Nella #grafica in tempo reale bisogna considerare che i #modelli siano perfetti ed osservabili da 360 gradi.
Post di Luca B.
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Spazio alle buone idee! questo è il trailer di "Empire Ants", sperando che il gameplay effettivo del titolo sia anche solo un decimo del trailer
If Empire Ants' gameplay is half as epic as this brand-new hype trailer then we're in for a treat when it releases on November 7. Tower Five is making the indie strategy title in Unreal Engine 5.4 and it'll have both single-player and online PvP modes. Find out more and wishlist it here on Steam:
"Empire Ants" by Tower Five
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🔧 Nuove Funzionalità in Unreal Engine 5.4🎮 Ho appena implementato la funzionalità per creare e trovare sessioni utilizzando l'Online Subsystem e la SessionInterface. Inoltre, ho integrato diversi elementi del gameplay, come: PressurePlate CollectableKey MovableDoor MovablePlatform WinArea Per vedere come ho realizzato queste implementazioni visita il mio portfolio:! #GameDevelopment #UnrealEngine #Multiplayer #SessionManagement #GameplayElements #UE5 #OnlineSubsystem #SessionInterface
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Spazio alle buone idee! Questo è Otoshi no Shima e per quanto sia un working progress a già tutte le carte in regole.oer essere un concept semplice ma funzionale.
Japanese Unreal Engine 5 game developer Mamoru Kano is continuing work on "Otoshi no Shima", with a terrifying giant catfish his latest addition. Animated/rigged with UE5's improved Control Rig, the catfish is another of the oversized adversaries players will encounter in the upcoming indie title. You can keep up with OnS' ongoing development by following Mamoru on X:
"Otoshi no Shima" by Mamoru Kano
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ENG For all those who don't speak Italian, would you like to see these contents in English? I'm considering creating the translated version. Let's continue with tutorials on Unreal Engine and finally introduce Metasound. We're talking about a very interesting system that starts from the simple possibility of playing a sound, up to the creation of very complex logics, useful for building articulated and reactive audio systems based on gameplay. Since it's a very broad topic, in this video I'll talk about the basics and general controls of Metasound. ITA Continuiamo con i tutorial su Unreal Engine e introduciamo finalmente Metasound. Stiamo parlando di un sistema molto interessante che parte dalla semplice possibilità di mandare in play un suono, fino alla creazione di logiche molto complesse, utili a costruire sistemi audio articolati e reattivi in base al gameplay. Essendo un argomento molto vasto, in questo video vi parlo delle basi e dei controlli generali di Metasound. #metasound #unrealengine5 #ue5 #gameaudio
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ANNOUNCEMENT! 🔔 Motocross The Game is the game that gamers have been dreaming of for decades: A hyper-realistic motocross simulator based on online competition, available on both PC and next-gen consoles, with cross-play capabilities. Support the game on Kickstarter: Wishlist the game on Steam: Unreal Engine Epic Games #unrealengine5 #epicgames #motocross
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#gamification e’ un termine inflazionato ma per fortuna anche in Italia ci sono gamer che sono cresci IcT i grad alla teoria dei giochi e oggi possono metterla in pratica: Fabio Viola GAME-ER Project apprendiamo dai videogiochi come riconoscere i #glitch e migliorare i processi INNOVABILITA MADEINITALY.TECH #REFIGAME ITALIA2030 #gameerproject
Interview with Fabio Viola - Video Game Zone Exhibit Our GAME-ER partner, #SpinSystem, recently had the incredible opportunity to visit the Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino, Italy, for the opening of their new permanent #VideoGameZoneExhibit. The initiative was in collaboration with our partner: Università degli Studi di Torino. Take a look at the interview with Fabio Viola, co-curator of the Video Game Zone. The interview explores the dynamic relationship between video games and movies and explains the museum's decision to establish a permanent exhibition space dedicated to video games. #gameerproject #GamingInnovation #NationalMuseumofCinema #turin
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Dietro le quinte dello sviluppo di videogiochi: il ruolo dell’ingegneria #gaming #Havok #ingegneria #PhysX #programmazione #sviluppo #Unity #UnrealEngine #videogiochi #games
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Spazio alle buone idee! oggi andiamo a vedere le bellissime animazioni di gameplay di fight di Martin Chang.
Check out these UE5/Maya-made ink VFX attack and cloth animations from talented gameplay animator Martin Chang using a hand-keyed rig. See more of Martin's awesome work here:
"Ink VFX Attack Combo/Special Retreat Move" by Martin Chang
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FORZA HORIZON 5 Race 105 (Vista Del Mar Sprint) #REDHEADGAMINGSTUDIOS #SKULLpturedGaming #PS4 #Ps4Pro #PS5Share #PS5 #gaming #xbox #gamers #playstation #videogaming #xboxone #walkthroughs #videogames #videogame #youtube #youtubegaming #Pc #Pcgame #pcgaming #Pcgamer
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Grazie Davide Castagnone per queste lezioni interessantissime!
ENG For all those who don't speak Italian, would you like to see these contents in English? I'm considering creating the translated version. Let's continue with tutorials on Unreal Engine and finally introduce Metasound. We're talking about a very interesting system that starts from the simple possibility of playing a sound, up to the creation of very complex logics, useful for building articulated and reactive audio systems based on gameplay. Since it's a very broad topic, in this video I'll talk about the basics and general controls of Metasound. ITA Continuiamo con i tutorial su Unreal Engine e introduciamo finalmente Metasound. Stiamo parlando di un sistema molto interessante che parte dalla semplice possibilità di mandare in play un suono, fino alla creazione di logiche molto complesse, utili a costruire sistemi audio articolati e reattivi in base al gameplay. Essendo un argomento molto vasto, in questo video vi parlo delle basi e dei controlli generali di Metasound. #metasound #unrealengine5 #ue5 #gameaudio
Unreal Engine 5 – Utilizzare MetaSound
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