Foto di copertina di ISICO


Ospedali e strutture sanitarie

We promote and deliver an innovative approach in the rehabilitation treatment of vertebral/back pathologies.

Chi siamo

ISICO - "Italian Scientific Institute for the Spine" promotes and develops an innovative approach in the rehabilitation treatment of non-surgical diseases of the spine, from the child to the elderly. A common feature is the attention to the person: we take a special care of the psychological impact of the disease, without disregarding obviously the medical needs, but by enhancing the effectiveness of treatments through personalization, motivation and by sharing the goals and the individualized treatment programs . Clinical practise Each year more than 6700 patiens coming from all over Italy but also from several foreign countries look for consultation in one of our clinics: the headquarter in Milan is supported by other 27 clinics in Italy, where all diseases of the spine of nonsurgical interest are treated conservatively.
 scoliosis kyphosis neck pain osteoporosis Research & Education ISICO works closely with Italian and foreign research institutes and universities, is an active member of SOSORT (International Scientific Society for research on scoliosis and its non-surgical treatment) and translates its research efforts in a careful and continuous disclosure on one side through publications in journals of scientific literature at national and international level, but also through the organization of the National Congress "Spine & Rehabilitation". 
In addition ISICO organizes the annual Master's degree focused on the treatment of spinal pathologies, further to international courses which focus on the SEAS protocol aimed at professionals from all over the world. 
Thanks to the high number of scientific publications (over 180 publications of international importance, PubMed indexed) ISICO can be considered as a benchmark for authority and specialization, first in Italy for number of publications in the field of non-surgical treatment of scoliosis. Sito Web

Sito Web
Ospedali e strutture sanitarie
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Health e Research


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Raccolta fondi

ISICO 1 round in totale

Ultimo round


54.634,00 USD


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