Post di Venetian Cluster

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🎉 Ecco a voi SOTER, progetto vincitore della 2ª call per innovazione e internazionalizzazione all'interno del progetto FRIEND CCI! 🌟 Cosa fa SOTER? Unisce il settore delle Industrie Culturali e Creative con l'innovazione digitale per rivoluzionare la gestione di eventi su larga scala come i festival, grazie ad AI e Computer Vision. 🔑 Obiettivi principali: ✅ Sicurezza: Analisi in tempo reale dei comportamenti della folla. ⏳ Esperienza: Riduzione delle attese e ottimizzazione dei flussi. 🌍 Internazionalizzazione: Debutto al Tokyo Game Show 2024. SOTER combina creatività, tecnologia e gamification per ridefinire gli eventi culturali, portando l'innovazione europea su scala globale. 🚀 FRIEND CCI è co-finanziato dal programma SMP dell’#UnioneEuropea Progetto realizzato da: Venetian Cluster, ITALCAM - Italian-German Chamber of Commerce, France Clusters, OpenHub Galati, Cluster IDiA Commissione Europea, DG GROW, della European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) e della European Clusters Alliance. #FriendCCI #Euroclusters #ECCP #IndustrieCreativeCulturali #InnovazioneCulturale #CCI

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Let's begin with the presentation of the projects that won the 2nd call for innovation and internationalization! The first project we will introduce you is SOTER! SOTER brings together a unique collaboration between partners from the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) sector and cutting-edge digital innovation companies. This project aims to transform how large-scale events like festivals ensure safety and enhance the visitor experience through advanced AI and Computer Vision solutions. 🎶📹 The consortium, led by IkanoVision, combines expertise from three partners and includes an external service provider selected by FRIEND CCI. Together, they address the operational challenges of music festivals, offering innovative tools and gamified experiences for both organizers and attendees. 🤝🎯 🔗 What does SOTER aim to achieve? Ensure safety: Real-time analysis of crowd behaviours to prevent risks and improve emergency response. Enhance experience: Reduce wait times, streamline movement, and provide valuable performance insights to artists. Go international: Expand innovative event solutions to new markets like Japan, starting with the Tokyo Game Show 2024. SOTER takes a cross-sectoral approach, blending creativity, technology, and gamification to redefine how we manage large-scale cultural events. With a focus on digital transformation and sustainability, the project is ready to elevate European innovation to a global stage. 🚀🌏 FRIEND CCI is co-financed by the SMP program of the #EuropeanUnion. Project implemented by: Venetian Cluster, ITALCAM Italian-German Chamber of Commerce, France Clusters, OpenHub Galati, Cluster IDiA   European Commission, DG GROW, European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) European Clusters Alliance   #Friendcci #euroclusters #eccp #CreativeCulturalIndustries #CulturalInnovation #CCI  

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