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Macs Tech SRL

Macs Tech SRL

Servizi di stampa

World is full of color just waiting to be printed

Chi siamo

Macs Tech, innovating Hardware and Software technology, is dedicated to ceramic industry and specialized in the entire ceramic process management, considering the characteristic of the whole ceramic process and not just the color ensuring a future reproducibility by different manufacturing processes. Our hardware and software are designed and implemented from innovation and continue research, based on customer needs, collected from our long experience in the ceramic sector, and having the purpose to create business value. Macs Tech with 20 years of unique experience in the ceramic sector, has developed a suite of products devoted to solving the problems faced by the ceramic industry. After initially developing simple yet powerful sorting machines, still in production, it has been created the first color management system specifically designed for the ceramic industry. Based on self-designed spectral scanner technology, it guarantees perfect reproduction of original surfaces, including both natural and artificial materials such as ceramic tiles. Keracromia, Macs Tech’s core product, is the innovative application suite which aims to solve the reproducibility issue of the ceramic industry. Through the innovative technology, products can be created with the correct color tone regardless of variations in production conditions, such as different printers, inks, sizes, glazes or kilns.

Servizi di stampa
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
software, hardware, ceramic, color management, gestione processo, scanner spettrali e assistenza clienti


Dipendenti presso Macs Tech SRL

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