TECHNITAL performs projects that correctly interact with the environment in which human life develops. The design is an idea of development, an idea of environment and, above all, an idea for humanity. An Italian joint stock company specialized in engineering services for major works, we provide consultancy services for public administrations and for private entities on the international scale. You can subscribe your spontaneous application or see the vacancies for which Technital is seeking experts on our dedicated page: WORK WITH US: For information do not hesitate to contact us on our dedicated page: CONTACTS: #technital #technitalspa
Chi siamo
We Plan the World of Tomorrow where the world of tomorrow is to be respectful of the environment and of the future generations. The target of Technital is to use the planning as tool to gear the world life under the principles of the circular economy. Indeed, Technital is an Italian joint stock company specialized in engineering services for major works, which provides consultancy services for public administrations, international founding agencies and for private entities on the international scale. In more than 60 years of activity, Technital has completed numerous remarkable projects which have left an important mark in terms of both innovative design and improvement of people’s living standards. Indeed, the feature that best describes Technital’s soul is its ability to perform environmentally sustainable projects. The staff is composed by a wide range of expertise that embraces all aspects of civil works and infrastructures and the company can cover full range of services from planning and feasibility studies through to detailed design, works supervision and technical assistance. Technital activity: • Airports • Energy • Environment • Hydraulics • Marine and Coastal • Ports and Waterways • Railways and Urban Trasnsport • Roads and Motorways • Waste Treatment • Water Tratmenet • Urban Planning, Buildings and Architecture Details of Technital remarkable experience can be found on the website Technital's headquarters are located in Italy. The organization includes abroad branches and subsidiaries, and several project offices. TECHNITAL S.p.A. We Plan the World of Tomorrow
- Sito Web
Link esterno per TECHNITAL S.p.A.
- Settore
- Ingegneria civile
- Dimensioni dell’azienda
- 51-200 dipendenti
- Sede principale
- Tipo
- Società privata non quotata
- Data di fondazione
- 1964
- Settori di competenza
- transport infrastructure, maritime engineering, coastal engineering, hydraulics engineering, environmental engineering, sanitary engineering e urban planning
Via Carlo Cattaneo, 20
VERONA, 37121, IT
Dipendenti presso TECHNITAL S.p.A.
Con profonda tristezza partecipiamo al dolore della famiglia per la perdita dell'ingegnere Alberto Scotti, amministratore delegato di Technital S.p.A. che, con ingegno e grande passione, ha dedicato la sua attività all'ingegneria civile, marittima e ambientale, lasciando un'impronta indelebile nel panorama delle grandi opere in Italia e all’estero. Con rara competenza e instancabile dedizione tra le tante opere ha guidato, per l’intera durata della progettazione e nella fase di avviamento - tanto da esserne definito “il papà” - il progetto del MoSE, il sistema di difesa di Venezia dalle acque alte, affrontando sfide tecniche e ambientali di grande complessità. Nel corso degli anni l'ing. Scotti ha condiviso la sua esperienza e conoscenza diventando, grazie alla sua passione per l'innovazione e l’impegno profuso, un punto di riferimento per colleghi e professionisti del settore. La comunità ingegneristica italiana perde una figura di grande prestigio, un professionista che ha saputo coniugare competenza tecnica, visione strategica e desiderio di mettersi in gioco per sempre nuove e appassionanti sfide. Il suo lavoro continuerà a proteggere Venezia e tanti altri porti italiani ed esteri e ad ispirare le future generazioni di ingegneri. Alla famiglia dell'ing. Alberto Scotti giungano le nostre più sentite condoglianze. Il Presidente, il Consiglio di amministrazione, dipendenti e i collaboratori della Società. Buon Vento It is with deep sorrow that we join the family in mourning the loss of Engineer Alberto Scotti, CEO of TECHNITAL S.p.A., who, with ingenuity and great passion, dedicated his career to civil, maritime, and environmental engineering, leaving an indelible mark on major projects both in Italy and abroad. With unmatched expertise and tireless dedication, among the many projects he led, he was at the helm of the MoSE project, the flood defense system for Venice. His leadership throughout its design and start-up earned him the affectionate title of "the father" of the project, as he confronted significant technical and environmental challenges along the way. Throughout his career, Engineer Scotti shared his wealth of knowledge and experience, becoming a beacon of innovation and commitment for colleagues and professionals alike. His passion for progress and dedication to his work made him an influential figure in the field. The loss of Engineer Scotti marks a profound moment for the Italian engineering community. His legacy is one of exceptional technical proficiency, strategic insight, and a relentless pursuit of new, exciting challenges. His work will continue to safeguard Venice, many other Italian and international ports, and will serve as an inspiration to future generations of engineers. Our deepest condolences go out to the family of Engineer Alberto Scotti. The President, the Board of Directors, employees, and collaborators of the Company. Fair winds. #technital
TECHNITAL S.p.A. ha diffuso questo post
Transportation of the first tunnel element. #immersedtunnel TECHNITAL S.p.A. Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd. Ballast Nedam COWI
TECHNITAL S.p.A. ha diffuso questo post
The 4th Edition of the Tanzania-Italy Business Forum has been an effective platform for promoting collaboration, innovation, and mutual prosperity between the two countries! Thanks to the Italian Trade Agency, the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam, and Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo for the excellent organisation
Direttore Tecnico, Consigliere delegato per Progetti di Opere e Studi Idraulici e di Tutela e Valorizzazione Ambientale presso Technital S.p.A.
Il Comune di Lipari (ME), mediante la stazione appaltante di Invitalia, affida a TECHNITAL S.p.A. la redazione del progetto integrale di messa in sicurezza idraulica dell’abitato di Stromboli, ai piedi del vulcano. Il versante del vulcano è stato sede nel maggio 2022 (durante giornate di forte scirocco) di un devastante incendio scoppiato contestualmente alla registrazione di alcune scene della serie TV RAI “sempre al tuo fianco”. La registrazione della serie TV, che avrebbe dovuto illustrare l’azione della Protezione Civile Nazionale, è stata occasione per un evento che oggi condiziona in modo sensibile la sicurezza idraulica dell’abitato, a causa del dissesto innescato sui versanti, oggi non più vegetati a causa dell'incendio, dalle acque di ruscellamento. TECHNITAL S.p.A. dovrà redigere la progettazione integrale di tutti i 3 lotti (Nord, Centro e Sud) e svolgere poi la direzione dei lavori che hanno carattere di urgenza.
Zeno D'Agostino spoke about TECHNITAL S.p.A. best practices for a greener future during SustainabITALY, event organized by OICE at the Padiglione Italia, in the COP29 Azerbaijan in Baku
Baku (Azerbaigian) – 20/11/2024 TECHNITAL attended "COP29 Baku Azerbaigian" - Italy Pavillion "SustanaibITALY" #technital
TECHNITAL S.p.A. ha diffuso questo post
Regione Sardegna, attraverso la sua società in house, Opere ed Infrastrutture della Sardegna (OIS) affida a TECHNITAL S.p.A. la redazione dello studio di fattibilità della alternative progettuali della nuova opera di presa dall'invaso della diga di Maccheronis a servizio del potabilizzatore di Torpè di Abbanoa S.p.A. Importo delle opere stimato: 10 milioni €
TECHNITAL S.p.A. ha diffuso questo post
26/10/2024 🇮🇶 (Immersed Tunnel) What an Incredibile and challenging project. #Geotechnical #Engineer #Immersed #Tunnel
Milestone Accomplished! The preparation for launching the immersed tunnel is complete, and we are set to flood the prefabrication yard to transport the elements to their final location. It’s important to note that during the flooding process, Supervision Engineers will carefully monitor the condition of the segments and check for any potential water leaks that may occur. We are excited to move the elements to their final destination beneath the Khor Al-Zubair channel once the flooding and monitoring are finished. #immersed_Tunnel #Supervision_Engineer #InfrastructureProjects #Precast_Concrete TECHNITAL S.p.A. Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co.,Ltd.