More than 60 researchers, more than 800 Publications and over 100 R&D projects in almost 30 years.
The sAIfer Lab is a virtual lab founded in 2024 to strengthen and expand the activities of the two founding partners, the sAIfer Lab - Joint Lab on Safety and Security of AI and the SmartLab, in the strategic areas of hashtag#AI and hashtag#Cybersecurity and create added value for all the partners and stakeholders of the Università degli Studi di Cagliari and Università degli Studi di Genova. sAIfer Lab research fits in the so called Pasteur’s quadrant, conjugating the search for fundamental understanding of scientific problems with practical use for society in fields of hashtag#cybersecurity, hashtag#biometrics, and hashtag#industry. The Lab has a special focus on the development of safe and secure AI systems that ensure that no unintentional or intentional harm can occur to people, IT systems, society, and critical infrastructures. Unintentional harms due to the lack of safety of AI systems to unexpected situations. Intentional harms due to the lack of security of AI systems against attacks.
The Pattern Recognition and Applications (PRA) Laboratory was founded in 1996 to address fundamental issues for the development of future pattern recognition systems in the context of real applications, focused on creating secure systems for security applications. It has been active for almost 30 years at the University of Cagliari.
The SmartLab at the University of Genoa was established in 2001 as an interdisciplinary research facility dedicated to promoting cutting-edge research and innovation in the integration of intelligent systems and smart hashtag#technologies to enhance various aspects of society, from healthcare to engineering.
Sicurezza informatica e delle reti
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Cagliari, ITALY
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Sicurezza informatica, Machine Learning, Adversarial Machine Learning, Biometrics, Biometria, Malware detection, Intelligent Video Surveillance, Videosorveglianza intelligente, Videosorveglianza, Video surveillance, Sicurezza del machine learning, Machine Learning Security, Artificial Intelligence security e Pattern Recognition