Portolano Cavallo

Portolano Cavallo

Servizi legali

Portolano Cavallo provides legal advice to companies operating in complex and evolving sectors.

Chi siamo

Portolano Cavallo provides legal advice to companies operating in complex and evolving sectors: it is a leader in the Digital-Media-Tech and Life Sciences-Healthcare sectors. The firm’s practice areas range from litigation to M&A and venture capital, from emerging companies to the exploitation and protection of intellectual property, from employment to data protection, privacy and cyber-security issues. In all these areas, Portolano Cavallo is recognized by multiple legal Italian and international rankings and awards. Offices: - Milan - Piazza Borromeo, 12 - Rome - Via Rasella, 155 - New York - 575 Fifth Ave

Sito Web
Servizi legali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società di persone
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
mergers and acquisitions, broadcasting, internet, e-commerce, advertising, movies, entertainment, media, telecommunications, privacy, data protection, TV, private equity, arbitration, dispute resolution, regulatory, employment, outsourcing, compliance e investigations


Dipendenti presso Portolano Cavallo


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