The Bandh people are also known as the Rehr or Bhand, a name that comes from the word for bamboo. This is because most of them make their living by making bamboo baskets. They also make bamboo pots for storing large amounts of grain.
Some have managed to get land for cultivation while others are day laborers. They have been blessed with a better infrastructure than most rural communities. They have electricity, a good water supply, roads and schools.
A Bandh woman can divorce her husband and marry another man provided the new husband pays the first husband compensation. One can marry the wife's younger sister or the husband's younger brother when the spouse dies. All sons get an equal amount of the inheritance.
The Bhand people practice Hinduism, the ancient religion of India. Hinduism is a catch-all phrase for the local religions of South Asia, so it is very diverse. At the popular level, Hindus worship and serve the gods of the Hindu pantheon. They visit Hindu temples and offer prayers, food, flowers, and incense to their gods in hopes of gaining protection and benefits. They do not have a personal or familial relationship with their gods like Christians or Jews. There are other Hindus who are much more philosophical, especially among the Brahmins.
Almost all Hindus participate in yearly celebrations like Holi, the festival of colors and the start of spring / Diwali, the festival of lights / Navratri, the celebration of autumn / and Rama Navami, Rama's birthday.
The Bhand people need the Holy Spirit to open their eyes so they can see Jesus.
Pray that the Bandhi people will hear of and desire an inheritance in Christ.
Pray for the Lord to thrust out loving workers to the Bandhi people to help them find the one who provides life to the full.
Pray for Bandhi elders and family leaders to find their way to the cross and the empty grave.
Scripture Prayers for the Bhand (Hindu traditions) in India.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |