OptogeniX S.r.l.
Fabbricazione di apparecchiature medicali
Arnesano, Lecce 245 follower
New frontiers in neuroscience
Chi siamo
Optogenix origins from a research collaboration initiated in 2012 by neuroscientists from Harvard Medical School (HMS) and researchers from Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT). The aim of the collaboration was to develop new implantable probes for neurophysiology and Optogenetics able to advance the limitations of the tools available at that time. The most important outcome of the research was a technology based on tapered fibers – and an unconventional way to launch light into them – that was soon recognized as unique and very useful for more versatile and efficient Optogenetic stimulation of neurons in vivo. Since its foundation in 2014, OptogeniX provides all over the world tapered fibers and equipment for their operation, with more than one hundred labs served so far. More recently, the capability of tapered fibers to collect light in unconventional ways has also been established and is currently exploited by OptogeniX customers. OptogeniX collaborates with IIT researchers to improve the tapered fibers technology by integrating other functionalities, like electrical recording, biosensing, and drug delivery, with the ambition to extend the application of this technology to other fields of reserarch and, eventually, to medical applications.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per OptogeniX S.r.l.
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di apparecchiature medicali
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 1 dipendente
- Sede principale
- Arnesano, Lecce
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2014
- Settori di competenza
- Optogenetics, Neuroscience e Photonics
Arnesano, Lecce 73010, IT