Enlight Energy Services

Enlight Energy Services

Servizi per energie rinnovabili

Milan, Lombardy 1.856 follower

Renewables under a new light

Chi siamo

We provide support across the lifecycle of investments in renewable energy assets, from development to construction to operation. With our multi-disciplinary team, coupled with a strong network of trusted specialist adviser, we can be a "one-stop shop" for investors, facilitating their investment process and helping them extract value from their plants. In line with our vision, we have built a professional and well organised supply chain, within the young but constantly maturing renewable energy market

Sito Web
Servizi per energie rinnovabili
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lombardy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Enlight Energy Services


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    “The pessimist complains about the wind, we, instead, adjust our sails”. This is the sentence chosen by our team to inspire the year ahead and to well summarise the spirit of our “problem solving” organisation! It has been a very exciting year for all of us with relevant steps ahead in our development pipeline despite the significant regulatory changes, a new ESG plan (already under implementation), new clients for our asset management segment and several occasions to have fun and build memories together! We take the chance to thank both our Clients for their trust and fairness towards our team, and our consultants / service providers for their continued support. Most importantly, we wish all a joyful Christmas season and a prosperous 2025! 🎄💫 🌟 Astrea Energia Enlight Energy Services

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    Enlight took part to Italia Solare Forum 2024 Two intense days in the splendid setting of Rome marked the just-concluded Italia Solare 2024 forum, with reflections, exchanges of ideas and reassuring market data. Optimism prevails over everything. The sector continues, despite regulatory shocks, in its race toward the 2030 goals. It is expected to have about 17GW of projects ready to build at the end of 2024. The draft laws on eligible areas, net of some striking (and isolated) extreme cases, promise an environment still favorable to new developments, especially in northern Italy. Much remains to be done to support agri-voltaics, which would need dedicated tariffs but, the recent winners of the PNRR call for proposals, should make it possible to have, in the not too distant future, several new plants built and thus new case studies and real data. Kudos to the great, tireless Italia Solare team for allowing the more than 500 people in attendance access to well-structured content and many opportunities of brain storming among industry players. #forum2024 #energetictransion #solarpv #photovoltaic #agrivoltaic

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    🎉 As year end approaches we thought it would be appropriate to share some good news! 🎉 We are very happy to communicate that we have just been appointed to support a major solar investor in creating value for local people, in areas where their operating PV plants are located, e.g. Sardinia and Apulia. This is part of a new service (that we have designed in conjunction with Oaq Sustainability) called “More than Sun”. It is meant to provide a very bespoke and very pragmatic support to investors and operators in our industry to implement sustainable solutions. We are in a sector that is inherently purpose-driven but there is much more we can do to have a positive impact on people and on our beautiful planet, following the guidelines set by the SDGs. We are aware that many companies are keen to be helpful and create value beyond profit but we also appreciate that all activities aimed at making an impact are time consuming/ require dedicated teams, while in most cases the core business attracts all the time and efforts. This is why we are ready to support our stakeholders in making their life easier when it comes to implement concrete actions. We have identified in particular 4 areas (that can be customised or selected with a modular approach ) where we can help with a “end to end solution”, i.e. providing support from design to implementation: ✔️ “Culture”: we are in a sector where attracting talents is critical. It is important to foster a healthy work culture where people can grow professionally and personally through a series of initiatives. Happy to share our ideas and help you selected the most suitable ones and implement them! 🤝 ✔️ “Community engagement”: the local communities need to benefit from the presence of a PV plant in their areas. We have thought about a series of initiatives that can help achieve the result both during the development and operation phase. The result? Needless to say it: increased acceptance! 🏘️ 🏫 ✔️ “Sustainable procurement”: the Italian EPC market is likely to experience a peak in the coming years and sourcing materials will be critical. It is important to take into account the transparency and sustainability of the supply chain of the various manufacturers on top of the price and quality of their products. We can share our know how here! 🛠️ ✔️ “Environmental impact”: we are all CO2 savers (do we all track emissions by the way?) but we can also properly monitor the efficient use of water, waste and the promotion of biodiversity on the various sites. We are here ready to help! 💧🐝🌱 We look forward to increasing our expertise and further expanding our activities to make sure that ESG become a key component of the day-to-day life and decisions making of the players in our sector! #esg #morethansun #sustainability #sdg #solarsector #pvsolar Astrea Energia

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    Admin & HR Specialist presso Enlight Energy Services

    Studi statunitensi hanno già dimostrato che l’utilizzo di impianti fotovoltaici in agricoltura è un modo per proteggere i raccolti dalle situazioni climatiche estreme e conservare l’acqua. (Estratto dall' articolo)

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    È sempre stimolante essere testimoni dei traguardi di giovani brillanti ed appassionati. Diventa anche motivo di orgoglio quando si ha la possibilità di dare un contributo al loro percorso! Oggi facciamo le nostre congratulazioni per la sua laurea a pieni voti a Chiara Tamponi, studentessa della facoltà di Ingegneria Meccanica presso l’Università degli Studi di Cagliari che si è aggiudicata la borsa di studio messa a disposizione dal nostro gruppo. 🎓🏆 Ha svolto, attraverso la sua tesi, un lavoro molto dettagliato ed approfondito di analisi comparativa su un impianto agrivoltaico avanzato che stiamo sviluppando in Sardegna. I benefici dell’integrazione tra produzione energetica ed agricola sono stati messi in evidenza mediante un confronto con un impianto “tradizionale”. È emerso come l’agrivoltaico avanzato (oltre a consentire di non sottrarre terreno all’attività agricola) rappresenti una valida alternativa dal punto di vista dello yield specifico e delle ricadute occupazionali. 🛠️☀️🌳 Cogliamo l’occasione per ringraziare l’Università degli Studi di Cagliari che ci ha permesso di portare avanti questa iniziativa, il prof. Daniele Cocco, relatore della tesi, per il suo preziosissimo supporto e Carla Uccheddu e Rosella Manconi che hanno accompagnato Chiara nel suo faticoso ma fruttuoso lavoro. Un’altra giovane professionista si appresta, con l’incoraggiamento di tutti noi, ad entrare nel promettente mondo delle energie rinnovabili e della transizione energetica. Un altro piccolo ma significativo esempio di come si possa creare valore sul territorio attraverso il solare. Ad maiora, Chiara! 👏 #agrivoltaico #solare #rinnovabili #communityengagement #ritornosulterritorio #esg #agriFV Astrea Energia

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    ESG action plan: it’s getting real! The main goal of our sustainability plan is to have a positive impact on the world around us, besides contributing to reducing carbon emissions through clean energy. 🌍☀️ One of the actions we have identified (inspired by SDG3 and SDG8) is about to be implemented! Each team member both in Milan and Cagliari will dedicate half a day per month (of working hours) to contribute to the operation of non profit organisations whose mission is to help people that, for various reasons, are in a fragile / less fortunate situation: We have selected, in particular, 4 organisations that will receive our volunteering support (under various roles, based on their needs): - Sopowerful Foundation: dedicated to apply “solar where it matters most”, by implementing solar systems to provide electricity to hospitals, schools and to allow access to water in rural areas of Malawi and Tanzania 🔌 💡 - Liberi Dentro: dedicated to help convicts (in Rome and Milan) in their rehabilitation process offering social e psychological help in this transition, especially for young boys, through coaching sessions 🙌 📘 - Fondazione per L’Infanzia Ronald McDonald Italia: dedicated to help families with children who need medical treatments by welcoming them in their family houses and family rooms inside pediatric hospitals 🏥 👶 - Fondazione Domus de Luna: dedicated to support children and teenagers in difficulties, through various initiatives (including providing care, material support and creating job opportunities), mainly in Sardinia 🤝🛠️ Our team is very excited to embark on this new journey! Some of them have already started and are sharing a very enthusiastic feedback about their volunteering hours. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to these organisations for welcoming our team members and taking the time to train them. Above all, we take the chance to thank them for what they do every day to make the world a better place. ➡ “The most beautiful human deed is to be useful to others” the wise ancient Greeks used to say. We will do our best to keep pursuing all together this beautiful creativity around us! #sdg3 #sdg8 #esg #sustainability #purpose #socialimpact

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    “A dream without a plan is just a dream” - someone said - and now we also have a plan! 💪 ☑️ Yesterday, under an unusual October sunshine in Milan, we managed to complete our journey to build our own sustainability strategy for the next 5 years. A finish line which is actually just a starting point. By 2030, we will implement concrete actions to make sure we use our time at work to also have an impact on our culture and the environment around us. As part of our SDG-inspired actions, in particular we will also: - support solar investors in identifying initiatives to create value for local communities (beyond compensation measures). 🏘️ This is a time consuming activity that requires on the ground presence and a strong regional network. We are ready to help! - acquire and share our know how with other industry players in relation to the sustainability of the supply chain (ethical and environmental aspects in sourcing equipments, waste / water management on site to provide some examples) 💦 🗑️ and the creation of a healthy work culture 🤝 This is not about us, it is about making sure we leave our planet better than we have found it. But we can all do well by doing good: ESG reporting does not represent just a compliance obligation, it is an occasion to identify new opportunities that ultimately also translate into a positive impact on the business. 📈 Thanks Oaq Sustainability team for your precious support. It was a pleasure hosting you in Milan and receiving your guidance to turn our dreams into actions! #sdg #esg #sustainability #circularity Jacklien Quirijnen LLM 🍃 Tahnee Didderen Mattia Ruggeri Linda Spinelli Giacomo Gelmetti Renzo Latorre Monica Marinaro Astrea Energia Maria Sabella

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    È stato molto istruttivo condividere la nostra esperienza ieri al #solarfinance e confrontarci con investitori, consulenti e banche! Abbiamo partecipato con gli interventi della nostra CEO Maria Sabella e presentato anche il lavoro di mappatura del mercato bancario svolto dal gruppo di lavoro finanza di @italiasolare anche con l’aiuto del nostro team finance Renzo Latorre Paola Manca e Paolo Russo

    Visualizza il profilo di Maria Sabella, immagine

    Un settore in fermento! Per contrastare le incertezze ed i cambiamenti normativi improvvisi degli ultimi mesi, operatori, investitori ed istituti di credito si sono riuniti ieri al #solarfinance, ultima tappa 2024 del tour di Italia Solare, mettendo a fattor comune le lezioni imparate e le idee per affrontare il futuro. È emersa una forte volontà da parte degli istituti di credito di continuare a supportare il mercato solare italiano, anche nell’attuale contesto macroeconomico e normativo, e di trovare soluzioni per fronteggiare le sfide legate a forme di investimento innovative, come l’agrivoltaico e le CER. Sicuramente l’impulso #esg è forte anche nel settore bancario. Ci si aspetta che l’approvazione del #ferx e delle leggi regionali sulle aree idonee, attesa ormai a brevissimo, sbloccherà nuovi sviluppi e nuove installazioni. Rimangono le criticità legate alle lungaggini nelle connessioni e all’atteso boom di costruzioni ma si studieranno modi per rendere bancabile il maggior numero di progetti possibile. Grazie al team di Italia Solare per l’ottima organizzazione, a tutti i relatori per i loro interventi davvero pragmatici e ai partecipanti per l’attenta (e numerosa!) presenza. Edouard Dupuy Roberto Massarenti Dott. Emiliano Pizzini Ernest Juricic Pietro Furio Arnaud Bertrand Giovannella Condò Giovanna Andrea Licata Andrea Brumgnach Giovanni Giusiano emiliosani Arnaud Bertrand Stefano Cavriani David Pallaoro Roberto Leidi Federico Brucciani barbara padovan Astrea Energia Enlight Energy Services

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