Foto di copertina di Paramedical srl
Paramedical srl

Paramedical srl

Ricerca biotecnologica

Salerno, Campania 322 follower

Chi siamo

The Paramedical S.r.l. is a company manufacturer of Clinical Chemistry ,Turbidimetry, Serology , Elisa in microplate , Stains and other products for Laboratories. We can offer our reagents as finished kits , in OEM , in Bulk . We can offer also specific packaging for specific autoanalyzers, as you want. For the end of 2013 we will begin with the production of Solution for Hematology . We are also manufacturers of a line of instruments for Clinical Laboratories as Auotomated and semiautomated biochemistry analyzers , Hematology cell counter till a model 5 part diff, small instruments for coagulation and for elisa in microplate . We have a complete line of Laboratory forniture. We are also distributors of other products for Laboratories as Laboratory pure chemicals reagents and plastic disponsable. Our company has the CE mark for all our reagents and is certified ISO9001:2008 and ISO13485:2012. We have the free sale certificate for all our products.

Sito Web
Ricerca biotecnologica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Salerno, Campania
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Clinical Chemistry, Immunology, Laboratory Instruments, Serology, Bacteriology, Hematology Stains, Plastic Disposable e Rapid Tests on Device


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