Cosa puoi creare con EasySTONE? Una splendida fontana a muro in marmo ⛲ Abdelali Cherkaoui ci mostra come si è passati dalla fase di progettazione alla realizzazione della vasca, per poi condividere il risultato finale. La lavorazione della pietra diventa più semplice ed intuitiva con EasySTONE. Scopri il nostro software e le sue funzionalità 👇 -------- What projects can you create with EasySTONE? A wonderful marble wall fountain ⛲ Abdelali Cherkaoui shows how to turn a design project into a washbasin and the final result. Stoneworking becomes easier with EasySTONE. Discover our software and all its features 👇 #ddx #ddxsoftwaresolutions #easystone #stoneworking #stone #fountainproject
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Advanced technology is always fun to watch! Check out how Celox from Fox Packaging & Fox Solutions is able to catch those elusive defects! #PotatoGrading #QualitySolutions #TechnologyIntegration
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Our new solutions web page Automatic Container Debloating is live. Container images often contain bloat – software, libraries, and other files not required for a given deployment. This creates unnecessary attack surfaces, spurious vulnerability reports from static container scanning tools, and overhead when transmitting, maintaining, and using images. Our Dykondo (DYnamic KONtainer Debloater/Optimizer) solution reduces container images for reduced attack surface and optimized edge deployments. Check it out here:
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Did you know that the Emotron FDU is equipped with a function that can detect pump problems and reverse automatically? The pump cleaning function is standard in our FDU drives from software version 5.12 onwards. The wastewater stations of Kalmar Vatten used to require daily calls to stop and reverse pumps. Heine Lindqvist and Leif Nilsson at Kalmar Vatten contacted Emotron to see what could be done. "If you have a problem, you call Emotron. If no one at Emotron can solve it, then no one can solve it!" Due to the software upgrade, these pumping stations now seldom fail. Find out more: #Emotron #FDU #Wastewater #Pumping
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Pivot secco sistemi
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Calcolo Volumetrico portatile! la #fabbrica #digitale esce dallo stabilimento!!! #humancentric #manufacturing #machinevision #ecommerce #aircargo #android #3d #tof #logistica #logisticscompany #logisticsmanagement #intralogistic 🎹 Lettore codice 1-2D 🆔 🔎 🔍 Camere 3D a luce strutturata: a 850nm proietta un pattern sulla scena e rileva le superfici dell’oggetto. (Usato per brevi distanze) 📲 Seconda camera 3D a tempo di volo: misura il tempo che ci mette il raggio a 940nm, a colpire l’oggetto e a tornare indietro. Così facendo calcola e fornisce la tridimensionalità dell’oggetto. (Usato più a lunghe distanze) 💦 💦 💦 IP65 📷 Camera RGB da 13mpx 💻 Integrabile con API Android, scarica dati in CSV dalla porta usb-c, Wi-Fi, 4G 📲 touchscreen, estremamente facile da utilizzare 📦 📦 📦 hai un problema con le spedizioni e/o il magazzino? 📦 📦 📦 📞 call iMAGE S S.p.A. Matteo Cardani Matteo Ferronato Donato Marcantonio Massimiliano Rato Arber Misa Valerio Pozzi Sergio Perfetto Gabriele Conti Andrea Castellani Davide Castelletti
Getting the right box size isn't just about Tetris skills - it saves you time and materials! The M2 by QBOID takes the guesswork out of dimensioning, maximizing space and minimizing waste. #M2byQBOID #PackingMadeEasy #Savingmaterial #marketresearch #EffortlessPacking
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Good to hear that our implemented Pump Cleaning function in our FDU series is fulfilling its task and by doing this it is reducing unexpected standstill and adhoc maintenance measures! #FDU #robust #pumpcontrol #Emotron #fitforpurpose
Did you know that the Emotron FDU is equipped with a function that can detect pump problems and reverse automatically? The pump cleaning function is standard in our FDU drives from software version 5.12 onwards. The wastewater stations of Kalmar Vatten used to require daily calls to stop and reverse pumps. Heine Lindqvist and Leif Nilsson at Kalmar Vatten contacted Emotron to see what could be done. "If you have a problem, you call Emotron. If no one at Emotron can solve it, then no one can solve it!" Due to the software upgrade, these pumping stations now seldom fail. Find out more: #Emotron #FDU #Wastewater #Pumping
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Se non pianifichi la manutenzione, sarà la tua attrezzatura a farlo per te! Contattaci subito per programmare un controllo della tua attrezzatura. Non aspettare che la tua linea di produzione si fermi per mancata manutenzione ordinaria.
Provisur smart service. If you don't schedule time for maintenance, your equipment will schedule it for you. Check your service plan now. #Hoegger #Weiler #Formax #Lutetia #AM2C #BEEHIVE #CASHIN
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Experience the power of versatility with nVent ILSCO's 6-Ton Inline Tool Crimping and Cutting System. Crimp and cut with ease using the same tool, designed for professionals who demand efficiency and reliability. Stay ahead with the built-in free DataTrack software and optional Pressure Gauge accessory. Embrace the change with nVent ILSCO's innovative system. #Innovation #Efficiency #nVentILSCO
nVent ILSCO 6-Ton Inline Crimping & Cutting System
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