Today, in the #InternationalDayfortheEliminationofViolenceAgainstWomen, we want to emphasize the importance of fighting for the rights and safety of all women. Raising awareness is a crucial step for a culture of respect that recognizes and prevents all forms of violence. At BioNike - ICIM International, we have chosen to offer tangibile support to those who assist victims of violence. We support SOS Villaggi dei Bambini - Italia an Organization that champions the rights of over 47,000 children and young people and cares for more than 2,600 individuals, including children, adolescents, and families facing severe hardship, including domestic violence. Additionally, we have donated products to Associazione Differenza Donna APS an Organization that has been working for over 30 years to prevent gender-based violence and support women who have suffered abuse. These products have been distributed to various shelters across the country. #25November #NoViolence
Sodalis Group
Fabbricazione di prodotti per la cura personale
Lodi Vecchio, Lodi 38.233 follower
Chi siamo
We are the group committed to create Wellbeing through the quality, research and innovation of our brands in the Health & Beauty, Personal & Home Care world. Always driven by an innate passion for what we do and a deep desire for constant improvement, today we are the Italian leader in the Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals market and represent a multi-brand and multi-channel, dynamic and international entrepreneurial reality, in continuous expansion. We win over millions of consumers every day thanks to our vast portfolio of highly attractive and recognized proprietary brands, with strong positions in pharmacies, large-scale retail trade, e-commerce and perfumery, including: BioNike, Esi, Goovi, Tesori d’Oriente, Vidal, Deborah Milano, L’Arbre Vert, CD, Natural Honey, Lycia, Fresh & Clean, Biopoint, Leocrema. Active for 30 years and always Italian family-owned, our Group has developed rapidly through the organic growth of owned brands and acquisitions of new brands. What we are is the result of the ability to effectively integrate new businesses within the Group but above all to develop them substantially, thus achieving continuous growth. Today we are the home of over 20 strategic brands, we are a team of 1165 people and in our group we have 4 research laboratories and 4 cutting-edge production sites, located in Italy and France. We are headquartered in Italy, we have subsidiaries in France, Germany, Portugal and Spain and we distribute our branded produc products in 40+ countries around the world through a wide network of international partnerships. Our vision: Create Wellbeing through brands capable of taking care of people and the planet.
- Sito Web
Link esterno per Sodalis Group
- Settore
- Fabbricazione di prodotti per la cura personale
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 501 - 1000 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Lodi Vecchio, Lodi
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1990
- Settori di competenza
- Personal Care, Beauty Care, Cosmetics, Health Care, Home Care e Nutraceuticals
Viale Europa, 12
Lodi Vecchio, Lodi 26855, IT
Dipendenti presso Sodalis Group
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Das musste gefeiert werden! 🥳 Lornamead ist 20 Jahre alt geworden und zur Feier des Tages haben wir in unseren Büroräumen ein Team-Event veranstaltet, bei dem unsere Kreativität gefragt war. Zusammen mit ArtNight haben wir unsere Markenlogos auf Leinwände gebracht und so gemeinsam unsere Büroräume verschönert. Mit Pinsel in der einen und leckerem Cupcake in der anderen Hand hatten wir viel Spaß beim Malen, Unterhalten und zusammen Lachen. Zum Abschluss des Events durfte ein leckeres Lunchbuffet natürlich auch nicht fehlen! Happy Birthday! 🎈 #Jubiläum #Event #CreatorsofWellbeing #ArtNight
We are proud to support the growth of talent in the world of cosmetics and fragrance! Wishing all the students a fantastic year of learning and great opportunities. 🌟 #CreatorsofWellbeing
Nuovo anno, nuove opportunità. Il secondo anno del Master Executive Fragrance & Cosmetic Management è appena cominciato! Siamo fieri dei progressi che sta compiendo la nostra scuola e della qualità che possiamo offrire ai nostri nuovi studenti. Auguriamo a tutti un fantastico inizio🌟E grazie in particolare a Tesori d'Oriente e Sodalis Group per il supporto attraverso borse di studio e moduli didattici dedicati ai nostri studenti! LUM School of Management Equipe International
+ 2
Are you an analytical and organized person? 📝 Would you like to join a team where your contribution is essential to ensuring an efficient production flow? Then this opportunity is for you! Apply as a PRODUCTION PLANNER and become a Creator of Wellbeing!👉
“Personal & Home Care is a truly everyday business: we enter in the world of the households and we help them to do the job well and simply, we take care of their home, their body and of their Wellbeing. This is what I Like!”. 🫶🏻 These are the words of Marco Petrelli, CEO Sodalis France, as he shares his experience and goals for the future. Watch the video and discover more. 💙🌎 #SodalisPeople #CreatorsofWellbeing
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Wellness-Rituale, die dich auf Reisen mitnehmen✨🗺️ Kennst du das Gefühl, wenn ein Duft dich sofort in eine andere Welt entführt? Genau das macht Tesori d'Oriente – mit den Pflegeprodukten wird jeder Tag zu einem kleinen Wohlfühlritual. Inspiriert von alten Schönheitsgeheimnissen und exotischen Essenzen aus aller Welt. 🌍✨ 🌸 Gönn dir ein bisschen Luxus im Alltag! Tesori d'Oriente ist mehr als nur Pflege – es ist dein Spa-Moment zu Hause und berührt dabei Körper und Sinne. Probier’s aus und lass dich von den Düften verzaubern! ✨ 🎁Verschenke den perfekten Me-Time Moment. Die Produkte sind tolle Geschenke, um Deine Liebsten gedanklich verreisen zu lassen - egal ob Körpercreme, Cremedusche, Deo oder ein Eau de Toilette, die harmonischen Düfte verwandeln jedes Badezimmer in eine Wohlfühl-Oase. 🏝️ Entfliehe dem Alltag und gehe mit uns auf Reisen. Mehr erfährst du hier: #TesoridOriente #Wellness #Körperpflege
Dopo aver raggiunto un fatturato di 694 Mio di € nel 2023 e un CAGR del 12% negli ultimi 5 anni, con un aumento dell'80% del turnover rispetto al 2018, Sodalis Group punta a raggiungere gli 840 Mio. "Siamo sempre stati decisamente attivi nel mondo delle acquisizioni, con un track record di 27 acquisizioni nei nostri 34 anni di storia - spiega Marianna Granata, Marketing e Communication manager di Sodalis Group -. Abbiamo ottenuto una crescita solida e progressiva grazie alla nostra capacità di integrare e sviluppare nuovi business. Nel 2024 si sono concluse due acquisizioni particolarmente importanti, quella di Artdeco, leader nel make up selettivo in Germania, e quella di High Ridge Brands con la nascita di Sodalis USA e LATAM che ha portato all’ingresso del nostro Gruppo in America con una filiale diretta. Per i prossimi anni le acquisizioni continueranno ad essere una leva strategica per accelerare la crescita del nostro gruppo e aumentarne la forza e il valore". #Sodalis #personalcare #beauty #madeinitaly #growth #madeinitaly #Artdeco #HighRidgeBrands #cosmetics #acquisition #strategy Polo della Cosmesi
We are hiring! ⭐ If you are passionate about design and you love create visual contents this might be your opportunity! Become a #CreatorofWellbeing! #SodalisPeople
Happy Halloween 👻👻👻👻 Someone is taking over our HQ 🧡🧡🧡 #CreatorsofWellbeing
In this new episode we introduce Anna Vicchio, Export Manager di Sodalis. Her suitcase is always ready to leave for new challenges. 🌎 💙 Discover more on #SodalisPeople #CreatorsofWellbeing