Foto di copertina di Metis Precision Medicine
Metis Precision Medicine

Metis Precision Medicine

Ricerca biotecnologica

Torino, TO 292 follower

The One Gene Company

Chi siamo

METIS is a B-corp* founded in April 2017 by the confluence of a handful of scientists, among the leaders of oncogene research, and a group of visionary investors with the mission of translating cancer research findings into precision medicine in cancer treatments. Backed by over three decades of research focused on a specific oncogene, METIS benefits from a profound knowledge of the biology and pathology driven by the oncogene MET, including cancer. METIS is developing human anti-MET antibodies with the potential to be first-in class to treat diseases with a significant unmet medical need. The most advanced anti-MET antibody - hOA-DN30 - has proven to be unique and extremely effective against cancer in pre-clinical setting. METIS owns the intellectual property of a suite of anti-MET monoclonal antibodies (the «Platform»), targeting the MET oncogene. (*) Benefit Corporations or B Corps are companies that voluntarily meet the highest standards of purpose, responsibility, and transparency. They go beyond the goal of profit, and innovate to maximize the positive impact on communities, environment, and mankind.

Ricerca biotecnologica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Torino, TO
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Monoclonal antibodies e MET


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Metis Precision Medicine 3 round in totale

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