🔍 Innovazione e qualità in ogni dettaglio. Il nostro reparto di Design & Ingegneria si dedica a sviluppare soluzioni all'avanguardia che migliorano l'esperienza in barca. Grazie anche all'uso di stampanti 3D ad alta risoluzione, portiamo la prototipazione a un livello superiore, trasformando i concetti digitali in prototipi fisici con precisione e qualità. 🚤 🔍 Innovation and quality in every detail. Our Design & Engineering department is dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions that enhance the boating experience. Thanks also to the use of high-resolution 3D printers, we elevate prototyping to the next level, turning digital concepts into high-quality, precise physical prototypes. 🚤 #Innovation #3DPrinting #BoatingExperience #Prototyping #DesignAndEngineering #Osculati #BoatingSimply
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𝗜𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗔: 𝗦𝗜𝗠𝗕𝗢𝗟𝗢 𝗗𝗜 𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗧𝗔’ 𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗭𝗜𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗔 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗠𝗣𝗔 𝟯𝗗 Per realizzare molte parti della Cabina Fototessera che proietta la fotografia automatica nel futuro 4.0, Dedem S.p.A. ha scelto di avvalersi della 𝗧𝗘𝗖𝗡𝗢𝗟𝗢𝗚𝗜𝗔 𝟯𝗗 di HP 3D Printing. Ciò ha consentito una maggiore cura dei dettagli, l’ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi con scarto di materiale pari a zero, una riduzione dei tempi di produzione, un consistente abbattimento dei costi. 🔎 𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗣𝗥𝗜 𝗜𝗟 𝗖𝗔𝗦𝗢 𝗦𝗧𝗨𝗗𝗜𝗢: https://lnkd.in/eBgN9hyr 🗣 𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗘𝗗𝗜 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗭𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗜: https://lnkd.in/dr-RdjNE #3DPrinting #stampa3d #3dprint #engineering
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"G-code with Grasshopper" Live Online Workshop – November Edition. Unlock the full potential of #Grasshopper3d by combining its design flexibility with the precision of #Gcode. This hands-on workshop is tailored to those interested in generating custom G-code for controlling 3-axis FDM 3D printers, with techniques that can also be adapted for other CNC machines, such as milling machines. Join us to explore innovative ways to bridge the gap between parametric design and machine-level control! How does this sound? https://lnkd.in/dV3kApxg #Gcode #DigitalFabrication #ComputationalDesign #ParametricDesign
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Industrial 3D Printing. Si parla tanto di tecnologie a letto di polvere, fantastiche assolutamente, ma è un argomento che merita riflessioni approfondite. . #3dprinting #stampa3d #powderprinting
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Introducing the Carbon Fiber Visual Option with ABS-CF on Stratasys FDM F123 Series! This long-awaited enhancement, the 5-slice print (0.005 ″ slice) allows you to take full advantage of the incredible strength of carbon fiber within ABS while achieving an unparalleled aesthetic. Thanks to our advanced settings in GrabCAD, you can now print parts that are not only robust and functional but also showcase a stunning, shiny surface with no visible support marks—thanks to our soluble support technology! Why ABS CF 10 Visual? ⦾Enhanced Aesthetics: Achieve a polished, carbon-fiber finish that’s perfect for both functional prototypes and end-use parts. ⦾Superior Strength: Benefit from the unmatched strength-to-weight ratio of carbon fiber, now more accessible and versatile than ever. ⦾Clean Finishes: With our soluble support, say goodbye to unsightly support marks and hello to flawless parts. This time I tried it on some test parts like Vacuum Cleaner Nozzles, Screwdriver Handles and Connectors, but got hooked on the smooth surface and just keep printing more and more. We’re excited for you to try this new feature and explore the endless possibilities it brings. Whether you’re in automotive, aerospace, or consumer goods, this upgrade is your gateway to creating parts that stand out—in both performance and appearance. Find out more: https://lnkd.in/e4kUSieS #AddStratasys #AddABSCFVisual #Stratasys #3DPrinting #AdditiveManufacturing #CarbonFiber #FDM #CarbonFiberVisual #SolubleSupport #StratasysFDM
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🎄LinkedIn posts advent calendar - Day 18 😉My personal countdown to Christmas with some of the coolest stories or things I saw throughout the year involving additive manufacturing 😃We often talk about the benefits offered by additive manufacturing in term of part consolidation 🚀The evolution from SpaceX’s Raptor 1 to Raptor 3 engine is a great exemple 👍🏻 Extensive use of additive manufacturing has been key to reduce parts count and significative improvements in this case 🎯Raptor 3 is 36% lighter and has 51% more thrust at sea level versus Raptor 1 😃Thanks to the internalisation of secondary flow paths and the addition of regenerative cooling for exposed components, the Raptor 3 engine no longer requires a heat shield 🏋🏻The elimination of the heat shield contributes to the reduction of the overall mass of the engine 👍🏻It also removes the complexity associated with heat shield integration and maintenance and has allowed SpaceX to do away with the fire suppression system, further simplifying the engine’s design and reducing potential points of failure — 🙋🏻♂️I am Enrico from Ricoh (EnRicoh😉) 👨🏻💻I enjoy posting regular content about additive manufacturing and what we are up to at Ricoh 3D 👀Like what you see? 🤝 Connect ↖️ Click the “follow” button 🔔Ring the bell on my profile Ricoh 3D ➡️ Parts printing | Manufacturing Solutions | Personalised Service #additivemanufacturing #adventcalendar #countdowntochristmas
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Webinar! Approfondimento sui materiali. 🔍 Scopri come scegliere il filamento perfetto per qualsiasi applicazione! 🔍 Il mercato dei filamenti per la stampa 3D è in continua espansione, offrendo ai produttori numerose opzioni per produrre rapidamente parti dalle geometrie complesse e con proprietà meccaniche adatte a una vasta gamma di applicazioni. Ma con così tante opzioni disponibili, sorge una domanda difficile: quale materiale di stampa 3D è adatto per le vostre esigenze? Trovare il filamento perfetto potrebbe essere semplice, come trovare il giusto equilibrio tra qualità e prezzo. Ma cosa succede se i componenti hanno bisogno di qualcosa di più? Se richiedono resistenza chimica, all'acqua, al calore o ai raggi UV? In questo webinar scoprirete i vantaggi delle stampanti 3D di BigRep - Large-Format 3D Printers che, essendo sistemi aperti, consentono di utilizzare anche materiali di terze parti. Michael Eggerdinger, Business Manager – 3D Printing Materials di BigRep GmbH, condividerà la sua esperienza su "Come scegliere il filamento perfetto", dai polimeri standard fino ai materiali ad alte prestazioni capaci di resistere alle alte temperature. 👉Guarda questo webinar https://lnkd.in/eaCDrmW5 per scoprire: --> Il valore aggiunto di una stampante a materiale aperto --> La scelta del materiale perfetto per ogni applicazione --> La stampa FDM da bassa ad alta temperatura 📅 Titolo: FROM LOW TO HIGH TEMP FILAMENTS: How to Choose the Perfect Material for Any Application ⏳ Durata: 38 minuti
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📢 3i3Signature LLC da il benvenuto ad AddUp che rivoluziona l'industria aerospaziale e della difesa tramite la stampa 3D. La produzione additiva offre chiari vantaggi all'industria aerospaziale, tra cui un design migliorato, un peso ridotto tramite ottimizzazione topologica, prestazioni migliorate e processi di produzione più efficienti. I componenti aerospaziali spesso richiedono forme complesse e intricate che sono difficili o impossibili da ottenere utilizzando metodi di produzione tradizionali. La produzione additiva consente la creazione di strutture altamente intricate, come progetti generativi per l'alleggerimento, che possono ottimizzare l'aerodinamica e la gestione termica. https://lnkd.in/ejnuNTH5 Seguiteci: Nick Estock - (Foto) = AddUp, un OEM globale di produzione additiva di metalli, e Airbus Defence & Space hanno consegnato la prima stampante 3D in metallo all'Agenzia spaziale europea. 📢 #AerospaceAM #manufacturedifferent #metal3Dprinting
3i3Signature LLC Welcome AddUp Revolutionizing Aerospace & Defense Through 3D Printing Additive manufacturing offers clear benefits to the aerospace industry including improved design, reduced weight via topological optimization, enhanced performance, and more efficient production processes. Aerospace components often require intricate and complex shapes that are difficult or impossible to achieve using traditional manufacturing methods. AM allows the creation of highly intricate structures, such as generative designs for lightweighting, that can optimize aerodynamics and thermal management. https://lnkd.in/ejnuNTH5 Please follow : Nick Estock - (Photo) =AddUp, a global metal additive manufacturing OEM, and Airbus Defence & Space, have delivered the first metal 3D printer to the European Space Agency.
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Imagine a scanner that can capture a 3D element faster than you can blink! This 3D scanner from Manometric can complete an upper extremity scan in 10 milliseconds, allowing for 3D-printed braces and splints to be created in record time ⏰ Manometric uses Formlabs SLA and SLS 3D printers to make custom splints and braces. 📹 : Formlabs #3Dprinting #additivemanufacturing #SLS #SLA
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WE EMBRACE THE LATEST DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Digital scanners, digital X-rays and photography, 3D software, 3D printers and remote monitoring have changed the way patients are diagnosed, planned and treated. Our digital scanner is essentially a small camera which is scanned over the surfaces of the teeth, creating a very accurate 3D digital model. This has almost completely replaced traditional impressions and plaster-cast models. #bassorthodontics #londonorthodontist #straightteeth #londondentist #invisiblebraces #kidsbraces #aligners #fixedbraces #interceptiveorthodontics #harleystreet #treatingfacesdesigningsmiles
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La nuova JFX600 velocità e qualità
🚀Designed to meet your large-scale printing needs, the new Mimaki JFX600-2531 delivers incredible productivity and supports printing on architectural materials such as plywood and partitions. With a print-bed size of 2.5m x 3.1m, it also features the Toggle Print function for simultaneous front and rear printing. 🌟 🎥Watch our latest video to discover how this feature can transform your print workflow: https://lnkd.in/eUtvarbM #Mimaki #UVprinting #UVflatbed #largeformatprinting
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