Jordan Phosphate Mines Co.PLC

Jordan Phosphate Mines Co.PLC


Amman، Amman ١٠٬٥٧٣ متابع

نبذة عنا

JPMC was incorporated into a public shareholding company in 1953. Operates in three mining locations across the central and southern parts of Jordan; Al Hassa, Al Abiad, and Eshidiya Mines. 1.47 Billion Tonnes are the estimated reserves of phosphate rock in the three Mines. JPMC produces up to 7 million tonnes a year of rock, making it the world's sixth largest phosphate rock producer and the second largest exporter. JPMC owns and operates a Fertilizer Complex in Aqaba that produces: - Phosphoric Acid: 350,000 tonnes per year - Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP): 650,000 tonnes per year - Aluminium Fluoride: 14,000 tonnes per year.

المجال المهني
حجم الشركة
٥٠٠١ - ١٠ آلاف موظف
المقر الرئيسي
Amman, Amman
تم التأسيس
Phosphate & Fertilizers و Exploration & Geological Reserves

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في Jordan Phosphate Mines Co.PLC

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