Il Convegno Annuale organizzato dalla branch italiana di International Fiscal Association si terrà il prossimo 4 marzo presso l’hotel Principe di Savoia, a Milano. I lavori della giornata, che saranno aperti dal Vice Ministro dell’Economia e delle Finanze Maurizio Leo, da Alberto Trabucchi e da Guglielmo Maisto, riguarderanno le recenti novità introdotte dalla recente riforma fiscale 2025 in particolare in materia di fiscalità indiretta, persone giuridiche ed enti e persone fisiche. Per Maisto e Associati, interverrà Marco Cerrato. #tax #fiscalitànazionale #internationaltaxation
Chi siamo
Maisto e Associati is an independent Italian law firm specialised in tax law. Established in 1991 by lawyers with many years of experience in the field, Maisto e Associati has grown consistently in size and reputation and now has over 60 members (partners, of counsels and associates). With a proven track record in tackling even the most complex cases, clients receive the benefit of years of experience combined with customized care and advice to the highest standard. Most of the firm members participate in advisory bodies and study groups, are frequent speakers at congresses and contribute to publications and to the most prestigious Italian and foreign tax journals, thus maintaining a cutting-edge knowledge of the most advanced tax issues. Several firm members have substantial experience in international taxation issues, having worked in The Netherlands, Switzerland, the USA and the UK. The firm has been consistently ranked for several years by independent researchers as tier 1 Italian tax law firm (Chambers & Partners; The Legal 500; International Tax Review Word Tax and World Transfer Pricing).
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Maisto e Associati
- Settore
- Servizi legali
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Milan
- Tipo
- Società di persone
- Data di fondazione
- 1991
Piazza Filippo Meda 5
Milan, IT
Piazza d'aracoeli
Roma, Lazio 00186, IT
53/54 Grosvenor Street
London , W1K 3HU, GB
Dipendenti presso Maisto e Associati
This week, our offices in Rome served as the perfect backdrop for a lunch with friends and professionals who arrived in town for the STEP – Advising Families Across Generations Annual Conference, which is taking place in Italy and kicking off yesterday. The Director General for the Promotion of the Country System at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mauro Battocchi, honored us with his presence and delivered a keynote speech on Italy’s strategies to attract globally mobile high-net-worth individuals. What is the "BEST KEPT SECRET" for investors and HNWIs? Italy certainly stands on the podium. #maistoeassociati #HNWI #internationaltax #taxation
Marco Valdonio was among the speakers at the 10th Annual Corporate Tax & Transfer Pricing Summit organised by Uniglobal, which took place in Munich last week. The conference was the opportunity to discuss the latest trends and challenges in transfer pricing. #maistoeassociati #transferpricing #taxcompliance
Iscrizioni Aperte | Corso di Perfezionamento in Diritto Tributario di Impresa ed Internazionale | 7° Edizione - Anno 2025 🎓 15 partecipanti 📆 36 giornate formative per +150 ore 👉🏼 25 docenti 📍 Milano Per candidarsi: Maisto e Associati in collaborazione con Fondazione Maisto. #maistoeassociati #corsodiperfezionamento #dirittotributario #tax
Maisto e Associati's private client team has been included in the Private Client Global Elite Directory 2025 🏆 The Directory lists the world's most respected lawyers advising UHNW clients, all of whom have been recommended by their peers in the industry, and we are glad to see Marco Cerrato, Alessandro Bavila and Alberto Brazzalotto listed as “Global Elite Lawyers” and Marta Cenini, Giorgia Zanetti and Biagio Izzo as “Global Elite Lawyers Excellence”. Very well done to the whole team! The full directory can be viewed here: #maistoeassociati #PrivateClient #PrivateWealth #globalelite #HNWI
Corso di Perfezionamento in Diritto Tributario di Impresa ed Internazionale | Maisto e Associati A breve disponibili i dettagli relativi all’edizione 2025 🎓 Tutti i dettagli sulla precedente edizione sono disponibili qui:
Il prossimo 30 gennaio, a Milano, Marco Cerrato interverrà in materia di investimenti stranieri all’ottava edizione de “La Ripartenza” di Nicola Porro, evento dedicato ai principali temi dell’economia, della cultura e della politica italiana. #maistoeassociati #politicafiscale #investimentistranieri
Alberto Brazzalotto will be participating at the 2025 Tax Institute event hosted by USC Gould Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in Los Angeles. Alberto will contribute to the session titled “Elections, Instability, and Taxation”, scheduled for Wednesday, January 29th at 5:45 PM local time. The panel will address the growing global uncertainty and instability that has increasingly influenced residency decisions, particularly among those seeking jurisdictions offering personal security, tax certainty, and stability. He will be joined by Robert Desax, Michael Rutili, and Stefanie Lipson who will moderate the session. The discussion will explore key issues such as the stability and changes in income tax regimes for non-residents, as well as the impact of inheritance, wealth, and exit taxes in the United Kingdom, Italy, and Switzerland. The panel will also delve into the broader factors that are influencing clients’ residency decisions and the planning approaches employed by advisors to provide the necessary flexibility in today’s increasingly complex global environment. For further information: #maistoeassociati #taxplanning #globatax #internationaltax #wealthmanagement
The 14th Annual Finance and Capital Markets Conference organized by the International Bar Association will be held in London next week. An enriching conference which will kick start the new year with key discussions and roundtables on several topics, including the impact of the recent elections on 2025 tax policy and what to expect in the coming months in the tax landscape. A panel chaired by Guglielmo Maisto will discuss the impact of avoidance rules on investment income. Cesare Silvani will be on a panel dealing with trends and traps of spin-offs and demergers, and Antonietta Alfano will contribute to the discussion on transfer pricing audits and evolving transfer pricing rubrics. The detailed program can be read here: #maistoeassociati #IBATAX25 #InternationalBarAssociation #taxation
Season’s greetings from Maisto e Associati! 🎄 #maistoeassociati