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Servizi benessere e fitness

Castel Goffredo, MN 1.006 follower

Il fascino del benessere

Chi siamo

Solidea il Fascino del Benessere nasce all’interno del Calzificio Pinelli, produttore di calze, collant e tutori a compressione graduata, classificati come dispositivi medici per il trattamento dell’insufficienza venosa e linfatica. Solidea offre una vasta gamma di prodotti di grande qualità senza dimenticare la componente estetica: i capi realizzati sono il risultato di un’attenta e costante ricerca di tecniche all’avanguardia e materie prime di eccellenza e allo stesso tempo raffinati, con design e colori di alta moda. La funzionalità e lo stile di Solidea vanno di pari passo con l’ecosostenibilità, la ricerca e la continua innovazione: la bellezza fa bene alla salute e all’ambiente! Il Calzificio Pinelli ha sede a Castel Goffredo (MN), nell’ambito della tradizione manifatturiera del distretto della calza. L’azienda è certificata ISO 9001, a garanzia di una linea esclusiva di calze e collant dalle performances particolari che soddisfano le esigenze specifiche, e ISO 13485 come dispositivo medico di classe I. Tutti i prodotti della collezione SOLIDEA sono certificati OEKO-TEX che assicura la non tossicità delle sostanze chimiche utilizzate nel processo di tintura. “Io continuo la ricerca. È una passione, fa parte di me" (da "Il genio delle calze" di Enzo Pinelli).

Servizi benessere e fitness
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Castel Goffredo, MN
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
manifacturer, benessere, fashion, calze, salute, moda, linfedema, innovazione, compressione graduata, cellulite, salute in viaggio, fitness, running, maternity, curvy, shapewear, wellness, tights, socks, collant, graduated compression, innovation e travelling health


Dipendenti presso SOLIDEA


  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

    1.006 follower

    📣 Solidea at the format “EFI in Tour” of Milan! We are keen to announce that Solidea will take part in the event “EFI in Tour” organized by Ecosistema Formazione Italia - EFI, that will take place on February 17th, 2025 at Randstad Box in Milan. During the event, Luca Pinelli, CEO of Solidea will be the protagonist of the round table under the title: “Organizational Well-being: The Best Practices to Cultivate Talents and Satisfaction” The meeting represents a valuable opportunity to deal with other company leaders and professionals on how the organizational well-being could affect productivity, growth of talents and satisfaction inside the companies. “EFI in Tour” is an itinerant format that crosses Italy, dealing with crucial topics for the future of the companies, such as innovation, sustainability, business development and training methodologies. 📍 Where: Randstad Box, Via San Vigilio, 5, Milan 📅 When: February 17th, 2025 🕒 Time: 2.30 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. 🎟️ Discover more on the event: An opportunity to grasp with a view to exploring the best practices in organizational well-being and discovering new opportunities to improve business performance.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

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    An important goal for Solidea: Successful US FDA inspection! 🇺🇸 We are glad to announce that Solidea has got through the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection very well, held from January 20th to 23rd . This achievement means further confirmation of our commitment to quality, safety and excellence of our products, always in tune with the most stringent standards of the international sector. A special acknowledgment to our team, who with dedication and professionalism has made it possible to attain this goal. Each step forward is the result of a collective labour and of the passion we put into everything we do. 🔸 Quality without compromise, acknowledged worldwide. Besides compliance with the US standards our production Made in Italy fully complies with ✅ Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) on medical devices and boasts about important certifications and international registrations, among others: ✅  Chinese Certification CNMPA. ✅  Registration with UK NHS. ✅  Certifications ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 for the quality and safety of medical devices. ✅  Oeko-Tex Certification, which guarantees the absence of harmful substances in our products. We are ready to look forward to the future with even more determination while going on driving the Made in Italy to the top of innovation and global quality 🌍❤️ #Solidea #USFDA #Quality #Excellence #MadeInItaly #Innovation

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

    1.006 follower

    Solidea is back on TV with a new commercial! Would you ever say that the products you see are graduated compression?! From tights to knee-high socks, from stay-ups to leggings, for Him and for Her, we can be present any time of the day. Two weeks of broadcast scheduling in different time slots of the day on the main Mediaset networks: - Canale 5 - Italia 1 - La5  - Mediaset Extra Choice of the right channels was guided by a study of the Solidea brand target audience. #solidea #spotmediset #mediaset #graduatedcompression

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

    1.006 follower

    🌍 Solidea in Mexico: unmissable events in October! The Solidea official distributor in Mexico is participating in three important conferences dedicated to the medical and healthcare sector.  A unique opportunity to get to know our products and innovative solutions in the field of graduated compression. 🔹 Expofac | October 16th-17th 📍 Guadalajara  An event dedicated to the #pharmacy and public health world.  🔹 Congreso Nacional de Enfermería Quirúrgica y Perioperatoria | October 15th-20th 📍 Oaxaca The largest conference dedicated to #surgery and perioperative care. 📅 Here’s the next event: 🔹 Medical Expo | October 29th-31st  📍 Mexico City  One of the main events in Mexico dedicated to medical #innovation and healthcare technologies. We look forward to sharing our #experience in the field of graduated compression for well-being and health. #solidea #distributor #event #conference #medicalsector #healthcaresector #solutions #graduatedcompression

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

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    Great news for Solidea! The scientific study conducted on Lipoedema is now available on PubMed and OUCI! We are proud to announce that our research on Lipoedema has also been published on PubMed, one of the most prestigious reference #platforms for the scientific and medical community worldwide. 💡 What is PubMed?  PubMed is an international #portal that collects thousands of scientific studies, academic articles and peer-reviewed #research in the medical and biomedical fields. Being present on PubMed means recognition of the quality of our work and active contribution to the dissemination of scientific information at a global level. 💡 What is OUCI? The Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) is a search engine and a citation #database that come from all publishers that use the Crossref’s Cited-by service and supports the Initiative for Open Citations . The OUCI is intended to simplify the search for scientific publications. 🔬 Why is it an important milestone for us?  Being published on PubMed and OUCI confirms the validity and #impact of our #research on Lipoedema, a pathology that is often little-known but of great importance for the well-being of people who suffer from it. With this step forward we strengthen our commitment to research and to raising awareness of effective and innovative solutions.  Our thanks go to all those who made this result possible. We will continue to work with enthusiasm to improve health and well-being! 💙 To view the study on PubMed go to ⬇️ To view the study on OUCI go to ⬇️ #solidea #scientificstudy #PubMed #OUCI #Lipoedema #scientificcommunity #medicalcommunity #academicarticles

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

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    Today, SOLIDEA welcomes its agents and medical representatives for the 12th edition of the annual event in the charming location of Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo in Brescia. This is a key #opportunity to introduce the latest innovations from our brand, both in terms of #products and #communication concepts. One of the event highlights is the presence of Dr. Clara Mottinelli President of FederFarma Brescia who will give a speech about the evolution of pharmacies in Italy and their transformation into "Pharmacies of services," particularly in relationship with pharmacy customers and their needs. #Innovation, #proximity and #commitment in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector: #values confirming the guiding principles of Solidea towards the future. #Pharmacies #customer #guidelines #agents #medicalrepresentatives #innovations

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  • SOLIDEA ha diffuso questo post

    📌 Tra le oltre 110 #aziende che hanno riconfermato la loro partecipazione a #Cosmofarma2025 si inserisce anche SOLIDEA, #azienda specializzata nella produzione di #calze elastiche e #collant terapeutici. 🎤 Abbiamo chiesto al suo CEO Luca Pinelli se in poche parole poteva darci la ragione per cui ha scelto #CosmofarmaExhibition anche nel 2025 🫵 Scegli anche tu di diventare protagonista, contattaci per partecipare alla 28esima edizione! #cf25 #farmacia #farmacie #farmacista #farmacisti #farmaciste #pharma #distribuzione #health #healthcare #care #salute #bellezza #benessere #wellness #beauty #skin #beautycare

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

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    We are pleased to inform you we just completed an innovative scientific study examining the effects when women affected by lipedema wear SOLIDEA micro-massaging leggings. This study represents the result of a long, extremely accurate evaluation process involving industry experts, patients and researchers. The study interested a large sample of women with #lipedema and checked the effects of wearing Solidea micro-massaging leggings during several months, such as the reduction of adipose tissue inflammation and the consequent decrease in pain. The #study has been published and may be read at the following link ⬇️ We are excited about the possibilities this study may discover for the treatment of lipedema and are committed to keeping on with our innovative #research of #solutions aimed at enhancing the lives of people affected by lipedema. Then, we trust with this study we may offer a further tool to confirm the #effectiveness of Solidea products. #Solidea #medicaldevices #MadeInItaly #ScientificStudy #experts #researchers #patients #micromassage #technology

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

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    We have an exciting news to share with you! 📣 Today SOLIDEA has successfully completed the #audits for the renewal of ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 #certifications! 📋✅ Thanks to the strong commitment of our team, the certifications have been fully reconfirmed with no observations or recommendations at all. This significant #achievement highlights our ongoing pursuit of excellence and our commitment to providing high-quality products for the well-being of our customers. A special thanks to the whole Solidea team who made this accomplishment possible. Together, we keep on improving and innovating in the field of medical devices with graduated compression. #solidea #graduatedcompression #ISO9001 #ISO13485 #Quality #Excellence #Innovation #MedicalDevices #MadeinItaly

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione SOLIDEA

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    "Light Legs: efficient solutions to feel better every day." We have a new article in our blog that may interest all those who must spend long hours on their feet for their work. Discover valuable hints and tips to keep a healthy circulation. With SOLIDEA you can count on high quality medical devices designed to offer #comfort and #support at all times. Read the article and discover how our graduated compression tights and stockings can bring a big difference during your daily life! #Solidea #MedicalDevices #GraduatedCompression #HealthyCirculation #MadeInItaly

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