Foto di copertina di PRIATHERM


Fabbricazione di apparecchi elettrici, materiali elettrici e componenti elettronici

Ferrara, Italy 662 follower

One step ahead in cooling. Priatherm ➤ A company of Aretè Cocchi Technology

Chi siamo

Priatherm, based in Ferrara, Italy, designs and manufactures aluminum heatsinks and liquid cold plates (LCP), with a focus on high-power thermal management for power electronics. Founded in 2010 as a start-up within the Industrial group Arete Cocchi Technology, sharing values and goals, today it’s one of the most innovative actors in the thermal management industry. The company specializes in heatsink design, usable for both natural convection cooling and forced convection cooling. Brazing technology, one of the best methods of joining, guarantees the production of heatsinks used in such diverse sectors as renewable energy, broadcasting, transportation, and battery thermal management. Our Mission is “Being one step ahead in engineered thermal solutions for the Power Electronic industry” Aretè Cocchi Technology an industrial holding established in the 90s by Gino Cocchi, consists of 14 companies featuring manufacturing in Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland the U.S., and China; commercial and technical centers in more than 12 countries and sales in 100+ countries.

Fabbricazione di apparecchi elettrici, materiali elettrici e componenti elettronici
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Ferrara, Italy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Green Energies, Medical, Industrial, Traction/EMobility e Broadcasting


Dipendenti presso PRIATHERM


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