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TTS Cleaning

TTS Cleaning

Ospedali e strutture sanitarie

Santa Giustina in Colle, Padova 2.895 follower

A cleaner's in our hands!

Chi siamo

Ever since 1988, we have been just the right partner for thousands of professionals operating in the professional cleaning sector. This because we have always aimed at quality and innovation through our product and service range designed for all market needs: from hotels to restaurants, offices to schools, airports. Today, TTS is a reality with customers in more than 75 countries and more than 3000 products. This success belongs to all of you. Because you have always been the focus point of our work.

Ospedali e strutture sanitarie
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Santa Giustina in Colle, Padova
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
cleaning equipment, cleaning trolley, professional cleaning, hygene e Made in Italy


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