Pasta Cuomo Srls

Pasta Cuomo Srls

Servizi per la ristorazione

Gragnano, Napoli 263 follower

Chi siamo

Pasta Cuomo S.r.l.s. was born in 2013, bringing the heritage of the "Improved and Molino Pasta Pirm'ordine of Nicolino Cuomo," which was founded in 1840. The company was reconstituted to promote and market the handmade local pasta, a product that today is enjoying a great recognition especially in the area of Gragnao, a city known around the world for the pasta. For this reason, Pasta Cuomo, who is a registered trademark of unquestionable quality, choose now the best homemade pasta to prepare and serve on the boards around the world.

Servizi per la ristorazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Gragnano, Napoli
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Agroalimentare e Alimenti e bevande


Dipendenti presso Pasta Cuomo Srls

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