Tokyo International Law Office

Tokyo International Law Office



TKI provides strategic legal services for corporations fighting complex cross-border legal issues, with a focus on M&A.


Tokyo International Law Office provides strategic and expeditious legal services for corporations fighting complex cross-border legal issues. We rigorously advocate for our clients to achieve the best results. We bypass the conventional passive style of Japanese lawyers, actively probe the real requirements of our clients and provide business-oriented legal solutions. We actively assist and support our clients and provide quality services that go beyond client expectations. Our strength is in deeply comprehending the business strategy of our clients and proactively taking management roles within the relevant transaction. We coordinate smoothly with other professionals such as foreign counsels so that we can facilitate ultimate success for our clients. We are a team of professionals who become an arsenal our clients can use to win against global competition.

社員 51 - 200名


  • プライマリ

    P.O. BOX 571 ARK Mori Building 24F 1-12-32 Akasaka,



Tokyo International Law Officeの社員


  • We are pleased to announce that Takuya Mima has joined the Tokyo International Law Office team. Takuya has over 10 years of experience of working at major law firms in Japan, representing Japanese and international corporations across a wide range of practice areas including but not limited to life sciences, healthcare matters, mergers and acquisitions and intellectual property matters (including licensing transactions, joint research and development, brand and design protection, and dispute resolutions). Drawing on the expertise gained during his secondments to the legal department of a pharmaceutical company and the intellectual property division of a leading Japanese manufacturer, Takuya has developed a strong foundation in handling transactions that involve complex interactions between intellectual property laws and pharmaceutical/medical regulations. He has also provided dedicated support to Japanese companies in relation to certain U.S. patent litigations. In addition to the practice fields mentioned above, Takuya has significant experience in Southeast Asian cross-border M&A related activities, primarily as a result of his more than 1 year secondment to the Hong Kong affiliate office of a major Japanese law firm. The addition of Takuya to the firm signifies our determination to provide top-tier intellectual property law expertise which will further ensure the delivery of successful outcomes for our clients. 当事務所は新たに弁護士・ニューヨーク州弁護士の美馬拓也を迎えましたのでご案内申し上げます。 美馬弁護士は、日本国内大手法律事務所において、10年以上にわたり、国内外の企業を代理し、知的財産権関連案件(ライセンス取引、共同研究・開発、ブランド・デザイン保護、紛争など)、ライフサイエンス・ヘルスケア分野における案件、M&Aを中心として、国内外のクライアントに幅広くアドバイスを提供してまいりました。その中でも、外資製薬会社の法務部及び国内大手メーカー知的財産部への出向を通じて得た知見をベースに、知的財産法や薬事・医事に関連する諸々の法規制が絡み合う取引を一つの柱とします。米国特許訴訟の日本企業側からのサポートも行っています。また、上記で例示した分野に限られず、香港を拠点とした業務経験を通じ、東南アジア地域を中心に、クロスボーダー案件にも多くの経験があります。 私どもも美馬弁護士の入所を機会により一層の精進を重ねる所存ですので、何卒倍旧のご支援ご厚誼の程お願い申し上げます。 #TKI #Legal #Lawyers #Law #Lawyer #Japan

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  • We, Tokyo International Law Office (“TKI”) would like to express our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support during the past year. We wish you all a happy and prosperous new year, and look forward to continuing to support your business success in the new year. 新年、明けましておめでとうございます。旧年中は、当事務所に格別のご高配を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。皆様の本年の益々のご発展とご多幸を祈念して、年頭のご挨拶とさせていただきます。 #TKI #Legal #Lawyer #Lawyers #Law #Tokyo #Japan #NewYearGreeting

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  • On Christmas Eve, METI announced the results of the Round 3 auction regarding Offshore Wind Projects in Japan. What a nice Christmas present for the two winning consortiums! Both projects will implement fixed-bottom offshore wind turbines and the commercial operation is targeted for June 2030 in both cases. 𝗔𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗶 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲, 𝗻𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗧𝘀𝘂𝗴𝗮𝗿𝘂 𝗰𝗶𝘁𝘆 • Consortium members: JERA, Green Power Investment, Tohoku Electric Power • Power generation facility output: 𝟲𝟭𝟱𝗠𝗪 (15MW x 41 units, manufactured by 𝗦𝗶𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀𝗮) 𝗬𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲, 𝗻𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗬𝘂𝘇𝗮 𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗻 • Consortium members: Marubeni, Kansai Electric Power, BP Iota, Tokyo Gas, Marutaka • Power generation facility output: 𝟰𝟱𝟬𝗠𝗪 (15MW x 30 units, manufactured by 𝗦𝗶𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀𝗮) It is interesting to see the choice of turbine supplier for both projects. In Round 2, 2 of the 3 awarded projects are set to use Vestas turbines (the other one uses GE’s 18MW). Currently, European wind turbine suppliers in offshore wind projects in Japan tend to allocate major risks onto developers/sponsors because they are unfamiliar with the subsea/sea conditions and weather in Japan. Additionally, there are insufficient vessels available to transport and install the massive turbines and towers (e.g., jack-up vessels, installation vessels, installation vessels). The seas surrounding Europe are known to be shallower and less severe, and turbine suppliers are familiar with these conditions due to their extensive experience of European offshore wind project development starting in 1991. In particular, if a turbine supplier is not given the opportunity to conduct thorough geotechnical surveys, they are unlikely to accept any risks associated with the subsea conditions. This may be the case in Japan, where METI and developers set a tight commercial operation schedule and such detailed surveys will increase the overall project costs. Consequently, some of these risks will likely flow down to the BOP/civil and other local contractors, who are often Japanese construction companies and vessel owners, through back-to-back contracting. By doing so developers could hedge their risks. In Asia, Taiwan sets a good precedent. One of the issues there was the local content requirements, which foreign investors were initially uncomfortable about. However, the country has learned from it and developed the entire supply chain around the industry. In contrast, the Japanese government does not impose the same requirements, which is also interesting. Another exciting moment for the Japanese renewable energy market, and we, TKI, very much look forward to further supporting the industry! Content credits go to Hojung Jun (전호정) and MICHAEL LYNCH #TKI #Legal #Lawyer #Lawyers #Law #Tokyo #Japan #Energy #Construction #Turbine #OffshoreWind #PowerGeneration

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  • On December 16, 2024, TKI attorney Masayuki Horiike participated as a panelist in the Battery Energy Storage Seminar hosted by the Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association. For more details, please see the link below.   2024年12月16日開催の第一東京弁護士会の蓄電池事業の法務セミナー「再生可能エネルギー法務の最前線-脱炭素への打ち手としての蓄電池-」にて、当事務所の堀池雅之がパネリストとして登壇いたしました。詳細は下記リンクよりご覧ください。   #TKI #Legal #Lawyer #Lawyers #Law #Seminar #Webinar #Tokyo #Japan #Battery #Energy #Decarbonization #Panelist #EnvironmentalLaw

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  • On January 27, 2025, TKI will co-host a seminar with Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC titled "Cyber Incidents and Business Risks: Responding to Cyberattacks and Managing Legal Risks". Preparing for and responding to cyberattacks is no longer just an IT issue—it has become a key management challenge for the entire organization. This seminar will focus less on technical aspects and more on key points relevant to non-IT departments, providing clear guidance for effective crisis response. Our attorney, Haruka Matsumoto, will serve as the speaker. For details and registration, please visit the link below. 2025年1月27日、デロイト トーマツ ファイナンシャルアドバイザリー合同会社主催/当事務所共催「サイバーインシデントと経営リスク - サイバー攻撃対応の現場と法的リスクへの対処 -」セミナーを開催します。 サイバー攻撃に対する備えや初動対応の心構えは、今やIT部門だけの課題ではなく全社的な経営課題として取り組むべき時代です。今回のセミナーでは、技術的な論点は控えめに、非IT部門の方にも有事対応で必要となる論点をわかりやすく学んでいただけます。講師は、当事務所の松本弁護士が務めます。ご興味のある方は、以下のリンクから詳細をご確認のうえ、お申し込みください。 #TKI #Legal #Lawyer #Lawyers #Law #Tokyo #Japan #Seminar #Webinar #Cyberattack #RiskManagement

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  • Companies operating globally need to avoid being sanctioned for unexpected breaches of foreign laws and regulations. In recent years, a wide range of global regulations have been imposed, including on supply chains, as seen in economic security regulations, human rights regulations and regulations on bribery of foreign officials, etc. It is necessary to accurately understand and respond to these regulations. The enforcement of the new corporate offence of failure to prevent fraud in the UK can be seen as part of such wider trend in global regulations. If you are interested in this topic, we encourage you to read TKI's latest column, "Do you have reasonable procedures in place to prevent fraud involving your organization?: Publication of UK Government guidance on ‘offence of failure to prevent fraud’". This column was written by Attorney Masayuki Otake, with support from MICHAEL LYNCH (Registered foreign attorney and Solicitor (admitted in England and Wales)) and Ranjini Gogoi (Foreign attorney (admitted in India and England and Wales, not registered in Japan). グローバルな活動をする企業は、思いがけず国外法令に違反することで制裁を受けることを避ける必要があります。昨今では、経済安保関連規制、人権関連規制、外国公務員贈賄規制等に見られるように、サプライチェーンをも含む広範なグローバル規制がかけられており、これらの規制につき正確に把握し、対応していくことが求められますが、英国における不正防止懈怠罪の施行もこうしたグローバル規制の一環として捉えられます。このテーマにご興味のある方は、大竹 将之弁護士が執筆し、マイケル リンチ外国法事務弁護士・ソリシター(イングランドおよびウェールズ)およびランジーニ ゴゴイ外国法弁護士(インド、イングランドおよびウェールズ/日本未登録)の協力を得て執筆した、TKIの最新コラム「社内の不正防止対策は十分ですか?~『不正防止懈怠罪』に関する英国政府ガイダンスの公表~」をぜひご覧ください。 #TKI #Legal #Lawyer #Lawyers #Law #Column #Tokyo #Japan #UK #ForeignLaws #Regulations

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  • Tokyo International Law Officeさんが再投稿しました

    💡 Japan Law Firm Awards 2024 is now live!     Asia Business Law Journal is pleased to reveal the Japan Law Firm Awards 2024, celebrating the country’s best in the past year.   Nishimura & Asahi won the Law Firm of the Year. It is also ranked among the Best Overall Law Firms, alongside Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto and Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu.   We also recognise four leading foreign law firms, which include A&O Shearman, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, Morrison Foerster and White & Case LLPTokyo International Law Office captured the Best Boutique Law Firm, while Groombridge, Wu, Baughman & Stone LLP was named Best New Law Firm.   See the full list and accompanying analysis below 👇 Congratulations to all the recognised law firms, including:  Abe, Ikubo & Katayama  AI-EI LAW FIRM  Allen & Overy  Aoyama & Partners  Araki International IP&Law  Atsumi & Sakai Baker McKenzie  City-Yuwa Partners Clifford Chance Daiichi Law Office  GI&T Law Office Greenberg Traurig, LLP Hibiya Sogo Law Offices  Hiratsuka & Co  Jones Day  Latham & Watkins  Linklaters  MARKS IP LAW FIRM  Milbank LLP Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners  Ohno & Partners  Okabe & Yamaguchi  So & Sato southgate (registered association) Sparkle Legal  Taiyo Nakajima & Kato  TMI Associates  Uchida & Samejima  Vanguard Lawyers Tokyo  Withersworldwide  Yoshida & Partners    #ablj #asia #japan #abljawards #toplawfirms #lawfirms #legalawards #generalcounsel #inhousecounsel #business #legalprofession #lawyers #legal #law #lawdotasia

    Japan Law Firm Awards

    Japan Law Firm Awards

  • Tokyo International Law Office was selected as the Best Boutique Law Firm in Asia Business Law Journal’s 2024 Japan Law Firm Awards. Check here for more details. Asia Business Law Journalの2024 Japan Law Firm Awardsにおいて、当事務所がBest Boutique Law Firmに選出されました。 詳細は下記よりご確認ください。 #TKI #Legal #Lawyers #Lawyer #Law #Asian #Japan #Tokyo #Awards #BestBoutiqueLawFirm

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  • On December 5, 2024, TKI's attorney Haruka Matsumoto led a seminar at the Association of Corporate Legal Departments on "Understanding the Process and Methods of Misconduct Investigations." When inappropriate actions or cases of misconduct by employees or management are discovered, how should a company respond? This seminar provided an overview of the general process of fraud investigations for those responsible for risk management, while also discussing challenges and key considerations for investigations, especially in overseas subsidiaries. 2024年12月5日開催の経営法友会にて、当事務所の松本はるかが「◆きちんと知りたい! 不正調査のプロセスと手法」について講演しました。 従業員や経営者による不適切行為・不正行為が発覚した時、企業にはどのような対応が求められるのでしょうか。本セミナーでは、企業のリスク管理を担当される皆様に不正調査のプロセスの一般的な流れをお伝えしつつ、上記のような悩ましい問題や、海外子会社に特有な不正調査の留意点についても併せてお話ししました。 #TKI #Legal #Lawyer #Lawyers #Law #Seminar #Webinar #Tokyo #Japan #Misconduct #Investigation #OverseasSubsidiaries

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