In questa intervista a Ludovico si parla di storytelling, intelligenza artificiale e produzione di branded content. Grazie a MediaKey per la piacevole chiacchierata 🎥 #keypeople
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Un assaggio dal backstage dei tanti shooting fatti per raccontare #paneeidee insieme a Morato Pane, di Morato Group 🍞💛 Quanta strada abbiamo fatto in questi anni! A ripensarci ci viene già fame! #AsteriscoCreativeAgency #MoratoPane #Morato #BehindTheScenes #shooting #digital #communication #socialmedia
Shoot Shoot! 📸 A glimpse from backstage of the many shoots done to narrate #paneeidee together with Morato Pane 🍞🥖🥪. How far we have come over the years! Thinking back on it already makes us hungry! 😋 #AsteriscoCreativeAgency #MoratoPane #Morato #BehindTheScenes #shooting #digital #communication #socialmedia
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#nabshow #filmtechnology #mediatechnology collegefilm #independentfilm #indiefilmmakers #filmproducers #filmdirectors #filmproduction #filmmarketing #filmfinancing
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Discover the essence of storytelling with us. 📖✨ Journey into a world where words hold power and narratives unfold. Project: White Paper Client: Raytec Vision #Videospot #NewayVideo #VideoProduction #DigitalJourney #DigitalStorytelling #SpotVideo Scoprite con noi l'essenza della narrazione. 📖✨ Viaggiate in un mondo in cui le parole hanno potere e le narrazioni si sviluppano. Progetto: White Paper Cliente: Raytec Vision hashtag #Videospot #NewayVideo #VideoProduzione #DigitalJourney #DigitalStorytelling #SpotVideo
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l'importanza delle storie. usa il giusto storytelling! #storie #raccontarestorie storytelling #parlareinpubblico #publicspeaking #publicspeakingtips #comunicazionecarismatica #voicebrand #voicebranding
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Riflessioni interessati sullo stato della produzione seriale al livello globale ed europeo e sull’impatto degli obblighi di investimento degli OTT in alcuni paesi europei.
From Variety: Warning Signs? Gilles Fontaine, European Audiovisual Observatory | Observatoire européen de l'audiovisuel’s head of department for market information, said there were warning signs of a downward trend in the number of seasons being produced, first in the U.S. and now, possibly, in #Europe. According to figures from FX Content Research, after steady growth in the number of seasons in the U.S. since 2015, when it stood at 422 seasons, to 2022, when it peaked at 600, last year the number slumped to 516. Fontaine asked: Was it a short-term impact of the strikes or the start of a longer downturn? In European, meanwhile, the number of seasons grew from 426 in 2015 to 873 in 2022, according to EAO figures. Pandora Gagnon da Cunha Telles, a producer from Ukbar Filmes in Portugal, who is vice-president of the European Producers Club, said the picture was mixed and some signs were contradictory. Although in some countries, like Poland, Germany and the Nordic countries, there were signs of a contraction, in others, such as France and Portugal, and other countries that have implemented the #EU’s Audiovisual #Media Services Directive, which obliges investment by the streamers in local production, there are signs of an opposite trend with a boosting in production levels. When asked if she was alarmed by the prospect of a downturn, Lucía Recalde, head of unit for the audiovisual industry and media support program of the European Commission’s Creative Europe Media program, posed another question: “Were the levels of production of the last years sustainable?” She responded: “Maybe not.” She said the amount of time for a person to consume all the professionally produced content available on the #streaming platforms was 350 years. “That is the level of competition that all the media companies are facing today in the so-called attention economy,” she said. “We see that the streamers are more cautious when it comes to investment decisions because the main criterion is not subscription base, it is profitability. We also see that broadcasters, who are still the main commissioners in Europe, are suffering from a loss in #advertising revenue.” She said this could be taken as a warning of an adjustment in the market. “The question is: How we get prepared for that?,” she said. Winners and Losers The second trend was addressed under the banner “Winners and Losers,” which compared shows commissioned by broadcasters and those ordered by streamers, and showed “strong difference” between the two, Fontaine said, with broadcasters backing local content more strongly. Streamers tend to concentrate their largesse on fewer countries, with the winners including producers in Spain and the U.K., followed by France and Italy, then Sweden and Poland, with Germany, the Benelux countries and the rest of Europe faring less well. SERIES MANIA #TV
Four Key Trends in European Series Production Identified at Series Mania: ‘Streaming Is Changing the Topography of Production in Europe’
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Questo Sabato 14 dicembre ore 17.30 studi Hypercast | Storytelling the Hypernovel CIAO CICCI LIVE 🚀🚀🚀 Hypercast | Storytelling the Hypernovel
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Questo è il futuro (non solo) del Cinema? Aldilà del hype che può generare un contenuto del genere, sono doverose più riflessioni a riguardo. Sono un amante del cinema del passato degli attori come Mastroianni, Gassman, Tognazzi e dei grandi registi come Monicelli, Bertolucci e Fellini. E vi chiederete: perché? Beh, quel cinema affrontava tematiche ancora attuali e, grazie a grandi attori, direi dei geni, riusciva a farci sentire parte integrante del film stesso. Perché? Perché sapevano essere genuini, crudi e autentici. Oggi, il cinema, come molte altre arti, tra cui la musica, non sta vivendo un bel momento. Non mancano le idee, ma è evidente che, così come nella musica, l'interesse principale è diventato il numero di visualizzazioni e i click; e chi se frega aggiungo delle scuole di teatro ecc.. se a basso costo avremo a disposizione nmila scenografie e "attori" ( fake). Con l’aggiunta dell’AI, mi chiedo: dove vogliamo andare? Cosa vogliamo creare? Vogliamo snaturare l'essere umano? Vogliamo allontanarci dalla vera essenza della vita, che è l’arte? L'AI non deve portare alla disumanizzazione, ma dovrebbe aiutarci, senza sostituirci. Diversamente, rischiamo di dimenticarci il progresso e lo sviluppo dell’essere umano, e soprattutto il valore di attori come Mastroianni ad esempio.. P.s: vi lascio un estratto di un film autentico che fa riflettere:
🎬 Creator PJ has dreamed of creating a live-action adaptation of Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke for over 20 years. He invested $745 in Kling Al credits to give us a preview of the future of filmmaking. This is one of the finest AI-generated films we’ve seen ! 🤔 What are your thoughts? Credit: pjacefilms / IG
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Insieme, cooperative ed economia cooperativa, possono rappresentare una valida alternativa economica, sociale, ambientale, all'economia odierna
Two “revolutionary” UK co-ops have been chosen to star in a feature-length TV documentary to be aired across Europe. Equal Care Co-op and Suma Wholefoods will feature alongside organisations from mainland Europe to showcase the transformative nature of co-operatives. "The co-ops we have chosen are really revolutionary. They have been proving that it is possible to reverse power relations and put at the centre of the scene workers and users, while still being profitable." ~ Sara Vicari, co-founder of, Find out more about the project, which is a collaboration between, Co-operatives UK, Co-operative College, Fondazione Ivano Barberini and film production company Ladoc, here 👇
Two UK co-ops to star in European documentary
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Vi aspetto il 30 ottobre per il Webinar dove approfondisco le funzioni mostrate durante la LIVE sulle novità di Adobe Max! Se l'hai persa, la trovi qui sotto. 🥳
Digital Trainer Adobe - TEDx Speaker - Titolare di Creative Master: Piattaforma di formazione per professionisti della comunicazione digitale.
Live with Restream, October 18 Turn your videos into live streams with Restream
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