Come è conservato e trasportato l'azoto nelle colture? Come agiscono i biofertilizzanti? Come incide lo stress sul metabolismo delle piante e sulla loro resilienza? In BF Educational, Agronomia e Fisica si fondono per studiare le proprietà e i meccanismi delle colture e del suolo, dai principi idrodinamici e biofisici di base, alla realizzazione di nuovi rilevatori e sistemi di imaging come la Tomografia ad Emissione di Positroni e la Risonanza Magnetica per la rilevazione e la misurazione, in campo aperto, dei nuovi processi funzionali delle colture. _________ How Nitrogen is stored and transported in plant cultivated? How biofertilizers act on crops? How stress acts on cultivated plants metabolism and resilience? We study the physics at different level from plant to cropping systems and soil, from basic hydrodynamic and biophysical principles, to the realization of new imaging detectors and systems as Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the detection and measurement, in open field, of new crop functional processes.
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Piccole colonie crescono… Laboratorio di microbiologia🔬🧪 . . #osiservice #analisichimiche #laboratoriochimico #lanoratoriodimicrobiologia #analisimicrobiologiche #greentech #analisiambientali #greentechnology #ambiente #transizioneecologica #indaginiambientali
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Analysis of air shows pollutants impact bacteria and fungi concentrations. Brazilian Scientists discovered bacteria adapt better, while fungi are more sensitive to pollution. Check out this amazing article by USP! #Microbiology #Science #Bacteriology #Micology #Urban #Health
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Genetica agraria, arrivata alla sua quinta edizione, è un testo introduttivo alla genetica e alle sue applicazioni in agricoltura, frutto dell’esperienza di oltre cinque decenni di insegnamento presso le Facoltà di Agraria, e mira a fornire una solida base di conoscenze ai laureati in scienze agrarie. #Pàtron #editoriauniversitaria #agraria #università #saggistica #libri #lettura #studio #leggere #geneticaagraria
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Alternaria alternata Spore - Microscopic Features 🌱🔬 This image captures a spore of Alternaria alternata, one of the most prevalent plant pathogens responsible for causing diseases like leaf spots, blights, and post-harvest rots. Conidia (spores): The spore shown is multi-celled and exhibits a characteristic beak-like structure. This tapering end is shorter compared to other Alternaria species, a key distinguishing feature. Color and Shape: The conidia are typically dark brown to greyish and feature both longitudinal and transverse septa (cross-walls), as seen here. Arrangement: Spores like this one are usually produced in chains, aiding their dispersal by wind, water, and insects. Understanding the spore morphology of Alternaria alternata is vital for its identification and the management of the diseases it causes in a wide range of crops.
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Corso su: Analisi chimiche del terreno, Interpretazione ed elaborazione agronomica dei Piani di Concimazione. Imparare a leggere le Analisi del terreno ed interpretare la valutazione Agronomica è di primaria importanza per redigere dei Piani di Concimazione.
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Are you a native 🇮🇹 speaker? Check out this article about last year's plant breeding breakthrough: "Editing genomico con grafting" #non-ogm #CRISPR #innesto
Piante editate ma non-OGM? È possibile con l'editing by grafting
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#siticontaminati #organoalogenati #Montescudaio #scienzeomiche Risultati promettenti dallo studio commissionato da #RegioneToscana a #TesecoBonifice e #UNIPI: "Prove pilota in scala di laboratorio per la decontaminazione delle matrici suolo saturo e insaturo inquinati da organoalogenati" con il protocollo Soil-Omic(R)
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Our paper is out! Pearl millet is an important staple crop in Africa and India, but yield is threatened by the parasitic weed Striga. We sequenced the genomes of a resistant and a susceptible pearl millet and found a crucial gene that makes a big difference. Plant breeders can now aim for the resistant allele, and soon introduce more resistant cultivars to both commercial farming and smallholder farmers.
Chromosome-scale pearl millet genomes reveal CLAMT1b as key determinant of strigolactone pattern and Striga susceptibility - Nature Communications
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Specialization of Indian Cattles Domestic cattle have spread across the globe and inhabit variable and unpredictable environments. They have been exposed to a plethora of selective pressures and have adapted to a variety of local ecological and management conditions, including UV exposure, diseases, and stall-feeding systems. These selective pressures have resulted in unique and important phenotypic and genetic differences among modern cattle breeds/populations. Ongoing efforts to sequence the genomes of local and commercial cattle breeds/populations, along with the growing availability of ancient bovid DNA data, have significantly advanced our understanding of the genomic architecture, recent evolution of complex traits, common diseases, and local adaptation in cattle. femous bread of Indian Desi cows
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Un gene per aumentare la fotosintesi nelle piante #CRISPRCas9, senza aggiungere DNA esterno alla pianta. La pianta del Riso è risultata ideale per questo studio, poiché ha solo una copia di ciascuno dei tre geni chiave di fotoprotezione nelle piante, è risultato un modello ideale per questo studio di modifica genica. I risultati sono stati sorprendenti. #CRISPR #Agricoltural #DNA #Plant #Innovation
Research team uses CRISPR/Cas9 to alter photosynthesis for the first time
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