Most likely the Anuppan people originated in Karnataka, which would explain the fact they speak Kannada, the language of that state. Most now live in Tamil Nadu.
The Anuppan people live in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
This is a farming community.
The primary religion practiced by the Anuppan is Hinduism, the predominant religious tradition of the Indian subcontinent. There are many forms of Hinduism, each with its own deities and beliefs.
This is a small community that needs to merge with others. Those in Tamil Nadu have an excellent opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel since there are many believers in that part of India.
Pray for workers to go to the Anuppan people, and for their hearts to be ready to receive their Savior.
Pray for networks of believing Anuppan families and fellowships that will throw the doors open for others to follow Jesus.
Pray for the Lord to bless the families among the Anuppan people with His presence and mercy.
Pray for believers among this people group to disciple others who will disciple still others.
Pray for Bible believing fellowships and churches among the Anuppan people.
Scripture Prayers for the Anuppan in India.
Profile Source: Keith Carey |