Studio Professionisti Associati srl

Studio Professionisti Associati srl

Architettura e pianificazione

Cagliari, Sardinia 111 follower

Chi siamo

Studio Professionisti Associati, was founded in Cagliari in 1981 by partners from Cooperativa Tecnici, c&p Consulenze e Progettazioni e a&p Analisi e Progetto. In 2005 the firm has undergone a deep reorganization and continued its activities until 2014 under the leadership of four senior members (Antonio Cabras, Carlo Caredda, Massimo Faiferri and Aldo Vanini) as an engineering company. Since May 2014, the company has three senior members and four junior members. The practice’s activity focuses on the development of projects for both the public and private sector, mainly in the fields of architecture, urban planning, urban refurbishment, historical heritage restoration and preservation, with the ambition of combining an approach based on research with the development of the project in a deep professional context. To do this the firm takes advantage of the stable collaboration of young designers and an established network of specialist consultants, both at local and national level. The firm hosts continuously students and recent graduates of Italian and foreign universities thus allowing an ongoing cultural exchange. Some of his works have been published by the leading national magazines, and they have been the subject of national and international exhibitions. The firm successfully participated in international competitions and its members are engaged in research activities in the fields of architecture and urbanism and are part of the technical bodies of the regional and local levels. The firm collaborates with prestigious national and international firms such as Herzog & de Meuron Architekten, Studio Boeri, 5+1AA, C+S Associati, Proap Lda.

Sito Web
Architettura e pianificazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Cagliari, Sardinia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Architecure, Planning, Infrastructures, Residential, Social Housing, Housing, Interiors, Health e Design


Dipendenti presso Studio Professionisti Associati srl


  • Dopo anni di ricerca silenziosa in tema di integrazione di strategie di sostenibilità nei nostri progetti, abbiamo deciso di dare concretezza a questo impegno diventando membri di USGBC e integrando nei nostri team di progetto un professionista accreditato LEED AP BD+C. In questo modo vogliamo diventare parte attiva nel mondo della sostenibilità, fornendo nel contempo ai nostri Committenti tutti gli strumenti per giungere alla certificazione dei propri progetti. Per saperne di più:

    • Nessuna descrizione alternativa per questa immagine

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