosis 🏆 Past President of SOSORT 📚 Author of numerous articles on the conservative treatment of scoliosis, published in internationally indexed journals. First author of the Cochrane systematic review on exercises and scoliosis and co-author of two other reviews. 👨⚕️ Developer of the SEAS approach, recognized as one of the most effective and actively spread throughout the world through hundreds of training courses. 🎯 His lectures in the course are 🎧 “SEAS approach ”, 🎧 “SEAS self-correction”, 🎧 “SEAS exercises ”, 🎧 “SEAS for adults “ ⏰ We remind you that the tenth edition is currently underway, and it is still possible to register/participate. 👉 #ScoliosisExperts #ScoliosisTreatment #SpinalDeformities #SpinalTreatment #MedicalEducation #ContinuingEducation #NonSurgicalTreatment #SpinalRehabilitation #PhysicalTherapy #OrthopedicTreatment #ScoliosisManagement #ScoliosisCare #IdiopathicScoliosis #AdolescentScoliosis #InfantileScoliosis #DegenerativeScoliosis #CongenitalScoliosis #NeuromuscularScoliosis #AdultScoliosis #PediatricScoliosis #ScoliosisAwareness #ScoliosisResearch #ScoliosisEducation #ScoliosisSupport
Prevenire è il primo passo per una schiena in salute! #ISICO #ScreeningGratuito #Scoliosi #Prevenzione SCREENING PER LA SCOLIOSI Continuiamo le nostre iniziative locali in una delle nostre 47 sedi italiane! Questa volta siamo in Sicilia, in provincia di Catania - La valutazione sarà effettuata dalla nostra specialista, la Dott.ssa Maria Chiara Reitano, fisiatra. ℹ️ Posti limitati! Prenota subito scrivendo a 📩 📅 Martedì 4 Marzo ⏰ Dalle ore 15.30 alle 19:30 📍 Via S. Nicolò, 8 – Aci Catena (CT) 0331841820 📧
Fabio Zaina - Member of the Faculty of our Scoliosis Online Master course 👨⚕️ Specialised in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation @Univr, graduated in osteopathy, and teacher in ECM courses on scoliosis and spinal pathologies. 🎧 Faculty member and Teaching Staff of the Scoliosis Online Master course since 2016 🧑🔬 Medical collaborator and researcher @ISICO since 2006. 🏆 Former President of SOSORT and current Site Director of the course Principles and Practice of Clinical Research @HarvardMed. 📚 Author of over 130 scientific articles in Medline-indexed journals. 👨⚕️ In daily clinical practice he promotes the conservative treatment of scoliosis with a scientific and innovative approach. 🎯 His lectures in the course are 🎧 “Clinical evaluation ”, 🎧 “Bracing evidence ”, 🎧 “PSSE: actual evidence ”, 🎧 “Adult Scoliosis “ 🎧 “ADIS conservative treatment ” ⏰ We remind you that the tenth edition is currently underway, and it is still possible to register/participate. 👉 #ScoliosisExperts #ScoliosisTreatment #SpinalDeformities #SpinalTreatment #MedicalEducation #ContinuingEducation #NonSurgicalTreatment #SpinalRehabilitation #PhysicalTherapy #OrthopedicTreatment #ScoliosisManagement #ScoliosisCare #IdiopathicScoliosis #AdolescentScoliosis #InfantileScoliosis #DegenerativeScoliosis #CongenitalScoliosis #NeuromuscularScoliosis #AdultScoliosis #PediatricScoliosis #ScoliosisAwareness #ScoliosisResearch #ScoliosisEducation #ScoliosisSupport
Radiographic methods for evaluating skeletal maturity traditionally include the Risser sign and the hand-wrist maturation method. While the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) stage is widely recognized in orthodontics, its application in assessing spinal growth, particularly in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), has been less explored. This study, exploring the correlation between CVM, chronological age, and the Risser sign, found that the CVM stage, which shows a strong correlation with Risser sign grading, could serve as a reliable alternative for assessing skeletal maturity in adolescent subjects, particularly in clinical scenarios where minimizing radiation exposure is a priority. Read the full article 👉🏻 #adolescentidiopathicscoliosis #idiopathicscoliosis #scoliosis #cervicalvertebralmaturation #cervicalspine #chronologicalage #age #Rissersign #skeletalmaturity #backpain #curvedback #spinalpathology #spinaldeformity #X-rays #radiography #spine #spinehealth #health #healthcare
Up to what age can scoliosis get worse? Growth is the "fuel" driving the progression of scoliosis: the more rapid an individual’s growth, the worse their scoliosis will get, and unless it is treated, it will continue to get worse as long as they keep on growing. It is impossible to say exactly when growth will speed up, or predict when it will stop: every youngster is different. Most stop growing between 16 and 19 years of age, boys later than girls. A doctor can determine when a teenager has nearly finished growing in two ways: one is to monitor their growth rate (on average, growth halves every year after puberty until it stops) and the other is to carry out X-rays, looking for progressive reduction of the growth plates. When a patient’s growth rate drops below 2 cm per year, and their scoliosis is not very important, it is probably stabilising. Different is the case when the scoliosis is above 30/35° - at that point the asymmetrical compression on the vertebrae requires not only to reach the end of bone growth but also the total bone maturity to avoid further progression - not important, but still relevant at that level of scoliosis. Link to our FAQs 👉🏻 #scoliosis #idiopathicscoliosis #adolescentidiopathicscoliosis #worsening #progression #spinalpathology #spinaldeformity #growth #growthplates #backpain #X-rays #spine #spinehealth #health #healthcare
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients who undergo surgical correction of the spine are often intensively involved in sports. For that, returning to the sport is often an important concern for the patients and their families. This study revealed that, on average, AIS patients returned to sport activities 8 months postoperatively, and about 30% of the study population could return to exactly the same sport activity as preoperatively. Interestingly, the length of the performed posterior fusion and fusions to the lower lumbar spine had no influence on the time of return to athletic activities. These results might be useful for surgeons’ pre-treatment consultations when informing AIS patients about postsurgical outcomes. Read the article 👉🏻 #AIS #adolescentidiopathicscoliosis #idiopathicscoliosis #scoliosis #Cobbangle #backtosport #sport #sports #correctionsurgery #spinalsurgery #spinesurgery #surgery #sportactivities #backpain #spine #spinehealth #health #healthcare
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