Foto di copertina di T. Mariotti S.p.A. - Shipyard
T. Mariotti S.p.A. - Shipyard

T. Mariotti S.p.A. - Shipyard

Cantieri navali

T.Mariotti activity focuses on ultra luxury cruise shipbuilding, megayacht and supply vessel construction.

Chi siamo

T.Mariotti Shipyard is a world leader in the field of Ultra Luxury Shipbuilding, its portfolio includes Cruiseships, Megayachts, Off-shore supply vessels. Thanks to the experience at the most exclusive level of the Industry, Mariotti can achieve the allure and comfort required of a yacht with the technical complexity expected from a ship. Founded in 1928 as a Genoa based firm of ship-repairs, combines since then a high degree of craftsmanship with a constant research on new materials, technologies, building techniques in compliance with latest regulations. All cruiseships built by Mariotti set new standards and received the best awards from leading independent rating organizations for their highest standard of environmental consciousness, comfort, safety and style. Mariotti belongs to Genova Industrie Navali Holding, a reliable naval pole in the Mediterranean able to fulfil every need of Ships and Yachts up to 465 mt through specialized Companies and their networks.

Sito Web
Cantieri navali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Shipbuilding - Repair - Conversion, Ultra Luxury Cruiseships, Megayachts e Off-shore Supply Vessels


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