When you can’t tell the truth on you supply chain what you are hiding is probably illegal. On Tuesday, SHEIN was summoned by the UK Business & Trade Committee to answer questions about its supply chain and workers’ rights, particularly concerning the use of cotton sourced from the #Xinjiang region in China. The video is simply embarrassing and deeply concerning. The company’s representative, Yinan Zhu, was unable to answer any questions, repeatedly requesting to provide written responses at a later time. Compared to Shein, the representative from Temu seemed a saint for being able to answer a single question. She stated she could only respond to questions “related to our business,” as if the people and essential natural resources used in Shein’s production weren’t the very foundation and backbone of the company. Growing pressure from lawmakers and the public will hopefully slow down—or, even better, halt—Shein’s attempt to list on the London Stock Exchange. In the meantime, we urge you to send this video to SHEIN and join us in asking: “Shein, is there cotton from #Xinjiang in your clothes, and was it sourced using forced labour?” #Shein #UKParliament #SheinIPO #WorkersRights #Xinjiang
Servizi di progettazione
Vicenza, VICENZA 5.335 follower
We are focus designers dedicated to challenging the status quo through sustainable innovation and social change.
Chi siamo
WRÅD is a consulting studio and creative agency focused on sustainability, set up to inspire and enable others to challenge the non-sustainable status quo of the fashion industry through education, design, and innovation. Education - we believe shaping a new corporate culture is at the core of sustainable development and innovation. Our projects start with tailor-made training sessions for the different departments of the client company with a focus on circularity, communication, design and core sustainability principles. Design - we work to support other companies in strategic decisions, ranging from product ideation to supply chain innovation. We also advise our clients on how to innovate their business model and communicate their products in sync with the human, social and environmental dimensions. Innovation - we constantly embark on R&D projects to develop new technologies that can help us face the current and future challenges of our entire ecosystem. We don’t believe in quick fixes. AWARDS: WRAD’s innovative projects won the RedDot Best of the Best Award and landed a finalists position at the Compasso d’Oro award.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per WRÅD
- Settore
- Servizi di progettazione
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 11-50 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Vicenza, VICENZA
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 2015
- Settori di competenza
- Sustainable Fashion, Natural Dyes, fashion, circular economy, sustainable innovation, Sustainable communication, Sustainability consulting, communication, social media, consulting, collaborations e education
Piazza della Biade
Vicenza, VICENZA 36100, IT
Dipendenti presso WRÅD
Daniel Munari
Image Promotion Specialist. Fashion Comm. University Lecturer.Souls connections addicted. Son of a couple of crazy "Marchand d'art" and visionary…
Paola Bonetti
Commercial Director | Project Manager | Producer
Susanna Martucci
Founder Alisea S.R.L Società Benefit - B Corp - Ambassador GammaDonna - Cofondatrice di WRÅD Focus Design - Parla di #circulareconomy…
Lorena Nodari
Partnership Manager | Project Manager
WRÅD ha diffuso questo post
FUORIMODA!: CHALLENGING THE FASHION SYSTEM | A manifesto in motion by Matteo Ward "Ward’s message was uncompromising but deeply inspiring. “Raise your voice,” he urged. “Call out what is Fuorimoda!, even if they don’t listen immediately, keep going. Change doesn’t come easy, but it starts with persistence.” The intimate setting of the Aula Magna at Manifattura Campus buzzed with anticipation on the evening of November 26, as students, faculty, and industry professionals gathered for the presentation of Matteo Ward’s new book Fuorimoda!. As a third-year Undergraduate student in Fashion Business, I had the opportunity to report live for the Journal, capturing the vibrant energy and critical discussions that defined the evening." Written by Giulia Sofia Rivers, Undergraduate in Fashion Business student
Our recent collaboration with Ferragamo has been highlighted in Vogue Business! In early October, Bella Webb toured over 25 fashion and textile suppliers across Italy to explore the future of "Made in Italy" for her Vogue Business series, "Will ‘Made in Italy’ be left behind in the race to innovate?" In the installment "How to Create a Culture of Innovation", our project for FERRAGAMO was spotlighted as a standout example of merging tradition with innovation. "From Sustainable Thinking to Sustainable Acting" is a circularity hackathon that guided participants in reimagining six of the company’s iconic products through a circular design lens. Over 60 employees collaborated, fostering a culture of innovation across silos and rekindling the pioneering spirit of founder Salvatore Ferragamo. Organized into diverse working groups and coordinated by the WRÅD team, along with experts Marta Santambrogio, Satoshi Kuwata, Flavia La Rocca, and Matteo Ward, the participants developed solutions balancing key design principles: waste reduction, physical and emotional durability, regenerative capacity, the use of non-polluting materials, and social and cultural impact throughout the entire value chain—from creation to end of life. A special thanks to James Ferragamo, Sustainability Director Davide Triacca, and his team: Francesca Piani, Laura Melani, Anna Zambaldo, Gaia Paolacci, and Chiara Bonatti. Finally, a heartfelt thanks to Bella Webb for her important work on the future of “Made in Italy.” Check out her articles to explore how she unpacks the challenges surrounding upcoming sustainability regulations and suppliers' struggles. With deadlines looming, a dramatic shift in the brand-supplier dynamic is urgently needed. link to the article here: https://lnkd.in/g7F-kBCz
2024: A Year of Growth and Impact for WRÅD Education! This year, WRÅD Education expanded its reach and deepened its impact, engaging with students from elementary schools to master's programs while developing new initiatives for adults and children. These efforts reflect our commitment to fostering a more inclusive and accessible culture of sustainability. We are grateful to everyone who joined us on this journey, challenging conventional norms and embracing responsible practices. Together, we’re building a future defined by meaningful change. Here’s to an even more impactful 2025! #challengethestatusquo #recap
Proud to collaborate with Vestiaire Collective on their new educational campaign! Together with Olmo Parenti and A THING BY we created a 10-minute video inspiring influencers to challenge fast fashion's culture of overproduction and overconsumption. Fast fashion drives environmental disaster, producing 100+ billion items yearly, 70% made of plastics. It’s time to rethink how we consume and use our platforms for meaningful change.
Over the past decade, fast fashion brands have used influencer marketing to supercharge a culture of overconsumption, pushing constant newness and low-cost trends that have fueled an unprecedented environmental crisis. But the tide is turning… Vestiaire Collective is thrilled to launch its new campaign confronting one of fast fashion’s most powerful marketing tactics: influence. Together with influencers, we’re working to reshape the narrative, harnessing their voices to champion conscious consumption, circularity, and sustainability. This campaign isn’t just about fighting overconsumption; it’s about inspiring a new mindset and empowering a generation to make mindful, lasting choices. 📱We’re teaming up with 5 influencers who’ll take their 2M+ followers on a six-month educational journey to break free from fast fashion’s grip. 📖The program include masterclasses with industry experts, an in-person experience at a landfill, and an exclusive educational video narrated by sustainable advocate Matteo Ward from WRÅD. 🔊Along with the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire and 26 of their members, Vestiaire Collective is also calling on the French Senate to resume their work on the Anti-Fast Fashion Bill, currently awaiting final review. “With this campaign, Vestiaire Collective is taking bold steps to address one of the largest drivers of fast fashion: influencers. This initiative stands as part of Vestiaire Collective’s broader mission to change the way people consume fashion and push for industry-wide reform beyond any legislative requirements. We truly believe that with the right tools, influencers can become leaders of change.” - Dounia Wone, Chief Impact Officer of Vestiaire Collective
We are super proud to have collaborated with Vestiaire Collective on their new campaign. Together with Olmo Parenti and A THING BY we produced a 10-minute educational video aimed at raising awareness about the impact of fast fashion and exposing the marketing tactics that drive overproduction and overconsumption. The aim? To inspire and empower influencers to leverage their platforms for meaningful change and redefine consumer priorities by transforming how we consume fashion. Every year 100+ billion items are produced and about 70% of the fibers used in clothes are synthetic, meaning 7 out of 10 clothing items are made from plastics. We went from having 2 seasons a year to 52 and as we buy more for less, the value of each piece actually shrinks, literally fueling and environmental disaster. Fast fashion brands have used influencer marketing to supercharge a culture of overconsumption, pushing constant newness and low-cost trends that have fuelled an unprecedented environmental and social crisis. But the tide is turning...
Over the past decade, fast fashion brands have used influencer marketing to supercharge a culture of overconsumption, pushing constant newness and low-cost trends that have fuelled an unprecedented environmental crisis. But the tide is turning… Vestiaire Collective is thrilled to launch its new campaign confronting one of fast fashion’s most powerful marketing tactics: influence. Together with influencers, we’re working to reshape the narrative, harnessing their voices to champion conscious consumption, circularity, and sustainability. This campaign isn’t just about fighting overconsumption; it’s about inspiring a new mindset and empowering a generation to make mindful, lasting choices. 📱We’re teaming up with 5 influencers who’ll take their 2M+ followers on a six-month educational journey to break free from fast fashion’s grip. 📖The program include masterclasses with industry experts, an in-person experience at a landfill, and an exclusive educational video narrated by sustainable advocate Matteo Ward from WRÅD. 🔊Along with the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire and 26 of their members, Vestiaire Collective is also calling on the French Senate to resume their work on the Anti-Fast Fashion Bill, currently awaiting final review. Let’s shift the narrative. Follow our journey to see how small actions can spark big change!
Nel 1892 si scoprì che il solfuro di carbonio e la soda caustica erano in grado di sciogliere la cellulosa delle piante, trasformandola in una materia vischiosa che poteva essere estrusa e diventare filato molto simile alla seta: l’uomo inventa la viscosa anche conosciuta come rayon. Supera i ‘limiti’ imposti dalla natura alla produzione, sintetizzando la fibra in laboratorio. Ma se c’è una cosa che ormai dovremmo aver imparato negli ultimi anni, è che i limiti della natura non possono essere superati senza pagarne il conto. E con la viscosa, il conto arrivò sotto forma di gravi problemi di salute per gli operai che lavoravano negli stabilimenti a causa delle inalazioni di solfuro di carbonio, che provocavano seri danni al sistema nervoso. Nei primi anni del XX secolo, Mussolini vide nella viscosa la possibilità di sviluppare un’industria nazionale autonoma. La principale società italiana per la produzione di questa fibra era la SNIA di Rieti, che produceva il 70% della viscosa nazionale e il 10% di quella mondiale. Mentre girava la docuserie JUNK - Armadi Pieni, co-prodotta da Sky Italia e Will Media, Matteo Ward visitò questa fabbrica abbandonata, e oltre alle grate alle finestre installate dopo che alcuni operai, impazziti a causa delle inalazioni, avevano tentato di buttarsi giù, vede una busta paga con un monito a dir poco raccapricciante: “Taci. Quanto più tacerai su quello che fai e che fanno i tuoi compagni in fabbrica, tanto più presto sarà raggiunta la vittoria: quindi anche il benessere tuo e della tua famiglia.” Si voleva celare il reale costo del progresso. Se volete approfondire: episodio 4 di Junk Armadi Pieni (disponibile su YouTube) oppure il capitolo 4 di FUORIMODA.
Siamo tornati sul palco della FAO per la quarta edizione del World Food Forum, durante il Junior #WorldFoodDay 2024! Abbiamo chiesto a 1200 bambine e bambini di aiutarci in una missione: contribuire a garantire cibo sano e nutriente a tutti anche attraverso i vestiti. Il cambiamento è possibile, e inizia da qui! Grazie FAO! #FoodHero #challengethestatusquo
One of our dreams has come true! Our children’s activity book on sustainable fashion, Story of a T-Shirt, has been translated into seven languages and distributed for free worldwide. Since WRÅD was founded, we've been fighting to challenge a status quo that didn’t sit right with us: the sustainability discourse is predominantly in English, making it inaccessible to many. While we've worked on projects in Italian, we knew that to truly reach schools globally, we needed to expand our efforts. In 2020/2021, we launched a crowdfunding campaign to finance the production and translation of new educational content into multiple languages, but it didn’t succeed, so we temporarily shelved that project. This year, thanks to #FAO, we can finally hold that dream in our hands. Our education book for children is now available in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, English, and Italian. In September, we began bringing the story and activities off the pages of the book and into the real world with upcycling workshops for children ages 4-8. Let’s go! In the carousel, you’ll find images from the workshops in Rome and Vicenza and drafts of the amazing illustrations by Lorenzo Terranera from the book's creation. A big thank you to the writer susanna mattiangeli and the entire team who made this possible, Aoife Riordan Alice Leone Matteo Ward Giorgio Fermanelli Vida Diba Alice Fortuna Michela Finocchiaro
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WRÅD ha diffuso questo post
In 2019, our GRAPHI-TEE™ was embroidered to celebrate the Sustainable Thinking exhibition at the FERRAGAMO Museum in Florence. Five years later, we had the pleasure of working on a new project born from the love and study of Salvatore Ferragamo's design culture. From Sustainable Thinking to Sustainable Acting is a circularity hackathon that we designed and led for Ferragamo, guiding participants in reimagining six of the company’s iconic products through a circular design lens. Organized into different working groups and coordinated by the WRÅD team along with experts Marta Santambrogio, Satoshi Kuwata, Flavia La Rocca and Matteo Ward, the participants developed solutions that balanced the following key design areas: waste reduction, physical and emotional durability, regenerative capacity, the use of non-polluting substances or materials, and social and cultural impact throughout the entire production chain—from production to end of life. A special thanks to James Ferragamo and Sustainability Director Davide Triacca and his team: Francesca Piani, Laura Melani, Anna Zambaldo, Gaia Paolacci, Chiara Bonatti. A special thank you also to all the hackathon participants who helped make this project truly magical. "I believe the answer is quite simple. The credit goes to nature: during those exciting years, I discovered that, if allowed to, nature knows how to heal every wound. My shoes not only keep feet comfortable but also free their movements, and nature, responding as it always does when given the chance, heals all their ailments." —Salvatore Ferragamo, The Shoemaker of Dreams, p. 163.
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