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In-Depth Analysis Based on Occupant Behaviour: A Support-Decision Method for Energy-Efficient Retrofitting of 20th Century Buildings

Analyses approfondies du comportement des usagers : une méthode d’aide à la décision pour améliorer l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments du XXsiècle
Antonella Mastrorilli and Roberta Zarcone


Several researches have demonstrated the capacity of dynamic energy simulations to accurately assess the energy performance of buildings. These studies have identified the performance gap between standard occupant behaviour models, based on conventional patterns, and the genuine energy consumption.
This article aims at proposing an in-depth analysis methodology based on post-occupancy behavioural energy assessment. After demonstrating the interest and impact of the occupancy variable on the implementation of dynamic energy simulation processes, this paper proposes two survey campaigns carried out with residents of a social housing operation in the Vieille Motte district of Neuville-en-Ferrain in northern France. One aimed to shed light on residents’ habits in order to include diagnostic profiles in the simulations; the second aimed at estimating the residents’ satisfaction levels with regard to the proposed intervention measures. The first survey allowed us to quantify the impact of residents’ behaviour on the energy performance in the dwellings studied and to propose a decision support tool for strategic interventions on a case-by-case basis. The second campaign allowed us to support the inhabitants towards eco-responsible housing practices and to improve the acceptability of the proposed methodology here called “Rehabilitation 2.0”.

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We would like to thank the residents of the Vieille Motte district in Neuville-en-Ferrain for their time and patience while completing the questionnaires. We would also like to thank Gautier Despin, master student at ENSAPL at the time of the research and who worked closely with the inhabitants and data collection. We would also like to thank Sabrina Chenafi and Téva Colonneau who actively collaborate on the development of this research. Finally, many thanks to Virginie Thomas (Puca), Philippe Rémignon and Valentin Breton (Vilogia).


  • 1 Communication FROM The Commission TO THe European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic an (...)
  • 2 Directive 2018/844/EU of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of bui (...)
  • 3 Stuart Barlow, Dusan Fiala, “Occupant Comfort in UK Offices. How Adaptive Comfort Theories Might In (...)
  • 4 Kathryn B. Janda, “Buildings Don’t Use Energy: People Do,” Architectural Science Review, Vol. 54, I (...)
  • 5 Yan Zhang et al., “Rethinking the Role of Occupant Behavior in Building Energy Performance: A Revie (...)
  • 6 Jonathan Owens, Harold Wilhite, op. cit.

1Currently building sector in EU is responsible for 40% of overall energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions, these figures represent huge potential for the reduction of emissions.1 The European directives on energy performance in buildings give precise indications on targeted action. Although the urgent actions amount to technical and constructive measures on the building envelope, nowadays particular attention is also paid to the need to engage users when implementing energy efficiency improvement measures, by raising awareness and promoting understanding of the objectives and benefits of the interventions.2 There is much research which highlights the role of residents in the framework of energy retrofitting and renovation throughout the whole process of the project.3 Residents’ behaviour, lifestyle and energy use have a considerable impact on a building’s energy performance.4 According to the study findings, the energy-saving potential due to residents’ behaviour can vary between 10%–25% for residential buildings and between 5%–30% for commercial buildings.5 Similar percentages were previously reported for northern countries, with an energy-saving potential between 10% et 20%.6 Further studies present the case study of a social housing estate in Villeneuve d’Ascq, in the North of France (fig. 1).

Figure 1. 3D Modelling of “La Salamandre” Social Housing Complex (Rental Section) Using Autodesk Revit 2018 [8]

Figure 1. 3D Modelling of “La Salamandre” Social Housing Complex (Rental Section) Using Autodesk Revit 2018 [8]

Produced by the authors

  • 7 Antonella Mastrorilli et al., “Systèmes dynamiques pour la rénovation énergétique du patrimoine arc (...)
  • 8 Davide Calì et al., Energy Performance Gap in Refurbished German Dwellings: Lesson Learned from a (...)
  • 9 Tianzhen Hong et al., An Ontology to Represent Energy-Related Occupant Behavior in Buildings. Part (...)
  • 10 Isabella Gaetani, Pieter-Jan Hoes and Jan L. M. Hensen, “Occupant Behavior in Building Energy Simul (...)
  • 11 IEA-EBC Annex 66, Occupants Behavior Research Bibliography, [on line] [ (...)
  • 12 Ray Galvin, Making the ‘Rebound Effect More Useful for Performance Evaluation of Thermal Retrofits (...)

2Apartments with the same exposure and typology demonstrated differences of as much as 4% in terms of heating between an eco-responsible household and a non-eco-friendly household.7 Other research underlines the huge diversity of results on the impact of residents’ behaviour on the energy performance gap, in the case of a renovated residence in southern Germany.8 The variety of these results may be due to the specificity of each case study (different types of buildings, construction systems, usage, etc.), or the digital simulation models used as well as the subsidiary areas examined9. Nevertheless, the growing trend in research on the impact of resident behaviour on buildings’ energy performance underlines the new dynamic in this domain which long neglected the resident in comparison to other factors (building envelopes and systems).10 For this reason, now several researchers are focusing their studies on increasingly precise behavioural models in dynamic energy simulation programmes.11 The implementation of these models also facilitates the reduction of the apparent performance gap between simulated and genuine energy performance12.

  • 13 Éric Vorger, Étude de l’influence du comportement des habitants sur la performance énergétique du b (...)
  • 14 Hong Tianzhen et al., “Ten Questions Concerning Occupant Behavior in Buildings: The Big Picture, Bu (...)
  • 15 Linda Steg, “Promoting Household Energy Conservation,” Energy Policy, Vol. 36, Issue 12, 2008, p. 4 (...)
  • 16 Riikka Holopainen et al., “Comfort Assessment in the Context of Sustainable Buildings: Comparison o (...)

3Other studies highlight the importance of socio-cultural and psychological factors, which are often under-estimated, and their impact on the behaviour and comfort of residents.13 Over the last few years, to answer these questions, methods associated with social sciences, based on in situ surveys have been applied so as to improve understanding of residents’ behaviour. Additional research remark upon two main approaches to the question: a qualitative approach, using interviews, which aims to explore how an individual or group of individuals addresses a social problem; and quantitative approaches based on surveys and experiments, aimed at testing the relationships between the variables at play.14 This second approach based on surveys can raise concerns in relation to the veracity of the residents’ answers, the application of a survey protocol, ensuring a large enough number of residents take part, and the variety of the types of data obtained. To remedy these concerns, the researchers focus on establishing simple survey guidelines with an emphasis on brevity and clarity and an appealing aesthetic (with simple language, layout and graphics, etc.).15 The surveys should also project answers based on assessment levels (whether ordinary, intervals, or ratios) so as to facilitate the residents’ responses.16 In addition, much research has coupled surveys with the use of sensors in order to marry results with answers provided and data collected.

  • 17 Leena E. Thomas, “Evaluating Design Strategies, Performance and Occupant Satisfaction: A Low Carbon (...)

4In recent years, research on the energy retrofitting of existing buildings focused on Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE), which relied on residents’ feedback on the performance of renovated buildings. These methods also allowed the residents’ level of satisfaction to be identified as well as factors which influence their lifestyles and good practice in terms of the reduction of energy consumption.17

  • 18 This Social Housing Operation (1975) is attributable to the architects Jean Willerval (1924-1996) a (...)

5In this paper, we propose an interdisciplinary, methodological process for energy renovation dubbed 2.0 based on dynamic simulations including behavioural models arising from the POE. This methodology was tested on a social housing estate in the Vieille Motte neighbourhood in Neuville-en-Ferrain, in the Nord department in France.18 To this end, we designed two questionnaires. The first allowed us to compile in-depth profiles of the residents in order to incorporate behavioural models in the simulations, thus reducing the performance gap between simulated and genuine data. The second, allowed residents to record their levels of satisfaction in regard to the proposed strategies.

European and French standards for the energy retrofitting of the residential housing sector

6Nowadays, in terms of the energy performance of buildings, European politicians aim above all to encourage the retrofitting of existing buildings.19 In fact, in light of recent communications, Europe’s post-pandemic ambitions with regards to climate change have been clearly outlined. In order to achieve these environmental goals in the construction sector, the proposed indications cover “deep renovations addressing building shells, smart digitalisation and the integration of renewable energy.”20

  • 21 Directive 2018/844/EU of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of bui (...)

7These recommendations follow on from European Directives which had previously generated interest in action taken on intervention on existing building components. For example, the art. 13 of EU Directive 2018/844 outlines precise interventions to be carried out on targeted elements of buildings, such as the components of the envelope, in order to ensure “the complete, homogeneous insulation of buildings.”21

  • 22 Ibid., art. 18.

8It is important to note that a complimentary addition to this approach is strongly recommended in article 15 of EU Directive 2018/844, which encourages the consideration of technical systems and passive elements aimed at reducing energy needs for heating and cooling, lighting and ventilation, or which improve thermal comfort and visual appeal. In the same vein, article 18 paves the way for research into innovative solutions for the energy retrofitting of heritage buildings by encouraging the selection of an approach to renovation which is geared to the protection and conservation of buildings of historical value.22

  • 23 Ibid., art. 20.

9On the other hand, amongst the amendments to Directive 2010/31/EU, those in art. 20 pay particular attention to the need to implicate the residents in this approach to improving energy performance by raising awareness and developing an understanding of the aims and efficacy of the interventions.23 Although it does not make direct reference to the influence of residents’ behaviour on the overall energy balance in the entire building, it does lay the foundations for the development of a participatory approach aimed at reducing energy consumption.

  • 24 Ministère de la Transition écologique, Réglementation thermique RT2012, [on line] [https://www.ecol (...)

10In the French context, heating regulations in existing buildings apply to three principal criteria: the surface area, the year the buildings were erected, the fixed cost of planned works and the nature of the construction planned.24

  • 25 Félicie Geslin, “Le bâti ancien appelle des solutions non standardisées”, Les Cahiers techniques du (...)

11Amongst these regulations, the 2016-711 decree recommends the use of total external envelope insulation (ETI) when a building constructed after 1948, undergoes a major facade overhaul. Strongly criticised by building heritage charities, this decree was eventually amended, and a new version written up (2017-919) which included an exemption for listed 20th century heritage buildings.25

12In addition, the heating regulation RT2012, which is intended to respond to the directives and the french political debate on sustainable development called “Grenelle de l’Environment” (2007), includes the use of conventional calculation methods, certifying a level of energy performance to be achieved. These calculations take data arising directly from Th-BCE regulatory methods of the RT2012, combining the analysis of genuine collected data with pre-determined data arising from hypothetical usage scenarios. This approach presents performance requirements based more on reports emphasising control and regulation systems than on the actual thermal gains and the energy use of the buildings, notably in housing. In actual fact, in the framework of a dynamic energy simulation (DES) study for example, the RT2012 imposed the use of determinist, referenced behavioural models. These are characterised by user scenarios which differ depending on the relative sector of activity (shared housing, individual housing units, offices, etc.) and simulate user activity over time. Nonetheless, such an approach limits the user scenarios, whether through lack of behavioural diversity or their repetitiveness, as they focus on a series of ‘default’ user scenarios. This makes it difficult to interpret energy use and detailed thermal analyses. Indeed, their application limits the calculation of internal gains in the housing units where residents are present, without really considering residents’ genuine behaviour and the energy use observed. In addition, the occupancy variable is simplified and averaged out in the calculation and its value does not always reflect the actual results observed.

  • 26 Ministère de la Transition écologique, Réglementation environnementale RE2020, [on line] [https://w (...)

13However, the latest thinking on the French regulatory framework currently in force, seems to promote the implementation of Environmental Regulation RE2020 as the proposed solution to these new challenges. Even if it relates to new builds, selecting a solution from the array of possibilities for complete insulation of building envelopes is one of the principal objectives of this new regulatory framework. Certain measures provide significant indicators to understand how to improve a building’s comfort and energy performance and reduce its carbon footprint.26

  • 27 Antonella Mastrorilli et al., “Réhabilitation 2.0 : vers des solutions minimales et non standard po (...)

14The analysis of norms seems to include the impact of residents’ behaviour and the advantages of raising awareness about reducing energy consumption. Considering the limitations of standard calculation models, the Renovation 2.0 approach proposes, through the methodology of in-depth analysis, intervention strategies which are appropriate in the framework of energy retrofitting under current environmental targets.27

Method. A post-occupancy evaluation: based on detailed knowledge of resident behaviour and energy awareness

  • 28 Ibid.

15The methodology of our research aims primarily to assess the impact and variety of residents’ behaviour on energy use in genuine occupancy scenarios, the assessment of energy needs and consumption and typological nature of the housing. Thanks to digital simulation tools and a case-by-case approach to in-depth analysis, we put forward the following proposal: the variations in residents’ energy behaviour influence the strategic direction of minimal interventions tailored to each eventuality, depending on the nature of energy usage, the typological character of the housing units and the level of residents’ awareness of energy issues. The approach which we refer to here as “Renovation 2.0” implies, using the term “2.0,” the implicit participatory and interactive aspect of the methodology used in this research. Through the approach of the analyses studied, it considers the dynamic character of the energy’s causes and effects on the residents’ interactions with their environment.28

16Our methodological process rests on a continuum which spans the digital maquette, the construction and materiality, as well as the potential gains and historical, architectural and societal issues. It has the advantage of being able to manage numerous factors in retrofitting projects by exploiting, optimising and testing them. This general method is based on an interactive, collaborative approach that brings together the digital universe and the real world.

17As we see in fig. 2, the method is developed over several stages: after a phase of detailed analysis of the building based on archival research and data collected on site, a 3D model was created in a BIM environment. This allowed us to integrate several important data to construct energy simulations (about the site, the spatial layout, structure, building materials and stratigraphy of the envelope). This stage centred principally on the treatment and representation of analytical, constructive data on the architectural, urban characteristics of the estate. We chose to think of it like an informative, adaptable ‘processing tool’ so that the units modelled could reflect a faithful interpretation of the genuine conditions of the layout of built-up areas and (housing) non-built-up areas (landscaped spaces, roads and pathways, green spaces). In the continuation of this article, after explaining the process by which we constructed the DES, we shall focus on the last two stages of the methodological schema: strategic interventions and awareness campaigns.

Figure 2. Methodological Process For Dynamic Energy Simulation Coupled With Detailed Behavioral Model

Figure 2. Methodological Process For Dynamic Energy Simulation Coupled With Detailed Behavioral Model

Produced by the authors.

The survey protocol for the characterisation of resident behaviour

  • 29 Ibid.

18To construct a calibrated behavioural model of genuine residents profiles, the proposed methodology defines a preliminary phase of surveys establishing contact with the residents. This phase also consists of the implementation of an experimental participatory approach which allows us to determine the typical models of resident behaviour. In addition, as part of the preparation of the energy analysis of the typology of housing units modelled, a questionnaire for the households taking part in the study was undertaken, in order to collect as much data as possible on the energy consumption habits and lifestyles. The final, completed questionnaire is an exhaustive document of questions relating to spatial occupancy types, energy gains linked to everyday life, seasonal heating habits and average times of appliance usage (fig. 3). The information on variations in behaviour were then transferred and recorded in tables based on written answers collected (objective or constant data on each housing unit and subjective or variable data linked to residents’ behaviour).29

Figure 3. Survey Protocol on the Awareness-Raising Phase. Workflow of the Application of the Survey Protocol

Figure 3. Survey Protocol on the Awareness-Raising Phase. Workflow of the Application of the Survey Protocol

Produced by the authors.

19To determine typical behavioural models, as precisely as possible, the questionnaire was designed to be scalable and adaptable. The survey phase marked a key stage in the methodological process of the study, by facilitating the communication of the aims of our research to the residents. Based on the number of answers, the phase of analysing data obtained was undertaken concurrently with the following stage, relating to estimations of hourly occupancy modes and the management of heating, activities and daily energy consumption. This questionnaire was the first factor in building a personalised database (dataset) for each resident, which would objectify the energy audit based on an in-depth analysis of the variable data which are neglected by regulatory calculations.

Proposal of a behavioural model calibrated on the detailed profiles

20Behavioural modelling of residents proved to be a delicate stage of our methodology. To better manage the complexity of the notion of comfort and its multifaceted definitions (thermal, visual, acoustic, etc.) and the subjective character of the perception of same, this phase aimed to outline an in-depth model of residents’ behaviour calibrated on genuine profiles established in situ through the surveys. These questions were answered implicitly by the very modelling of the residents’ activities: the hypothesis being that, even if comfort phenomena are not modelled, the residents’ actions reflect, amongst other things, the quest for comfort.

  • 30 Ibid.

21Digital interpretation and representation tools allowed us to incorporate an in-depth analysis in all the situations described and experienced by the residents (fig. 1). This is why the characterisation of residents’ profiles was a phase which necessitated a preliminary stage and particular attention to detail in data entry, as it relied essentially on methods of calculation and tools used in the dynamic energy simulations. Considering the chosen approach for the calculation of residents’ behaviour, five variables were taken into consideration to define a detailed scenario of energy needs: heating, internal gains due to occupancy and the use of household appliances, hot water consumption, ventilation and lighting. The mathematical model has been previously presented.30

Dynamic energy simulation of the detailed behavioural model: a key step for the scenarisation of intervention strategies

22With the aim of preparing an in-depth analysis of current residents, we constructed a framework which facilitated an investigation of the building and its overall function that was made possible via a digital maquette using BIM methods (Building Information Modelling - capable of translating the modelling of the information or data on the building).

23This stage of the research aimed to create a faithful representation of the existing buildings and on-site conditions. This phase dealt with the analytical and constructive data, architectural and urban characteristics of the estate being studied. Integrating the use of such an all-encompassing, scalable ‘processing tool’ allowed every element to be modelled and provided us with a faithful interpretation of the genuine conditions in the built-up areas (housing) and those that were not built-up (landscaped areas, roads and green spaces). We examined the existing building in several stages (structures, spaces, envelopes, site parameters…) a necessary process for the creation of the DES; we used the digital model to support our exploration and analysis of the site which helped us to highlight the building logistics and the actual typo-morphological features of the building under investigation (fig. 4).

Figure 4. Digital Maquette BIM of Housing on the Estate in the Vieille Motte Neighbourhood in Neuville-en-Ferrain

Figure 4. Digital Maquette BIM of Housing on the Estate in the Vieille Motte Neighbourhood in Neuville-en-Ferrain

Produced by the authors.

24From that point on, we undertook the first analyses of sunlight and its overall energy impact on the housing units. This enabled us to complete the preliminary phase of developing our knowledge of the existing building. In addition, thanks to the software tools used during the DES phase, the digital model facilitated the analysis of the different typologies of housing observed in relation to their function and interaction with geographical factors on site.

25So, we construct behavioural models based on data collected directly from the residents. We will establish in-depth profiles, which include the occupancy variables, then subsequently organize them via the implementation of the elements collated through the DES software present in the same BIM environment as the model. This allows us to define the genuine occupancy variables and energy consumption in the case studies under investigation (fig. 5).

Figure 5. Example of Variations in Average Occupancy Data over a Typical Day for a Genuine Profile (Yellow) and the Profile Derived from TH BCE-RT2012 Calculation Methods (Grey)

Figure 5. Example of Variations in Average Occupancy Data over a Typical Day for a Genuine Profile (Yellow) and the Profile Derived from TH BCE-RT2012 Calculation Methods (Grey)

Produced by the authors.

26By defining the input methods specific to the chosen calculation engines to carry out a DES, the quantitative translation of genuinely observed occupancy data which subsequently permitted the hierarchical, tree-like construction of the in-depth profiles. They responded to variables depending on the individual data entry system of each tool we used and are generally categorised in the five variables, previously mentioned. For each category, the design of the time and/or seasonal timetables allowed us to guarantee the division of activities and occupancy of each room, while simultaneously integrating the usage patterns and needs of every profile, and also facilitated the use of all the information gathered by the BIM digital model.

27At the end of this implementation phase, it was possible to carry out the energy behaviour study of the estate being assessed and took both the “regulatory profile,” standardised via the RT2012, and the in-depth profile into account, thus including the actual data of residents. The comparison of the DES results according to these two methods clearly demonstrates the impact of genuine behavioural models on the functionality of the estate being assessed. These observations were only made possible through the following analysis criteria: taking stock of the residents’ behaviour in their building environment.

28The energy balance reveals the necessary energy balance between energy expenditure and energy gains in the building studied. It takes account of both the behaviour of the residents in their own environment and the impact of the residents’ interactions with the building.

29Therefore, highlighting occupancy variables as a genuine issue in the improvement of energy efficiency and thermal comfort makes it possible to consider the construction of third-party scenarios integrating the characterisation of “resident energy profiles”. These hypothetical scenarios, verified via their application in the DES and established by adjusting the gains and gaps in each in-depth profile, are therefore potentially viable in the construction of an energy retrofit strategy. Consequently, to ensure adequate consideration of the identified energy scenarios, it makes sense to include the residents actively in the realisation of an information phase and raise their awareness about the Renovation 2.0 method.

The self-assessment survey on residents’ behaviour and satisfaction levels

30Raising awareness about the effects of energy use and behaviour aims to encourage residents to put the Renovation 2.0 approach into action in their daily lives and allows them to:

31- Implement future interventions with non-standardised, minimal logic.
- Prioritise the interventions based on experiments undertaken on the variety of residents’ energy behaviours.
- Conserve the original architectural features of the buildings by avoiding full-scale overhauls of the ETI – external thermal insulation.

32Renovation 2.0 is based on a case-by-case approach, which begins by measuring factors which have even the slightest impact on the building:

33a. Socio-behavioural measures are first deployed from a sociological point of view relative to the issue. This means putting measures in place related to the occupancy of the spaces and the residents’ behaviour. They encompass a change in the way the building is occupied and inhabited, the improvement of the management of systems through the promotion of more “eco responsible behaviour”.
b. Socio-technical measures, where both social and technical issues have little economic impact. It deals with the management and behaviour of the residents and appliances in their homes that are not inbuilt. These measures include a move towards greener household appliances and minor changes to the heating, lighting and ventilation systems, or even modifying the joinery.
c. Technical measures and targets concern larger scale interventions on the distribution of internal spaces and the building envelopes, internal thermal insulation (ITI) or ETI. These types of intervention carry certain risks and greater cost which should take each building’s characteristics into consideration.

34Defining a hypothetical occupancy scenario with a socio-behavioural character is carried out at the end of the first phases of the DES, the assessment method suggests adapting the actual household energy consumption based on the findings and results of the in-depth analysis actual household consumption, to determine whether substantial energy savings can be achieved because of the awareness raising effort.

35The “Self-assessment” part of the awareness raising questionnaire was presented to all residents. It was in the form of a multiple-choice questionnaire, made up of 11 sections organised in three parts: “interaction” (the ability of residents to adapt their behaviours for improving energy performances), “observation” (the ability of residents to understand the energy effects of changes in their behaviour) and “control” (the ability of residents to manage adaptive thermal comfort).

36The “Assessment of Levels of Satisfaction” section of the awareness raising questionnaire had four parts, designed for residents to fill out on the phases of the previous study. The first presented a summary of the results, the factual and quantitative factual data, a brief overview of the occupancy rates and the thermal gains measured. The second, presented a hypothetical ideal scenario and potential savings to heating (thermal gains). The information in these first two sections was simplified and condensed to facilitate the residents’ understanding of the data, and research methods. The third section proposed energy saving suggestions and recommendations specific to each household. These took the form of simple changes, identified in the DES in the hypothetical scenarios. The fourth and final section of the questionnaire invited the residents to express themselves with regards to the energy-saving suggestions in the hypothetical scenarios compared to what they do at home. They were also asked to comment on the progression of the study with regards to a potential renovation 2.0 on their homes.

The case study: a social housing project in the Haut-de-France region

The Vieille Motte district in Neuville-en-Ferrain: Composition of households and housing types

37The social housing estate situated in the Vielle Motte neighbourhood in the town of Neuville-en-Ferrain in the North of France, displays architectural characteristics like other estates with individual housing units in the greater Lille area (fig. 4 and 6).

Figure 6. Individual Housing Units on the Estate in the Vieille Motte Neighbourhood in Neuville-en-Ferrain

Figure 6. Individual Housing Units on the Estate in the Vieille Motte Neighbourhood in Neuville-en-Ferrain

This social housing operation (1975) is attributable to the architects Jean Willerval (1924-1996) and Omer Lecroart (1912-1988).

Produced by the authors

38The “Gémeaux type houses” were erected in 1975 with a concrete slab and brick wall façades for two-room flat (T2), a four-room flat (T4) and six-room flat (T6). The T2 and T4 flats are on the same level, while the T6 flats have a partial storey.

39These typologies display interesting and revealing organisational and spatial qualities in relation to the urban morphology of the site and the estate. They bear witness to a time which was marked by problems linked to the large-scale modernisation of social housing, as well as the economic and functional issues that led to the construction of housing adapted to the changing needs of working families. At the present time, this estate is the subject of research into policies and strategies on full-scale energy retrofitting interventions based on standard exterior insulation solutions, which risk transforming the intrinsic architectural qualities of the existing buildings which define the current aesthetic of the neighbourhood. This is why, for this and many similar concerns observed on other sites, we considered the Vielle Motte at Neuville-en-Ferrain as a prototype allowing us to roll out the approach of in-depth analysis and awareness raising proposed by the research more extensively.

40Following a preliminary study on the composition of households and their energy consumption, our detailed analysis centred on households predominantly made up of retired people living alone or as a couple, in all three types of households. In the range offered by the estate management, we chose to study the following housing types: a T2 facing due South 49 m² (1), a T4 facing Northwest 98 m² (2) and a T6 facing Northeast 143 m² (3) (fig. 7).

Figure 7. Plans of Housing Typologies on the Vieille Motte, Neuville-en-Ferrain Estate

Figure 7. Plans of Housing Typologies on the Vieille Motte, Neuville-en-Ferrain Estate

(1) T2 Flat Facing Due South; (2) T4 Flat Facing North West, (3) T6 Flat Facing North.

Produced by the authors

41To assess the pertinence of the research from the point of view of raising awareness about energy and to validate the usefulness of the research, the initial simulations which resulted in the detailed knowledge phase allowed us to clarify the strategic challenges of the characterisation method employed for the construction and study of residents’ behavioural models. These energy simulations went as far as to expose the major disparity, in terms of a passive attitude towards energy, in the various situations described above, which had to take three comparisons of the initial results into consideration. In fact, many of the housing units (four & six room flats) are north facing, most of them are under-used and many of them have garages with very low levels of natural light, a factor which could have a major impact on the analysis of energy performance balances.

Categorisation of typical resident profiles and their impact on energy performance

42Our aim was to identify the possible crossover of resident profiles examined for this study and interpret the results primarily assessing occupancy balances in the range of household types on the Neuville-en-Ferrain site.

43The final categorisation of the typical household profiles was carried out based on the answers to the questionnaire which was widely distributed amongst the residents. The data collected were combined with the data which arose from the observation of residents’ behaviour. Our objective was to establish several levels of interpretation of the usage and energy consumption. Consequently, we could also take the occupancy variables and different usage habits of household appliances into consideration, as well as the various management strategies of thermal comfort and energy consumption data in our calculations of energy needs and gains. In the following part of our study, to illustrate our approach and compare our DES analysis results, we chose to categorise three variable, heterogeneous family situations which present similar characteristics in terms of the composition of the household to those homes investigated in the preliminary study. We selected one of each inhabitant profile as follows: profile A (one person/T2), profile B (couple/T4) and profile C (couple with one adult child/T6), the three households were used as case studies to construct the typical resident profiles and for the results in the awareness raising phase (fig. 8, 9, 10).

Figure 9. Comparison of Internal Gains Due to Occupancy and Average Energy Consumption Needs of Household Appliances on a Typical Day. Profile B (T4 Flats)

Figure 9. Comparison of Internal Gains Due to Occupancy and Average Energy Consumption Needs of Household Appliances on a Typical Day. Profile B (T4 Flats)

Produced by the authors

Figure 10. Comparison of Internal Gains Due to Occupancy and Average Energy Consumption Needs of Household Appliances on a typical day. Profile C (T6 Flat)

Figure 10. Comparison of Internal Gains Due to Occupancy and Average Energy Consumption Needs of Household Appliances on a typical day. Profile C (T6 Flat)

Produced by the authors

44The DES results demonstrated that by considering the activity and lifestyles in these households we could obtain a more precise interpretation of the variety of behaviour and the shift in energy consumption. The findings also revealed the varying disparity between genuine energy data obtained from residents. Although the annual energy consumption balances calculated using the simulation methods during the study are approximative, they nevertheless allowed us to discern certain differences in the results on a case-by-case basis, in comparison to conventional ways of calculating estimated costs. In fact, most of the occupancy profiles selected were above or below the basic averages of the standard energy balances carried out in similar households (fig. 11).

Figure 11. DES Results of the Comparison of Internal Gains (Due to Occupancy and the Use of Household Appliances) for Three Typical T2, T4, T6 Flats.

Figure 11. DES Results of the Comparison of Internal Gains (Due to Occupancy and the Use of Household Appliances) for Three Typical T2, T4, T6 Flats.

Produced by the authors

45We also observed in these three typologies occupancy rates that were on average higher in the ground floor spaces, which had larger rooms with better natural light and access to the outdoors. In these different case studies, the bigger the housing unit, the greater the gap between occupied and unoccupied living spaces and this was palpable via the interpretation of the energy gains and consumption balance. The nature of the households, as well as their occupancy particularities and human activity, showed that variations in the typology models are certainly present and they directly affect the sanitary condition of the buildings and the performance of the household energy systems, as well as the typologies reserved for living spaces. We also noticed that the typological distribution patterns depend on these numerous parameters that are specifically linked to the effects on energy of residents’ behaviour and the varying intensity of occupancy rhythms.

46The collected and simulated data served as the foundation for the characterisation and definition of socio-behavioural strategies, based on energy use recommendation scenarios suggested to the residents with the aim of assessing the impact of a change in their daily energy use behaviour, changes to their heating and lifestyle. In terms of the awareness raising phase, the scenarios suggested had a series of implications and variables impacting on behaviour, personalised on a case-by-case basis, which could result in a uniform energy intervention strategy. Their recommendations varied essentially according to the daily routines of each resident, the layout of the rooms in their homes, their closeness to one another and their exposure in relation to the plans (fig.12).

Figure 12. Interpretation of the Results and Definition of Intervention Strategies According to the Types Flat (T2, T4,T6) and Household’s Profiles (A, B, C)

Figure 12. Interpretation of the Results and Definition of Intervention Strategies According to the Types Flat (T2, T4,T6) and Household’s Profiles (A, B, C)

Produced by the authors

Energy Recommendation A. The temporary/ permanent increase of the number of residents living in the housing unit

47Destined to be applied to profiles B and C, this energy use recommendation suggested residents vary their occupancy balance and how frequently they used the rooms depending on the number of people present. For them, this was about a new timetable of occupancy which suggested more regular presence in the heart of the home, either through permanent occupancy of the spaces occupied or unoccupied, or by occasionally welcoming other people into the household (house-share or rentals which modified the use of the home, or the make-up of the household in a more appropriate typology) (fig. 13, 14).

Figure 13. Energy Recommendation Scenario – Increasing the Occupancy Variable and the Length of Time Present on a Typical Day. Profile C (T6 Flat)

Figure 13. Energy Recommendation Scenario – Increasing the Occupancy Variable and the Length of Time Present on a Typical Day. Profile C (T6 Flat)

Produced by the authors

Figure 14. Energy Recommendation Scenario Aimed at Matching the Activities and the Usage Balance of Appliances at Times When Residents Were Present in the Home. Profile A (T2 Flat)

Figure 14. Energy Recommendation Scenario Aimed at Matching the Activities and the Usage Balance of Appliances at Times When Residents Were Present in the Home. Profile A (T2 Flat)

Produced by the authors

Energy Recommendation B. The strategic planning of energy usage and the consumption relative to occupancy and activity

48Destined to be applied to profiles A & C, this energy use recommendation suggested residents plan their usage to suit their need for energy consumption, in relation to their behaviour. For them, it meant modifying their daily habits, reassessing the usage most likely to influence internal gains, or better ways to distribute the household appliances around the home (fig. 15).

Figure 15. Energy Recommendation Scenario Aimed at Revisiting the Repositioning of Residents’ Activities and Use of Appliances Following the Modifications to the Rooms of Their Homes. Profile B (T4 Flat)

Figure 15. Energy Recommendation Scenario Aimed at Revisiting the Repositioning of Residents’ Activities and Use of Appliances Following the Modifications to the Rooms of Their Homes. Profile B (T4 Flat)

Produced by the authors

49This recommendation, just as the first, falls into the category of socio-behavioural measures which have a minimal impact on the building.

Energy Recommendation C. Spatial clustering of increases in internal gains

50Destined to be applied to profile B, this recommendation suggested adapting the residents’ energy use to get the most out of the passive energy particularities of the existing building. Depending on the typological layout, the exposure of the windows and doors and their proximity to the most occupied rooms, it meant allowing the residents to make the most of their energy behaviour by evaluating the energy-efficiency of spatial clustering of the increases in internal gains due to occupancy and household appliance use (fig. 16). This recommendation, that could be defined as “socio-technical”, allows architectural qualities of the building to be conserved by avoiding heavy duty renovations (ETI or ITI).

Figure 16. Comparison of the Level of Control of Profile A and the Average Score of all the T2 Housing Units Surveyed

Figure 16. Comparison of the Level of Control of Profile A and the Average Score of all the T2 Housing Units Surveyed

Produced by the authors

Awareness of the energy effects of modifying residents’ behaviour

51Taking the Renovation 2.0 approach into account targeted in the study and the observations raised by the DES, it seemed like an interesting idea to develop a tool capable of assessing the implementation of different scenarios for energy recommendation guidelines. These guidelines have a simple objective, to raise the residents’ awareness of their occupancy balance and energy consumption and to allow them to assess themselves and evaluate their habits and adapt their behaviour in line with the recommended energy parameters for their household.

52The design and distribution of a questionnaire on raising awareness, based on the results of the scenario phase, constitutes the final accomplishment of the methodology of the research. It aims to define the strategic guidance to assist architects and estate managers in their selection of profiles for renovation 2.0. which in turn provides a better follow-up over long-term scenarios for energy recommendation guidelines developed during the study phase of this research. Based on the principle that the energy renovation 2.0 of an estate also depends on levels of observation, control and interaction with residents, we attempted to identify, amongst the selected profiles for the study, behaviours that were receptive to these three ideas which could influence the increase of internal gains (due to occupancy and the use of appliances) and consequently a reduction in energy consumption. Based on the findings, the answers were recorded in the form of tables, then scored and divided into thematic sections, in line with the research methodology

53The “Assessment of satisfaction levels” section allowed us to obtain ⅔ of the answers and opinions of the residents involved in the case studies. The ‘self-assessment’ section, on the other hand, generated 20 answers out of all 94 housing units on the Vieille-Motte site. Amongst the households surveyed were notably six T2 flats, seven T4 flats and seven T6 flats. Two T2 flats presented situations which were similar to profile A (exposure of the housing unit, number of occupants and types of activity). One of the T4 flats is also very close to the situation studied for profile B. For profile C, we identified three types of T6 flats which were similar in terms of exposure (North/ Northwest) and the number of occupants.

Results and discussion

54Answers in the “Self-assessment” section were analysed according to a range inspired by the Lickert scale. We were convinced that this psychometric scale was a good fit for our interpretative approach to our results. To implement it we determined six scores, numbered 1-6, which seemed an efficient way to facilitate the quantitative treatment of the statistical data collected.

55Profile A reacted to the suggested recommendations, based on the in-depth analysis and the preferred hypothetical scenario. It scored 5/6 relative to the assessment of recommendation B. In addition, it scored 4/6 on the feasibility of the implementation of measures outlined in the scenario. However, when it was necessary to express their desire to continue discussions and experiences related to the scenario, profile A scored their motivation 2/6. They indicated that in the raising awareness questionnaire, the observation, control and interaction levels were lower compared to averages in similar typologies (fig. 16). The difference between the observation levels is most striking in profile A (2,9/6) compared to the average levels in similar typologies (3,47/6). This demonstrates a lack of concern regarding the impact of energy variations due to behaviour. The interaction score of profile A (3,2/6), indicated, however, an adequate level of control of their thermal comfort (heating).

56Although it was not stated clearly in the assessment of recommendation C, together with the feasibility of the implementation of measures suggested by this scenario, profile B scored interaction and control levels far higher than the averages recorded by the other T4 flats (fig. 17).

Figure 17. Comparison of the Levels of Control of Profile B and the Average Score of all the T4 Flats Surveyed

Figure 17. Comparison of the Levels of Control of Profile B and the Average Score of all the T4 Flats Surveyed

Produced by the authors

57Only the observation level scores were lower in comparison to other typologies — 2,81/6 for profile B and 3,31/6 for similar typologies. This score represents the residents’ lack of concern with regards to the impact of behaviour in the household on energy consumption. The levels of interaction (4,4/6) and control (3,97/6) do, however, confirm the sensitivity and attention paid by profile B to the energy variation parameters and their influence on adaptable thermal comfort.

58The observation, interaction and control levels of profile C could not be established, as so few residents participated in the questionnaire phase. This prevented us from assessing recommendations A and B. However, other residents of similar typologies did participate willingly and engaged more with the study.

59The results of the awareness raising questionnaire show clear disparities between the results of residents of T6 flats and those living in T2 and T4 flats. 39,5% of the occupied T6 flats, 71% of those interviewed for the awareness-raising questionnaire live in a couple. The low occupancy rates of the rooms in the T6 flats can be explained by the findings observed (3,02/6) and underline the difficulties in grasping how to impact energy benefits by changing your behaviour. Similarly, the interaction levels measured (2,6/6) reveal the increasingly complex management of the comfort control measures. Indeed, in the less occupied T6 flats, the increase in internal energy gains was limited. The management of the atmosphere and the level of comfort rely moreover on the technical systems at the residents’ disposal. However, it turns out that according to the results of the DES and the technical systems at residents’ disposal and the residents’ answers to the questionnaires, they distinguished effective ways of reducing energy and restoring the losses and maintaining a level of comfort and lower energy consumption. The overall scores (3) confirm challenges shared by most of the residents surveyed, while recognising the passive energy of their homes and the impact on energy due to their behaviour. On the other hand, what is crucial is the comparison of the residents’ behaviour to each other -interaction - where the average scores for self-assessment were much more varied and raised further questions on the levels of acceptability, adaptability and application of the various methodological approaches of the research. In fact, the exploitation of the outcomes of the questionnaire presents a major asset to the self-determination of the targeted profiles of Renovation 2.0, based on the established averages. The case-by-case synthesis of the various analysis criteria (observations, interactions, controls) give us a greater understanding of the parameters that influence the covariation of the behavioural impact on energy (analysed in the DES) together with residents’ awareness levels. In the case of the site at Neuville en Ferrain, we identified several answer categories which were dependent not only on typo-morphological factors of the housing units, but also on the relation between residents and the socio-morphological composition of their households (fig. 18, 19).

Figure 18. Comparison of all Housing Typologies Surveyed in Terms of Average Levels of Control Raised

Figure 18. Comparison of all Housing Typologies Surveyed in Terms of Average Levels of Control Raised

Produced by the authors

Figure 19. Comparison of the Resident Profile Types Surveyed in Terms of the Average Levels of Control

Figure 19. Comparison of the Resident Profile Types Surveyed in Terms of the Average Levels of Control

Produced by the authors

60When we combine the results of the in-depth analysis of the three case studies of typical profiles in the experimentational phase, we noticed a correlation between residents’ energy behaviour and their ability to influence the feasibility, and even the cost-efficiency of the Renovation 2.0 approach. Except for profile C which did not want to develop this phase of the study, it seemed that the awareness level of profile B corresponded to a category of typical resident profiles which were attentive to the effects of energy variations due to behaviour. This was not the case with profile A who showed a level of awareness closer to the averages of all the typologies, which could correspond to the categories of typical profiles who were insensitive to the effects of energy variations due to behaviour.

61This observation justifies the methodological response of the research in terms of the need to interpret the DES results based on the analysis of energy awareness levels of certain residents. Those who were the most responsive to the study’s recommendations and/ or occupied the largest types of housing units, were representative of the typical profiles which had the greatest facility to adhere to the Renovation 2.0 energy approach. We also noted that the scenarios suggested for optimising residents’ energy behaviour in the heart of existing housing types (Recommendation B), could serve as a first step to becoming involved, according to the nature of the profiles identified. Secondly, the scenarios which proposed the densification of energy behaviours in existing typologies (Recommendations A and C), will only be envisaged on the condition that these profiles already have a home capable of accommodating the recommended changes.


62As a result of these experiments, we have been able to demonstrate that the use of occupancy and activity planning in households can have significant benefits in terms of reducing energy consumption needs and improving adaptive thermal comfort. We also demonstrated that “Renovation 2.0”, with its participatory, collaborative approach, represents a major factor in facilitating decision making and offers several small-scale, non-standard potentially highly adaptable solutions, depending on the typologies and/or targeted resident profiles. In the framework of our case study, the quantitative results of the households investigated via the DES, brought us to the conclusion that the household had huge potential for energy improvements with minimal interventions on the building, notably the T6 flats. Due to their spatial configuration and low levels of occupancy per metre squared, these household could carry out low risk, low-cost intervention measures and taking on socio-technical changes, all of which brought about considerable energy performance improvements (partitioning of less occupied rooms, changes to the typological allocation, increases in the number of occupants, repositioning of energy use and appliances, etc.). The categorisation of resident profiles through questionnaires’ proposed methodology also allows us to better target households with a higher potential for the deployment of socio-behavioural measures. Indeed, the profiles which attained self-assessment scores of an average higher than 4, showing greater sensitivity to energy issues, could be adapted more easily to the implementation of “eco-responsible” behavioural changes.

63Finally, the assessment of the possibilities for changes in behaviour, based on digital simulations carried out with the BIM maquette, allowed us to go back and forth to implement energy improvements qualified as ‘step-by-step’. Feedback on the steps to be carried out, allowed us to test solutions under a range of different conditions and to check every minute detail to clarify their inherent risks and advantages.

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Isabella Gaetani, Pieter-Jan Hoes and Jan L. M. Hensen, “Occupant Behavior in Building Energy Simulation: Towards a Fit-For-Purpose Modeling Strategy,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 121, 2016, p. 188-204.

Ray Galvin, “Making the ‘Rebound Effect More Useful for Performance Evaluation of Thermal Retrofits of Existing Homes: Defining the ‘Energy Savings Deficit and the ‘Energy Performance Gap’,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 69, 2014, p. 515-524.

Yoshino Hiroshi et al., “IEA EBC annex 53: Total Energy Use in Buildings-Analysis and Evaluation Methods,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 152, 2017, p. 124-136.

Tianzhen Hong et al., “Ten Questions Concerning Occupant Behavior in buildings: The Big Picture,” Building and Environment, Vol. 114, 2017, p. 518-530.

Tianzhen Hong et al. “An Ontology to Represent Energy-Related Occupant Behavior in Buildings. Part I: Introduction to the DNAs Framework,” Building and Environment, 92, 2015, p. 764-777.

Rensis Likert, “A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes,” Archives of psychology, 1932, Vol. 140, p. 5-55.

Antonella Mastrorilli et al., “Systèmes dynamiques pour la rénovation énergétique du patrimoine architectural du XXe siècle,” rapport final du programme pluriannuel de recherche 2016-2020 “Architecture du XXe siècle, matière à projet pour la ville durable du XXIe siècle”, 2020.

Antonella Mastrorilli et al., “Réhabilitation 2.0 : vers des solutions minimales et non standard pour le patrimoine bâti du XXe siècle,” in Philippe Grandvoinnet (dir), L’Architecture du XXe siècle : patrimoine culturel et matière à projet, Paris, Éditions du Patrimoine/CMN, 2023, p. 116-131.

Antonella Mastrorilli et al., “Methods for Determining Occupant Behavioural Models for Energy-Efficient Retrofitting of 20th Century Buildings,” Proceedings of the 17th IBPSA Conference, Bruges, Sept. 1-3, 2021, p.  3694-3701.

Zheng O’Neill, Bryan Eisenhower, “Leveraging the Analysis of Parametric Uncertainty for Building Energy Model Calibration,” Building Simulation, Vol. 6, 2013, p. 365-377.

Fionn Stevenson, Leaman Adrian, “Evaluating housing performance in relation to human behaviour: new challenges,” Building Research and Information, Vol. 38, 2010, p. 437-441.

Éric Vorger, Étude de l’influence du comportement des habitants sur la performance énergétique du bâtiment, Paris, ENMP, 2014.

Yan, Zhang et al., “Rethinking the role of occupant behavior in building energy performance: A review,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 172, 2018, p. 279-294.

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1 Communication FROM The Commission TO THe European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee OF THE Regions, COM, 2020, 562, 23/10/2022, p. 8, [on line] [], accessed 10/10/23.

2 Directive 2018/844/EU of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency, art. 15, [on line]. [], accessed 10/10/23.

3 Stuart Barlow, Dusan Fiala, “Occupant Comfort in UK Offices. How Adaptive Comfort Theories Might Influence Future Low Energy Office Refurbishment Strategies,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 39, Issue 7, 2007, p. 837-846; Leena E. Thomas, “Evaluating Design Strategies, Performance and Occupant Satisfaction: A Low Carbon Office Refurbishment,” Building Research & Information, Vol. 38, 2010, Issue 6, p. 610-624; Jonathan Owens, Harold Wilhite, “Household Energy Behavior in Nordic Countries-An Unrealized Energy Saving Potential,” Energy, Vol. 13, Issue 12, 1988, p. 853-859.

4 Kathryn B. Janda, “Buildings Don’t Use Energy: People Do,” Architectural Science Review, Vol. 54, Issue 1, p. 5-22.

5 Yan Zhang et al., “Rethinking the Role of Occupant Behavior in Building Energy Performance: A Review,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 172, 2018, p. 279-294.

6 Jonathan Owens, Harold Wilhite, op. cit.

7 Antonella Mastrorilli et al., “Systèmes dynamiques pour la rénovation énergétique du patrimoine architectural du XXe siècle”, rapport final du programme pluriannuel de recherche 2016-2020 “Architecture du XXe siècle, matière à projet pour la ville durable du XXIe siècle,” 2020.

8 Davide Calì et al., Energy Performance Gap in Refurbished German Dwellings: Lesson Learned from a Field Test,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 127, 2016, p. 1146-1158.

9 Tianzhen Hong et al., An Ontology to Represent Energy-Related Occupant Behavior in Buildings. Part I: Introduction to the DNAs Framework,” Building and Environment, 92, 2015, p. 764-777.

10 Isabella Gaetani, Pieter-Jan Hoes and Jan L. M. Hensen, “Occupant Behavior in Building Energy Simulation: Towards a Fit-For-Purpose Modeling Strategy,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 121, 2016, p. 188-204.

11 IEA-EBC Annex 66, Occupants Behavior Research Bibliography, [on line] [], accessed 10/10/23.

12 Ray Galvin, Making the ‘Rebound Effect More Useful for Performance Evaluation of Thermal Retrofits of Existing Homes: Defining the ‘Energy Savings Deficit and the ‘Energy Performance Gap’,” Energy and buildings , Vol. 69, 2014, p. 515-524; Zheng O’Neill, Bryan Eisenhower, “Leveraging the Analysis of Parametric Uncertainty for Building Energy Model Calibration,” Building Simulation, Vol. 6, 2013, p. 365-377. Daša Majcen et al., “Theoretical vs. Actual Energy Consumption of Labelled Dwellings in the Netherlands: Discrepancies and Policy Implications,” Energy Policy, Vol. 54, 2013, p. 125-136; Antonella Mastrorilli et al., “Methods for Determining Occupant Behavioural Models for Energy-Efficient Retrofitting of 20th-Century Buildings,” Proceedings of the 17th IBPSA Conference, Bruges, Belgium, Sept. 1-3, 2021, p. 3694-3701.

13 Éric Vorger, Étude de l’influence du comportement des habitants sur la performance énergétique du bâtiment, Diss. Paris, ENMP, 2014; Yoshino Hiroshi et al., “IEA EBC annex 53: Total Energy Use in Buildings-Analysis and Evaluation Methods,” Energy and Buildings, Vol.  152, 2017, p. 124-136.

14 Hong Tianzhen et al., “Ten Questions Concerning Occupant Behavior in Buildings: The Big Picture, Building and Environment, Vol. 114, 2017, p. 518-530.

15 Linda Steg, “Promoting Household Energy Conservation,” Energy Policy, Vol. 36, Issue 12, 2008, p. 4449-4453.

16 Riikka Holopainen et al., “Comfort Assessment in the Context of Sustainable Buildings: Comparison of Simplified and Detailed Human Thermal Sensation Methods,” Building and Environment, Vol. 71, 2014, p. 60-70.

17 Leena E. Thomas, “Evaluating Design Strategies, Performance and Occupant Satisfaction: A Low Carbon Office Refurbishment,” op. cit.; and see also Stevenson, Leaman. Adrian, “Evaluating Housing Performance in Relation to Human Behaviour: New Challenges,” Building Research and Information, Vol. 38, 2010, p. 437-441.

18 This Social Housing Operation (1975) is attributable to the architects Jean Willerval (1924-1996) and Omer Lecroart (1912-1988).

19 EU Building Stock Observatory, [on line] [], accessed 10/10/23.

20 See note 1.

21 Directive 2018/844/EU of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings and Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency, art. 13, [on line]. [], accessed 10/10/23.

22 Ibid., art. 18.

23 Ibid., art. 20.

24 Ministère de la Transition écologique, Réglementation thermique RT2012, [on line] [], accessed 10/10/23.

25 Félicie Geslin, “Le bâti ancien appelle des solutions non standardisées”, Les Cahiers techniques du batiment, [on line] [], accessed 10/10/23.The label was introduced by the Ministry of Culture and Communication in 1999 to raise awareness among decision-makers, planners, users and the general public of the 20th century outstanding architectures.

26 Ministère de la Transition écologique, Réglementation environnementale RE2020, [on line] [], accessed 10/10/23.

27 Antonella Mastrorilli et al., “Réhabilitation 2.0 : vers des solutions minimales et non standard pour le patrimoine bâti du XXe siècle,” in Philippe Grandvoinnet (dir), L’Architecture du XXe siècle : patrimoine culturel et matière à projet, Paris, Éditions du Patrimoine/CMN, 2023, p. 116-131.

28 Ibid.

29 Ibid.

30 Ibid.

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List of illustrations

Title Figure 1. 3D Modelling of “La Salamandre” Social Housing Complex (Rental Section) Using Autodesk Revit 2018 [8]
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Title Figure 2. Methodological Process For Dynamic Energy Simulation Coupled With Detailed Behavioral Model
Credits Produced by the authors.
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Title Figure 3. Survey Protocol on the Awareness-Raising Phase. Workflow of the Application of the Survey Protocol
Credits Produced by the authors.
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Title Figure 4. Digital Maquette BIM of Housing on the Estate in the Vieille Motte Neighbourhood in Neuville-en-Ferrain
Credits Produced by the authors.
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Title Figure 5. Example of Variations in Average Occupancy Data over a Typical Day for a Genuine Profile (Yellow) and the Profile Derived from TH BCE-RT2012 Calculation Methods (Grey)
Credits Produced by the authors.
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Title Figure 6. Individual Housing Units on the Estate in the Vieille Motte Neighbourhood in Neuville-en-Ferrain
Caption This social housing operation (1975) is attributable to the architects Jean Willerval (1924-1996) and Omer Lecroart (1912-1988).
Credits Produced by the authors
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Title Figure 7. Plans of Housing Typologies on the Vieille Motte, Neuville-en-Ferrain Estate
Caption (1) T2 Flat Facing Due South; (2) T4 Flat Facing North West, (3) T6 Flat Facing North.
Credits Produced by the authors
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Title Figure 9. Comparison of Internal Gains Due to Occupancy and Average Energy Consumption Needs of Household Appliances on a Typical Day. Profile B (T4 Flats)
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Title Figure 10. Comparison of Internal Gains Due to Occupancy and Average Energy Consumption Needs of Household Appliances on a typical day. Profile C (T6 Flat)
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Title Figure 11. DES Results of the Comparison of Internal Gains (Due to Occupancy and the Use of Household Appliances) for Three Typical T2, T4, T6 Flats.
Credits Produced by the authors
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Title Figure 12. Interpretation of the Results and Definition of Intervention Strategies According to the Types Flat (T2, T4,T6) and Household’s Profiles (A, B, C)
Credits Produced by the authors
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Title Figure 13. Energy Recommendation Scenario – Increasing the Occupancy Variable and the Length of Time Present on a Typical Day. Profile C (T6 Flat)
Credits Produced by the authors
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Title Figure 14. Energy Recommendation Scenario Aimed at Matching the Activities and the Usage Balance of Appliances at Times When Residents Were Present in the Home. Profile A (T2 Flat)
Credits Produced by the authors
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Title Figure 15. Energy Recommendation Scenario Aimed at Revisiting the Repositioning of Residents’ Activities and Use of Appliances Following the Modifications to the Rooms of Their Homes. Profile B (T4 Flat)
Credits Produced by the authors
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Title Figure 16. Comparison of the Level of Control of Profile A and the Average Score of all the T2 Housing Units Surveyed
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Title Figure 17. Comparison of the Levels of Control of Profile B and the Average Score of all the T4 Flats Surveyed
Credits Produced by the authors
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Title Figure 18. Comparison of all Housing Typologies Surveyed in Terms of Average Levels of Control Raised
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Title Figure 19. Comparison of the Resident Profile Types Surveyed in Terms of the Average Levels of Control
Credits Produced by the authors
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Electronic reference

Antonella Mastrorilli and Roberta Zarcone, In-Depth Analysis Based on Occupant Behaviour: A Support-Decision Method for Energy-Efficient Retrofitting of 20th Century BuildingsLes Cahiers de la recherche architecturale urbaine et paysagère [Online], 19 | 2023, Online since 20 December 2023, connection on 25 January 2025. URL:; DOI:

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About the authors

Antonella Mastrorilli

Pr. Antonella Mastrorilli, Architecte, PhD in Sciences and Techniques of Architecture, Research Director, Full Professor at ENSAP Lille. Co-head of the LACTH Laboratory research of the ENSAP Lille. Her research activities deal with the relationships between Architecture, Sciences and new Technologies. Current research focuses on building performance in the XXth architectural heritage, and the impact of occupant behavior for decision-support of sustainable approach. She published books (in Italy and in France) and academic articles in international journals.
Latest publications: with R. Zarcone, T.  Colonneau, S. Chenafi, “Réhabilitation 2.0 : vers des solutions minimales et non standard pour le patrimoine bâti du XXe siècle”, in Philippe Grandvoinnet (dir), L’Architecture du XXe siècle : patrimoine culturel et matière à projet, Paris, Éditions du Patrimoine/CMN, 2023, p. 116-131; with A. Zarcone, S. Chenafi, T. Colonneau, “Methods for Determining Occupant Behavioural Models for Energy-Efficient Retrofitting of 20th-Century Buildings”, in Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021, 17th Conference IBPSA, Curran Associates, Inc., NY, Feb. 2022, p. 3694-3701.

Roberta Zarcone

Roberta Zarcone, Building Engineer-Architecte, Ph.D., Associate Professor of sciences and techniques for Architecture, co-president of Digital Matters Department at ENSA Paris-Malaquais. Co-head of GSA Geometry Structure Architecture of ENSA Paris Malaquais. Her main research topics focus on the environmental impact of construction and materials and building physics. Currently, her focus is on strategies for the XXth century buildings - dynamic methods for energy-efficient retrofitting or reuse methods for selective deconstruction.
Latest publications: with A. Mirani, “The Existing Building as a Source of Energy: Proposal of a Method for the Development of Operational Procedures for Reuse”, in Abitare la terra-Dwelling on earth. Quaderni. Supplemento alla Rivista di geoarchitettura, vol. XX, 2023; with A. Mastrorilli, T. Colonneau, S. Chenafi, « Réhabilitation 2.0 : vers des solutions minimales et non standard pour le patrimoine bâti du XXe siècle », in Philippe Grandvoinnet (dir), L’Architecture du XXe siècle : patrimoine culturel et matière à projet, Paris, Éditions du Patrimoine/CMN, 2023.

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