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Il #CeatlFriday di oggi ci porta alla scoperta di un #documentario che parla di una #traduttrice e del suo viaggio nella #traduzione di un romanzo. Se volete saperne di più su #DreamingMurakami, documentario di Nitesh Anjaan sulla traduzione del primo romanzo dell'autore giapponese da parte della danese Mette Holm, leggete il post del CEATL ⤵️

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When you think of documentaries, one about a translator and her journey to translate a novel doesn’t come to mind first, does it? With this week’s #CeatlFriday, we hope to change that. Welcome to Dreaming Murakami, a documentary by Nitesh Anjaan about Danish Murakami-translator Mette Holm and her journey to translate Murakami’s debut novel Hear the Wind Sing!   This is not a traditional documentary, but rather a way to create a bridge between language and the imagination. But how to make such an endeavour interesting, without compromising either art form? Enter a two-metre tall Japanese-speaking frog that follows Mette Holm around, as if we’re not talking about a book she’s translating, but about visiting another world.   The result resonated not just with Mette Holm, but also with other (Murakami) translators around the world, who felt recognized and inspired by the movie. Not only that, people often tell Anjaan that his film made them think about literary translation for the first time.   Read all about this in our backlist #Counterpoint article: P.S.: You can follow Mette on Instagram: @MetteKojima! Highly recommended...   #EuropeanTranslators #Counterpoint #FromtheArchives

  • Filmposter voor de film Dreaming Murakami, met een grote kikker

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