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NuArt Events

NuArt Events

Fornitori di attività di intrattenimento

Peschiera del Garda, VR 1.233 follower

| Show Production and Entertainment Design | We Are Emotionaizers

Chi siamo

Nu’Art is a show and brand entertainment company. We offer integrated consultancy to our clients for end-to-end production: from creative conception to the actual production including management of artistic strategy for international brands and agencies. Nu’Art was born 10 years ago with the aim of improving club shows with artistic content and quality that was unheard of in such environments at the time. Experimentation with innovative techniques and approaches has established us as a reference on the show market and today we are a leading company in international entertainment and events. Nu’Art is structured to offer an ad hoc service for creating shows and can also provide performances from our portfolio complete with artists, set design, costumes, music and choreography. We are a dynamic partner fully able to grasp the needs of our clients. We can handle the logistics of your space, organise performances that use very few elements in case of limited time or plan an entire season of shows for tens of thousands of people with a top quality cast, project managers, film production equipment and handling of on-site security in order to protect your investment and fully achieve the set goals. We are specialized in DINNER SHOWS, EMOTIONAL CATERING, CORPORATE EVENTS.

Sito Web
Fornitori di attività di intrattenimento
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Peschiera del Garda, VR
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Brand entertainment, Shows and Events, Dinner Show, Emotional Catering e Corporate Events


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