Post di Birla Carbon Italy

 Nel corso degli anni, Birla Carbon ha intrapreso un viaggio di trasformazione, spingendo costantemente i confini delle pratiche di sostenibilità. Dalla creazione del nostro Comitato direttivo per la sostenibilità all'annuncio della nostra aspirazione a raggiungere emissioni nette di carbonio pari a zero entro il 2050, abbiamo aperto la strada a un futuro più verde. #birlacarbonitaly #innovation

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Over the years, Birla Carbon has embarked on a transformative journey, constantly pushing the boundaries of sustainability practices. From creating our Sustainability Steering Committee to announcing our aspirations to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, we have paved the way for a greener future. Stay tuned as we get ready to unveil our 2024 Sustainability Report, where we share the next steps in our commitment to a sustainable tomorrow.  #Sustainability #ShareTheStrength #BirlaCarbon #Innovation #ShareTheFuture

Jayamraj kumar

Senior Lab technician at Aditya Birla birla group

3 mesi

Hai sir, This is jayamraj from India.I have 11 years working experience in senior laboratory technician chemist and Quality control i attached my updated CV please do the needful sir. Consider me for the opportunity at your esteemed organization sir. Regards, Jayamraj. (9842176853) India.

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