Foto di copertina di Eagle industrial printers
Eagle industrial printers

Eagle industrial printers

Produzione di macchinari

The Eagle printers has been specifically developed for industrial applications

Chi siamo

The printers of the Eagle line are produced with the aid of the latest technology in the field of inkjet printing that guarantee reliability and print quality, making them also suitable for industrial use. Compared to traditional printers, Eagle has a series of features and services that make it an incredibly advantageous printer. Thanks to a careful design Eagle printers are particularly versatile with a maximum printing height of 250mm, the ability to print on objects larger than the table thanks to the wing design and printing on cylindrical objects with a dedicated support. The ink system in Eagle printers consists of bottles under constant pressure and recirculation. Choosing bottles instead of cartridges reduces waste and ink costs. Are available UV LED and Hybrid inks for printing on objects and water-based inks for printing on fabric, each perfectly calibrated to work with Eagle printers and guarantee excellent print quality and holding. The WhiteRIP professional RIP software is also supplied with features designed to maximize production such as template printing, inline printing and synchro print as well as numerous optimisations to reduce printing times and consumption of ink and color profiles for most common materials. The new generation of printers is also equipped with a management tablet that allows you to control the printer and perform maintenance operations even without being physically in front of the machine. Each Eagle can be customized to integrate it with automatic printing lines, automatic loading / unloading systems, adapting it to materials with particular shapes, etc.

Produzione di macchinari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
stampa, tessile e oggettistica

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