ウェストミーズ州 ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

シェラトン アスロン ホテル
チェックイン時に私たちの部屋がアップグレードされたと伝えられました。私たちが隣のアパートを見ることができたので、アップグレードが素晴らしいとは思わないので、ラインで洗ってください! .しかし、部屋は快適で清潔で、必要なものはすべて揃っていました。私はベッドの近くに無料のソケットが好きで、電話を充電することができました。しかし、それは大きな問題ではありません。 ホテルには明らかに多くの「鶏」パーティーがそこに滞在していました。だから、夕方遅くにホテルに戻るには、多くの酔っ払いの住民を避けることが含まれていました。また、ホテルのバーは非常にいっぱいで、バーで速い飲み物が好きでしたが、これはこの地域には多くのバーがあるので、小さな問題があります。 朝食ビュッフェは大丈夫でした。アイルランドでずっとよく食べました。ブラックプリンは非常に乾燥していました - しばらくトレイにあったかもしれないと疑われました。ソーセージは非常に味が悪いでした。 しかし、私が特に気に入らなかったのは、コーヒー/紅茶は、当然長いキューをとったビアマシンであり、明らかに適切なサイズではないマグにはるかに多くの液体を注ぎ込んだことです。 全体的に、立地が素晴らしく、部屋も良かったのでまたここに泊まるつもりです。
ホドソン ベイ ホテル
絶対に素晴らしい。クラシックルーム。一人でシャワーとバスを待つ素敵な大きく明るい部屋。タオル、トイレタリー、お茶とコーヒー、そして湧き水が豊富です。ミニ冷蔵庫。敷地と湖zmazing. アスローンへのバイキングボート旅行の大きな価値と素晴らしい楽しみは、各リターン15ユーロで。アスローンにタクシー15ユーロ。ワインに関する非常に良い情報を持つホテルでの無料のワインテイスティングイベント。非常によく配信されました。カヤックやウォータースポーツも利用できます。美しい自然のトレイルは湖を散歩します。あるいは、多くの席に座って景色と野生動物を楽しんでください。城、アートギャラリー、ボート旅行、素晴らしいお店、ファブレストラン、ライブミュージックなど、たくさんのことをする素晴らしいアトランタの素晴らしい目的地。 Thymeレストランと太った子牛は素晴らしい、ハイエンドですが、お金に大切です。ショーンとペダー·マックは素晴らしいライブ音楽を演奏しました。
ブルームフィールド ハウス ホテル、レジャー クラブ & スパ
Arrived on miserable night on business trip .excellent quiet spot to stay in lovely location good food and excellent service !
シャムロック ロッジ ホテル
Welcoming, cosy and comfortable hotel. Would recommend the Shamrock Lodge for a relaxing stay. Ate a tasty mean on the evening of arrival after a long journey and slept well before a day-long conference in the hotel next day. Enjoyed an excellent lunch served to over 100 guests and working facilities were also first class. Will come back for a holiday visit.
ラディソン ブル ホテル、アスロン
ニュー フォレスト ゴルフ クラブ アパートメンツ
Went here today someone in my party rang ahead and booked for 5 adults 1 high chair, informed that there would be a man with dementia in our party so it’s a last minute booking. We were told he can slot us in if we arrive within 5 minutes so we did. We arrived on time driving from another town, as we arrived the manager came up to me and said we’d be another few minutes, so we waited approx 5/10 minutes in the reception area and sat my disabled dad down as he was getting anxious and after waiting the general manager loudly and infront of people came up to me and said you have more than you booked here, there is 7 seats needed we only have you set for 5. I said oh sorry I didn’t realise I had to book for the newborn baby I had with me who was 12 weeks old, obviously doesn’t require a seat. I will hold her. He said no you may go and turned around and walked into the dining room to end the conversation. Then came back and said you should’ve booked it properly and again turned his back to us and walked away, all of us looking at each other confused I even apologised and said sorry I can put the buggy into the car and il carry them on my lap. He said no it doesn’t matter we can’t accommodate you, I then offered to leave so my family and my dad who is extremely far gone in terms of his dementia was getting extremely confused and scared. I then left, he came back then to my mother and told my mother it’s her own fault for not booking correctly. Having worked in multiple restaurants years ago as well as speaking to colleagues who I previously did work for through my job who work in one of the biggest five star hotels / golf resorts in Ireland informed me this is not how things are done and is not in any way normal to have to book for a 12 week old and suggested we were being refused on another basis and the baby was being used as a bad excuse, said person being a general manager of this golf resort in Ireland said he presumed it may be for my dads disability. It was lashing rain and I left to walk to the car park in the rain with my two children aged 1 and 12 weeks and very confused disorientated father. The general manager then 10 minutes later after arguing g with my mother after she asked to speak to the owner said he was in hospital so he cannot talk to us but he will seat us then suddenly he was able. I did not return as the walk to the car park was extremely long in the rain (there is no disability parking here so we were not parked near the door) my two babies were saturated and I was crying due to the spectacle being made. The people in my party who did stay informed me that multiple walk ins came in during this time as well as multiple empty tables not in use, so it appears there was no need to not allow us to bring my 12 week. Having spent the drive home crying, with two upset children it is safe to say I would not ever return this place again. The food is glorified bar food and I should have known management would be the same, considering he
アスロン スプリングス ホテル
グラッソン レイクハウス


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