Patkar, Ashwin A. MD*; Masand, Prakash S. MD*; Pae, Chi-Un MD*†; Peindl, Kathleen PhD*; Hooper-Wood, Christa PharmD‡; Mannelli, Paolo MD*; Ciccone, Patrick MD‡
*Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; and †McNeil Specialty and Consumer Pharmaceuticals, Fort Washington, PA.
Received April 21, 2006; accepted after revision September 17, 2006.
A part of these data was presented at the 44th annual meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, December 11 to 15, Waikoloa, HI.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Ashwin A. Patkar, MD, Duke University Medical Center, Suite 700, 4323 Ben Franklin Blvd, Durham, NC 27704. E-mail: [email protected].