

Fabbricazione di apparecchiature medicali

Pontedera, Tuscany 3.085 follower


Chi siamo

Prensilia is a company spun out from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa. It was established in 2009 by young researchers of ARTS Lab (Advanced Robotics and Technology Laboratory), with long experience in research and development of innovative robotic and biomedical devices. Members of the company are and have been involved in many national and international research projects in the field of robotics, hand prosthetics, and neuroscience allowing them to acquire and consolidate the key expertises of Prensilia. The know-how of Prensilia includes the following fields: advanced robotics and mechatronics, embedded control, micro-mechanical sensors, precision mechanics and ICT systems. Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna is a wordwilde recognized University, being one of the pioneers and key actors for research on thought-controlled hands for the past 20 years. Such technology and know-how is now available to research institutes, commercialized and customized by Prensilia. Starting from Your requirements, Prensilia designs, customizes and manufactures advanced anthropomorphic under-actuated robotic hands endowed with embedded actuation, sensory and control systems, that can be exploited in research as advanced hand prostheses, end effectors for humanoid robots, for rehabilitation and/or neuroscientific experiments; in general, in all research fields where it is important to have an artificial hand that behaves as a natural one.

Fabbricazione di apparecchiature medicali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Pontedera, Tuscany
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Robotics, Artificial Hands, Precision mechanics design, Electrical circuits design, Firmware and software design, CAD-CAM e Finite element Analysis


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